Publications, Press Releases
Los Angeles Times: The Great Firewall of China
2002-09-02 -
AP: China Dissidents Thwarted on Net
2002-09-01Some Chinese non-governmental organizations have hacked Falun Gong websites in order to take them offline, the report said.
- China cracks down on Internet
2002-09-01 -
Hindustan Times: The Inscrutable Chinese
2002-08-31I have read some books on [.] Falun Gong. It seems a pretty innocuous [practice] open to people of any faith who believe in truth, compassion and tolerance. Why should anyone in his senses want to stamp it out is beyond my comprehension.
Japan Times: Falun Gong seeks peace and freedom to practice (Photo)
2002-08-30"Most were bruised and beaten. One woman told me she had been without food or drink or allowed to go to the toilet for five days. Police called her a panda because of her two eyes were bruised black. There was consideration for practitioners from overseas, but still I was stripped naked and slapped around."
Economist: Case closed
2002-08-30An unidentified woman has paid the fines of 16 [practitioners] of the Falun Gong spiritual [practice], who were brought up on public obstruction charges in the group's first criminal trial in Hong Kong, local human rights activists have labelled Hong Kong's crackdown a political move to appease Beijing.
Japan Times: Psychiatry confab ends with plea
2002-08-30The World Psychiatric Association, which organized the congress, also confirmed that it will send a team of experts to China in spring to investigate claims that the government is confining political dissidents, including Falun Gong [practitioners] in mental hospitals.
AFP: China winning Internet war against dissidents for now
2002-08-30 -
EFIC: Beijing Compels Ukraine to Persecute Local Falun Gong
2002-08-29As the Falun Gong practitioners were taken into custody, witnesses say police cited pressure from Beijing as the cause, stating China is huge and powerful compared with a developing country like Ukraine and that Ukraine cant afford trouble with China relations. According to the detained practitioners, police also mentioned that Chinese officials had struck a deal with the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stop Falun Gong activities in Ukraine.
AP: Cambodian police admit deporting Falun Gong members, but say they were unaware of U.N. protection
2002-08-29 -
EFIC: World Psychiatric Association To Investigate Abuses in China's Mental Hospitals
2002-08-29The use of mental hospitals and medical personnel in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners..violates the UN Human Rights Declaration, and the Madrid Declaration established by the WPA in 1996. This abuse of psychiatry revolts our conscience, and horrifies our understanding.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur(DPA): Hong Kong officials accused of trying to ban Falun Gong brochure
2002-08-28 -
AP: Rand: China Uses Web Vs. Activists
2002-08-28 -
South China Morning Post: Editorial: The wrong picture
2002-08-28 -
AP: Rights activist criticizes Hong Kong official for interfering with Falun Gong painter's exhibition