Publications, Press Releases
Wall Street Journal: Broken Promises in Hong Kong
2002-09-26 -
South China Morning Post: Rights groups and Falun Gong say Beijing will use legislation to target groups it doesn't like Abuse warning on vague' laws
2002-09-26 -
Dow Jones: Amnesty Says China Using Anti-terror War To Crush Dissent
2002-09-24 -
Wall Street Journal: A Dangerous Law
2002-09-24 -
Central News Agency: Taiwan Falun Gong Followers To Meet With Justice Minister
2002-09-24 -
Press Release: Falun Gong Remains Determined to Resolve Open Issues in Iceland
2002-09-22Icelandic authorities would neither confirm nor deny that the Chinese government is the source. They also officially cleared that the source of the list was not Interpol.
European Report: EU/CHINA: Human Rights Back On Agenda at Copenhagen Summit (Excerpt)
2002-09-22 -
Washington Post: Falun Gong [Practitioners] Receive Stiff Sentences (Excerpt)
2002-09-22 -
Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER): Internet Access Denied
2002-09-22 -
Agreement of Speakers (Korea): Korean Newspaper Reports the True Facts of the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation Incident
2002-09-22 -
AP: Reports on Sentencing of Falun Gong Practitioners who Broadcast Truth-Clarifying Programs on Cable TV (excerpt)
2002-09-21 -
Reuters: China jails Falun Gong TV [tappers]
2002-09-21 -
AFP: Coalition protests Hong Kong plans for anti-subversion law
2002-09-21 -
New York Times: China's Cyberspace Censorship
2002-09-21 -
Press Release: Falsified Reports, Immediate Cremation Used to Conceal Those Tortured to Death
2002-09-21European Falun Gong Information Centre - September 19 200212 Falun Gong Deaths in 14 Days