Publications, Press Releases
Switzerland: Press Release on the Hong Kong Trial and Launching a Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-09-04To denounce human rights violations in China is considered as stealing State secrets and liable to a sentence of forced labour. To go to Tiananmen Square and quite simply to unfurl a banner displaying the three words: Truth Benevolence Tolerance will cost you dearly. To be able to continue to speak on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners detained and tortured in China, the Swiss practitioners, victims of the persecution, have decided to take action and to ask for compensation.
"Kalmar Barometern" (Swedish Newspaper): Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of Dafas Introduction to Kalmar City
2003-09-04'Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance are the three principles of Falun Gong. On Saturday, Falun Gong practitioners from Kalmar and all over Sweden were celebrating the fifth anniversary of Falun Dafas introduction to Kalmar city. Music and songs that are playing describe the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners started by the Chinese government.'
Article from Falun Gong files Genocide Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-03'The 30-page suit accuses Jiang -- who remains China's military head -- of "torture, crimes against humanity and genocide," said lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier after handing it to federal prosecutors..."Jiang's horrific form of a terror that does not just destroy lives, but destroys faith. It is a terror that should not be allowed to exist in the modern world," said Beauthier. "It is a terror that must be brought to justice."'
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Cuiying will Officially Sue Jiang Zemin at the United Nations
2003-09-03'Australian Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Cuiying, who is originally from China, will formally sue ex-president of China Jiang Zemin at the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Zhang Cuiyings lawyer Chris Nyst has informed the media about this news.'
Report from a Swedish Newspaper "Östran": Falun Gong Helps You Become a Better Person
2003-09-03'Practitioners [in China] have been persecuted and tortured. Falun Gong practitioners believe that the immense popularity of Falun Gong frightened the Chinese leaders. It is all because of power. The Chinese chairman Jiang is afraid of losing his power. Chinese people were deceived for decades in their speech and behaviour, first by communism, now by this Chinese government. Some Chinese in Sweden and I are blacklisted by the Chinese Embassy and we cannot get a visa back to China.'
Article from Belgian Newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws about the Genocide Lawsuit filed in Brussels
2003-09-02'They accuse the authorities in Beijing of genocide, crimes against humanity and torture of Falun Gong [practitioners]...One of the people who submitted the complaint is an inhabitant of Ghent, Matthias Slaats, who was imprisoned in Beijing in February 2002 for two days.'
Belgian Newspaper De Morgen Features a Full-Page Spread on Falun Gong and the Genocide Lawsuit filed against Jiang
2003-09-01'According to Matthias Slaats, the Belgian plaintiff, there is a lot of evidence. We could have involved thousands of cases in this complaint but we wanted to keep it clear. One of the plaintiffs is a Chinese woman with Australian nationality. In China, she was arrested and severely tortured in prison...Another woman says that her husband was tortured to death in 2001. The evidence in these cases is very strong.'
Article from Belgian Newspaper Het Belang Van Limburg: Falun Gong files a Complaint against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-01In 1999 Jiang, now ex-president of China started a suppression campaign against Falun Gong practitioners. Hundreds of thousands were arrested, more than 500 sentenced to long imprisonments. According to Belgian Falun Gong practitioners, more then 750 of their Chinese colleagues died during the repression.
Agence France Presse (AFP): Falun Gong [Practitioner] to go to UN with Claims she was Tortured by China (photo)
2003-08-31'An Australian [practitioner] of the Falun Gong spiritual movement who claims she was tortured in China is to mount a case in the UN Commission on Human Rights against former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, her lawyers said. Chinese artist Zhang Cui Ying, 41, says she was tortured and abused after being arrested and jailed because of her beliefs by Chinese authorities.'
FDI: Lawsuit Against Jiang -- Western Media Pay Attention, Chinese Media Reaction Low-key
2003-08-31When the lawsuit against Jiang was filed in a U.S. district court last October, the Chinese government never responded to court subpoena(s); instead, they tried through diplomatic channels to pressure the U.S. government to stop the lawsuit. The plaintiffs' attorney Terry Marsh said, "The defendant has not responded to the lawsuit through legal means; instead, they tried to reject it through diplomatic means."
EFGIC: Pride of China Dies from Extended Torture in Chinese Prison
2003-08-30After ten months of severe torture, a female practitioner of Falun Gong who faced the Chinese regimes persecution of her faith with dignity and peaceful resilience, died in a womens prison camp on July 19, 2003, according to reports.
"Le Soir" (Belgian newspaper): Under Universal Jurisdiction, Six Falun Gong Practitioners filed a Lawsuit
2003-08-29'A new international lawsuit has been filed in Belgium. This is a new challenge to Belgiums universal jurisdiction. Six Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit in Brussels, accusing the former leader of the Peoples Republic of China, Jiang Zemin, former vice premier of the State Council, Li Lanqing, and deputy director of 610 office, of being responsible for suppressing Falun Gong.'
"Gazet van Antwerpen" (Belgian newspaper): Citizen of Ghent Submits Complaint Against China
2003-08-29'Chinese head of state Jiang Zemin and two other leaders based on genocide, crimes against humanity and torture...Members of the Falun Gong movement are focusing on Jiang Zemin because he has forged and directed a plan that intended to eliminate Falun Gong in China. Amongst the six plaintiffs there is a Belgian citizen and a Chinese national, who has resided in Belgium for more then three years.'
Report from Report Belgian Publication Les Dernieres Heures: Lawsuit against Former Chinese Leader Jiang
2003-08-28'Last Wednesday morning, six practitioners of Falun Gong - a cultivation practice from China and around the world - filed a lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and two other important political figures on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and crimes of torture.'
EFGIC: Farmer, Falun Gong Practitioner Force-Fed Boiling Water Dies in Chinese Prison
2003-08-28After being abducted multiple times and abused by local police for his practice of Falun Gong, a 56-year-old farmer from Heilongjiang Province was subjected to forced-feeding with boiling water. Emaciated and unable to stand on his own, he died in a Chinese prison on August 8, 2003.