Publications, Press Releases
In These Times (Online publication): Shanghai Surprise
2002-09-29"China has taken the battle against the Falun Gong outside its borders. Beijing convinced Cambodia to deport two Falun Gong practitioners who had fled to Phnom Penh and has used its consulates in America to harass Falun Gong adherents. One Falun Gong follower in Washington claims that Chinese agents have recorded his private conversations and then left the recordings on his answering machine to intimidate him. Beijing also may have influenced the stance of Hong Kongs government and media toward Falun Gong."
AFP: Hong Kong's proposed anti-subversion law stokes concern
2002-09-29Kan Hung-cheung, a spokesman for the Falungong spiritual group which is banned in China but legal in Hong Kong, slammed the proposed legislation as being part of a "plot" by Chinese president Jiang Zemin "to expand the persecution of the group." "No matter how the government explains it, it is targetting us," said Kan.
South China Morning Post: Article 23 to test Hong Kong's autonomy
2002-09-29[The Secretary for Security] admitted the government would have no way to challenge a decision to ban a group over national is inconceivable the Falun Gong will still be able to operate freely in the SAR if it is categorised a threat to national security on the mainland.
Wall Street Journal: Beijing Takes Complete Control Over Hong Kong
2002-09-28"The honeymoon is over. Beijing's patience is running out. "Hong Kong's recently re-appointed chief executive, Tung Chee Hwa, is about to install the necessary legal mechanisms to enable Beijing to suppress the free press and dissident groups in Hong Kong."
South China Morning Post: China Reportedly Using More Sophisticated Software to Censor Internet
2002-09-28"...for search engine requests for " Falun Gong" or even national leaders - the engine may stop when it turns up a search result that is too controversial."
Wall Street Journal: The Coming Crackdown In Hong Kong
2002-09-28"Naturally, Hong Kong people are now asking whether this could be used to prevent the kind of support they gave to the students in 1989; or to outlaw peaceful groups like the Falun Gong, which operates in Hong Kong [ ]. The government says no, but the real answer to all these is probably yes."
Falun Gong Woman Who Exposed Human Rights Abuses on Chinese Cable TV Dies from Police Brutality
2002-09-27(25 Sep, 2002 European Falun Gong Information Centre)20th Wrongful Death Confirmed in 21 Days
Anti-Subversion Law in Hong Kong Paves the Way for Jiang Zemins Tyranny
2002-09-27(25 Sep, 2002, Falun Dafa Information Centre)The so-called "anti-subversion law" is neither necessary nor appropriate. We believe the Hong Kong people will use peaceful and rational means to reject any laws that serve only the will of Jiang Zemin, and we urge them to stop these policies, which, if implemented, will lead to Hong Kongs destruction as a free society.
VOA News: EU Concerned about Human Rights in China
2002-09-27"On the sidelines of the Asia-Europe meeting in Copenhagen, EU leaders told China's Prime Minister Zhu Rongji they are concerned about China's use of the death penalty, torture and its treatment of ethnic minorities."
Taipei Times (Taiwan): China's Web Censorship Has Lessons for Taiwan
2002-09-27"In the latest development, e-mail users who applied for Yahoo and Hotmail addresses from within China are prevented from opening their mail boxes whenever they receive an e-mail containing "sensitive" words"
Taipei Times (Taiwan): Editorial - The Power of Free Expression
2002-09-27"The real problem rests in the fact that the minds of Beijing's officials have long been hijacked by pre-programmed hostility and are no longer receptive to what Falun Gong members have to say."
Press Release: Chinese Labour Camp Detainees Forced to Write Letters to UNs Kofi Annan
2002-09-26European Falun Gong Information Centre - September 19 2002Jiang Regime Relies on Coercion and Threats of Torture to Create the Illusion of Support for Its Falun Gong Policy
Central News Agency- Taiwan: Government Denies Falun Gong Hack Originated From Taiwan
2002-09-26 -
Reuters: Hong Kong media raise fears over planned subversion law
2002-09-26 -
Time Reports that China Uses Internet to Hack Falun Gong Server and Network Server of US Department of Transportation [Excerpt]