Publications, Press Releases
AFP: Hong Kong Must Release Security Law Details As Soon As Possible: US Says
2002-12-21'Many Hong Kong residents have expressed concern that the proposed new laws could curtail freedoms in the territory. Human rights and press groups have also condemned the bill.'
Media Summary: People from All Walks of life in Hong Kong Oppose Legislation on Article 23 (Photos)
2002-12-20'The Hong Kong government's proposal of legislation on Article 23 caused worry in the business community. The latest issue of Far Eastern Economic Review published an article saying that the proposal erodes Hong Kong's laws and undermines the guarantee of "One country two systems."'
Apple Daily News Report: No More Room For Silence (Photos) (Excerpt)
2002-12-20"Since the Hong Kong government proposed the consultation documents regarding Article 23 of the Basic Law in September, citizens of various social strata, professions and political backgrounds have expressed all kinds of concerns and opposing views regarding the government's proposal. However, these voices fell upon deaf ears...which is truly disappointing and regrettable."
EFIC: Hong Kongs Ominous Anti-Subversion Law Faces Broad-based Opposition from MEPs
2002-12-19On December 19, 2002 the European Parliament will be voting on a resolution against the ominous Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong. Practitioners will be holding a press conference at 11 am on 19 December at which the following MEPs will be speaking:Mr.Lennart SacredeusMr.Roger HelmerMr.Oliver Dupuis
New Zürich Newspaper (Switzerland): Protests in Hong Kong against Anti-Subversion Law
2002-12-19'Critics charge that such a law will put in place Mainland Chinese conditions in Hong Kong and would furthermore undermine one of Hong Kongs most-treasured prerogatives, the tradition of British prescriptive law and judicial system.'
Sueddeutsche Zeitung (German newspaper): Hong Kong pushes for Anti-Subversion Law Freedom before the Fall
2002-12-18Anson Chan, Hong Kong's previous second in command wrote that a free society and an independent and respected justice system are at the heart of Hong Kongs prior and future success...I can think of no other laws that would have such incisive consequences, not only for our freedom, rights and our lifestyle, but also for our survival as a huge financial and service sector centrum.
Hong Kong Imail: Thousands protest at subversion law
2002-12-18'Rally organizer Civil Human Rights Front estimated about 60,000 people from a broad spectrum of society - clerics, lawyers, civil servants, educators, journalists, artists, students and Falun Gong practitioners - joined in what was believed to be the biggest protest since the Hanover.'
Reuters: U.S. pushes China on human rights and democracy
2002-12-18'U.S. rights envoy Lorne Craner began two days of high-level talks with Chinese officials on Monday in which he was expected to press Beijing to free political prisoners and increase religious freedoms.'
EFIC Press Release: Hong Kongs Ominous Anti-Subversion Law Faces Broad-based Opposition
2002-12-17it is the ill-defined nature of Article 23 that is most worrying. The government waited five years before acting in a real hurry. Despite circulating vague proposals, it has issued no formal white paper with the exact language of the draft laws.
Press Release - IGFM (Austria): Chinas Iron Grip Toward Hong Kong
2002-12-17'In reality, [Article 23] translates into transplanting catastrophic human rights abuses, which are the norm in Mainland China, on to Hong Kong soil. There is still time to increase international pressure and loosen Chinas iron grip on Hong Kong, because the only thing China...respects and fears most is pressure from and shunning by the international community.'
South China Morning Post: Public's feelings of mistrust deepen over Article 23
2002-12-17'The Hong Kong Transition Project has noted a marked change in public opinion. In its latest survey, published on Friday, it found the number of people with fears about their personal freedoms had doubled following the publication of the proposals.'
EFGIC: International Rescue Committee Publicises Names of Over 100 Loved Ones from 16 Countries Imprisoned in China
2002-12-17The persecution of Falun Gong has had a far-reaching impact around the world ever since the persecution began in 1999. The Global Rescue estimates that in addition to the family and friends in China, over 150 overseas practitioners have been arrested and incarcerated for appealing for Falun Gong in China. At least one third are non-Chinese citizens of various countries. - Dr. Haiying He
AFP: Falungong urges US to appeal to China for [practitioners'] release
2002-12-17'The Falungong spiritual group has called on the United States to urge China during human rights talks next week to release more than 100 jailed adherents. The jailed Falungong [practitioners] have relatives living in 16 countries, including the United States, a statement from Falungong's [information center] in New York said.'
AFP: 12,000 march against proposed Hong Kong [..] law
2002-12-16"We do not want to see a security law belonging to China introduced in Hong Kong because state security in China means suppression of the freedom of Chinese citizens so that they cannot even express themselves without fear,"
Apple Daily's Commentary: Enactment of Article 23 Is a Potion of Slow Poison
2002-12-16According to Apple Daily's report on December 10, 2002, when people carefully read the Hong Kong Bar Association's response to the proposals to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, most of them will agree that the government's legislative proposal would bring far-reaching harm to Hong Kong's legal system, and would gradually erode its citizens' rights and freedoms. Therefore, people should all say "No" to the legislative proposal, just as the Bar Association did.