Publications, Press Releases
The Australian: China censors bowl net users a Googly
2002-09-05 -
VOA News-Chinese: Israel Welcomes Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-09-04 -
The Week: Chinese yoga
2002-09-04Falun Gong gains foothold in India: Today, Bangalore, Mysore and Hyderabad have hundreds of Falun Gong [practitioners]...Amy, who lives in Sydney, says that Chinese agents often break into her house. "I know it is not a burglary because the only things missing are my Falun Gong books,"
Fairfield Advance: Freedom in the plaza defies [practice's] enemies
2002-09-04CABRAMATTA shoppers were treated to a veritable feast for the eyes when local Falun Dafa practitioners held their second annual open day last Wednesday.
Bermuda Sun: Activists seek help in freeing prisoner
2002-09-04 -
Chicago Tribune: Hectic day for imagemakers in Beijing
2002-09-04 -
Via Satellite: Regulatory Review: Captain Midnight Strikes Again
2002-09-04 -
SCMP: Probe into blocked Net sites Harvard Law School researchers testing China's firewall expect to list 1,000 locations
2002-09-04 -
Los Angeles Times: Google Blocked in China as Meeting Nears
2002-09-04 -
AP: China Blocks Google Search Engine
2002-09-03Authorities apply blocks to prevent Internet users from viewing sites run by Falun Gong...A search for Jiang on Google turns up a Web page posted by the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement entitled "Exposing the crimes of Jiang Zemin." The group accuses Jiang of killing its followers in the course of a crackdown aimed at eliminating the group[..].
Packet & Times (Ontario, Canada): Area siblings caught in China's crackdown [...], were jailed while in China for supporting Falun Gong
2002-09-03 -
FDI: Young Man Dies from Torture Suffered at Hospital and Detention Centre Seven More Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-09-03 -
AFP: Falungong members protest at Earth Summit
2002-09-02 -
The Courier: County residents get familiar with Falun Gong
2002-09-02 -
Asian Wall Street Journal: Thailand's Blunder on Taiwan
2002-09-02"As China's economic clout continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly commonplace to see other nations in the region make sometimes shameful compromises to avoid giving offense to their powerful neighbor."