Publications, Press Releases
Iceland radio Station reports on Lawsuit launched against Luo Gan
2003-09-12'Between ten and twenty members of the Falun Gong group have put forward charges at the state attorneys office, where they demand that Luo Gan the head of the legal system in China - is arrested and placed in detention in Iceland. The group has accused Luo Gan of violating international law and international agreements, and are accusing him of being guilty of genocide.'
Article from French Newspaper "La Provence": Falun Gong Practitioners at Clock Square
2003-09-12"The practice began in China and in 1992 it spread to the public. Since then, it has attracted 100 million Chinese people. Nevertheless, the leaders of the Communist Party did not like this. From their perspective, 100 million people was too many. As a result, the leaders of the Communist Party began to brutally persecute practitioners. This is the reason we have held these activities.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Falun Gong Practitioner Travels to Thirty Seven Countries to seek a Redress for the Cruel Murder of her Husband
2003-09-11'After she left China for Australia, she devoted herself to calling for justice for her husband and campaigning against this brutal persecution. She has travelled to thirty-seven countries to tell her story and to call for justice from the international community. France is currently her 37th stop. Her cry for help concerns the murder of her husband and also targets Jiang Zemin, the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party.'
Two Reports from French Media about Falun Gong Practitioners' Activities
2003-09-11"For the entire weekend, more that 10 people came to Clock Square in Avignon to practise Falun Gong. The reason was to let more people come to know Falun Gong. The government in Beijing has banned this meditation exercise because of the number of its' followers in China (100 million). The activities were also to show support for the Falun Gong practitioners who are currently being persecuted and tortured in China."
AFP: Icelandic Lawsuit accuses Top Chinese Leader of Torture and Genocide
2003-09-10'"Iceland has a legal and moral duty to prosecute forcefully and bring to justice persons that are guilty of systematic violations of international human rights," Adalsteinsson was quoted as saying...The group, whose followers practice meditation to improve their physical and mental well-being, say more than 1,600 members have been tortured or beaten to death in China during the crackdown.'
"Iceland Review" Reports on Protests against Luo Gan
2003-09-10The report went on to mention how Luo Gan attempted to export his suppression of freedom to the free land of Iceland and showed the true nature of this vicious regime that shamelessly acts like criminlas even in foreign countries: 'A journalist from the daily "Morgunbladid", who asked Gan a question about human rights, was surrounded by Chinese security guards immediately and transported from the premises.'
Daily News (New York): We Can Never Give Up Fight for Human Rights
2003-09-10"The skyscrapers recently built in Chinese cities are beautiful and often crowded, but not for a minute are they as crowded as the political prisons and hard-labor camps where millions of arrested Chinese are "taught" to think as the government wants them to think. The most important tools of the government are prisons and torture. For political prisoners, the two are virtually synonymous."
AFP: Hong Kong will not pass security law without public support: security chief
2003-09-10HONG KONG, Sept 6 (AFP) - Hong Kong will not try to enact its controversial security law, which has been shelved indefinitely following mass protests, until the bill has public support, the territory's security chief said on Saturday. "We will not push to enact this important piece of legislation until we have the support and understanding of the public," Security Secretary Ambrose Lee told reporters on Saturday.
BBC: Sars-like viruses found in China
2003-09-10Many expect there will be another outbreak of a Sars-like illness, perhaps starting later this year - and probably starting again in southern China, where conditions are most likely to allow similar viruses to jump from animals into humans. The World Health Organisation has introduced a new method of looking out for suspicious cases in southern China.
EFGIC: Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Iceland Charging Head of Gestapo-like Agency in China with Crimes of Torture, Genocide
2003-09-09Mr. Li Shao, a Falun Dafa practitioner from the UK, and Mr. Ragnar Adalsteinsson, renowned Icelandic human rights lawyer representing the plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Luo Gan for crimes of torture and genocide. The defendant, Luo Gan, is embarking on a tour of European nations this week.
Europa Press (Spanish Newspaper): A Falun Gong practitioner's bereaved wife exposes the persecution in Madrid and Appeals to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-09-08Since then Falun Gong practitioners have also accused Jiangs regime of extending the suppression overseas. Chinese embassies around the world, including the one in Spain have refused to renew Falun Gong practitioners passports even though they have legitimate residency status and working permits. As to the western Falun Gong practitioners, they have been denied entry to Chinese territory. Moreover, many Chinese newspapers in foreign countries have been acquired and controlled by the Chinese embassies. They dare not carry the true news about Falun Gong. They simply carry fabricated and slanderous news given by Chinese government.
Reference Material: The Economic Threat from China
2003-09-08'An invisible cause for concern is the extremely cheap labour costs in China. Everyone knows that in China the rights and interests of workers are seldom safeguarded. They have no trade unions and are not allowed to have trade unions. Most workers do not even know how to protect themselves from being injured and the worst is even if they do know, they have no way to deal with it, because nobody wants to help them. Laws are for suppressing the workers rather than safeguarding them.'
"The World Journal" (Spanish Newspaper): Falun Gong Practitioners file Complaint about Jiangs Crimes of Genocide
2003-09-07'Followers of Falun Gong, a traditional cultivation practice, filed a human rights abuse lawsuit in Madrid yesterday against Chinas former president Jiang Zemin. Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted since 1999 by Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese president who has gained the highest position in the Communist Party after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and is now in full command of the 6-10 office.'
Media Reports on "UK Falun Dafa Day" Celebrations
2003-09-06'Birmingham's Chamberlain Square was a picture of serenity when practitioners of Falun Gong, a traditional form of Chinese meditation, visited the city on Saturday. Eliza Li practises a meditation exercise which helps to improve mind and body. Falun Gong was first made public in 1992 and quickly become popular as people were drawn by stories of great health improvements.'
Article from Finnish newspaper Hämeen Sanomat: Falun Gong Acts Against the Persecution with Weapons of Spirituality
2003-09-05Falun Gong has five simple, smooth exercises. It is said that the exercises purify the energy channels in ones body...The principle is to follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in ones daily life. According to practitioners, Falun Gong is actually about striving to behave better 24 hours a day and to consider other people before ones own desires and intentions.