Publications, Press Releases
China Would be in Danger of What?
2002-12-09Some leaders of China are terrified by the potential disclosure to the public of the corruption and the cruelty of the party. The only way to avoid this danger is to firmly impose the autocratic mechanism implemented in Mainland China.
Observer Worldview Extra: Losing liberties in Hong Kong (Excerpt)
2002-12-09Civil liberties campaigners believe that the new laws could be used to punish critics of the Chinese government, journalists and newspaper editors who publish anti-government stories, and political dissidents...Rumours also surfaced on Monday that a number of foreign banks were discussing scaling back their operations in Hong Kong because of fears that the new laws would restrict the flow of information in the territory.
Apple Daily: Statement by Professors in Hong Kong Calls Article 23 a Tremendously Fearful Threat to Freedom of Press (Photo)
2002-12-09Full-time professors from the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong published a joint statement pointing out that the proposed Article 23 is a tremendously fearful threat to freedom of the press
AFP (Agence France-Press): Hong Kong Democrat labels anti-subversion law "evil"
2002-12-08'Martin Lee, Hong Kong's most prominent opposition politician, on Thursday branded proposed anti-subversion legislation "evil" and said he would oppose it with all the means at his disposal...A number of foreign governments, including the United States and the United Kingdom, Hong Kong's former colonial power, have also voiced concern.'
AFP (Agence France-Press): Human rights warning over Hong Kong anti-subversion laws
2002-12-08'"There is no question that this proposed legislation threatens individual liberties in a profound and sustained way," D'Souza, who is visiting the territory, told reporters. "That cannot but have a highly detrimental effect on Hong Kong as a society."'
EFIC Press release (supplement): Persecution of Relatives or Friends of European Residents
2002-12-07 -
BBC: HK banks worried by subversion bill
2002-12-07'Several foreign banks in Hong Kong are deliberating whether to scale down their presence in the territory if its government enacts proposed new treason laws.'
AFP (Agence France-Press): Japanese husband worried about health of jailed Falun Gong wife
2002-12-06"Kaneko, who is not a Falun Gong follower, said he visited her in August and was shocked to find bruises on her inner forearms. "Her bruises were black and they were obviously caused by internal bleeding, " he said, adding: "She was extremely skinny and appeared to have no energy, although she used to be a very perky person.""
BBC: Unlikely allies against HK subversion bill
2002-12-06"The recently-appointed Catholic Bishop for Hong Kong, Joseph Zen, has said the regulations currently being drawn up threaten Falun Gong's freedom to practise in the territory."
New York Times: China Has World's Tightest Internet Censorship, Study Finds
2002-12-06'China has the most extensive Internet censorship in the world, regularly denying local users access to 19,000 Web sites that the government deems threatening, a study by Harvard Law School researchers finds.'
Yahoo Daily News: Rights, Labour Groups Denounce Proposed Hong Kong Anti-Subversion Law
2002-12-06"In its statement, the Asian Human Rights Commission noted that the proposals had provoked the highest level of anxiety in the local community regarding the territory's future since the 1997 handover. "The fear stems from the perception that these proposed legislative changes may usher a new era of repression into Hong Kong akin to other parts of Asia," it said."
The Epoch Times (Europe): Interview with Chairman of Hong Kong Democratic Party
2002-12-05On 21st November, the Epoch Times correspondent in London interviewed Mr. Martin Lee in his hotel in central London. The full text of the conversation is in the body of this article.
Apple Daily: Expose the deceit of Article 23 - One Could Be Charged with Treason at any Moment (photo)
2002-12-05"[Hong Kong] government officials often emphasize that the legislation of Article 23 of the "Basic Law" will only limit to define some high-level crimes that ordinary citizens would not commit. However, a large group of lawyers stand up boldly and write articles in person to expose the governments lies."
Reuters: Subversion law seen turning HK into "police state"
2002-12-05"Hong Kong's controversial anti-subversion legislation will turn the freewheeling city into a police state, a human rights expert said on Wednesday."
EFIC: Persecution of Falun Gong in China Claims at Least 15 Lives in November
2002-12-04In the last month, the deaths of 15 Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed by the European Falun Gong Information Centre. Sadly these recorded cases are only the tip of the iceberg - One can only imagine how many more murders have been carried out in cold blood and covered up by the Jiang regime's web of lies and corruption.