Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Austria: Falun Dafa Information Centre holds a Press Conference before the Annual Meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission

    On the Eve of the 60th annual meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Austrian Falun Dafa Information Centre held a press conference in Vienna on March the 4th. During the press conference, the Falun Gong Information Centre updated people on the Jiang’s latest crimes of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners, as well as the worldwide lawsuits against Jiang and his followers.
  • Media Article from Germany: Activity Held for Human Rights - Collecting Signatures in Downtown Uelzen

    'B.G. and other supporters hope to raise the public’s attention to the human rights violations occurring in China. The facts of the persecution in China are unimaginable; people are persecuted because of their beliefs. Petition signatures were collected in this activity, which will be passed onto the Human Rights Committee of the German Parliament.'
  • Germany: “Where Can I Sign My Name?” - Support from the People of Frankfurt

    “Where can I sign my name?” was the most frequent question that Dafa practitioners had to answer on the Falun Gong Information Day in Frankfurt. Dafa practitioners called upon the general public to help stop the persecution. Many passers-by added their names to a petition to support an appeal to bring the criminals who persecute Falun Gong to justice.
  • Germany: Dafa Practitioners in Berlin Held Activities on the Eve of International Women’s Day

    Dafa practitioners held an activity at the square next to Memorial Church in downtown Berlin. The purpose of this event was to let people know about the persecution against Falun Dafa in China and call upon them to pay attention to the ongoing brutal torture, sexual violence and rape against female Falun Gong practitioners.
  • UK: Promoting Falun Gong in Leeds City Centre

    In Leeds city centre, on the 29th of February, a few Falun Gong practitioners organized an activity to promote Falun Gong. The weather was warm and there were a lot of passer-bys. Many watched the exercise demonstrations and asked for information. Lots of Chinese people took materials and young children joined in with the exercise demonstrations.
  • Germany: Falun Gong Information Day Held in Witten City

    About 5 million live in the Ruhr Valley and the cities are densely populated. In the past, Falun Gong Information Days have been held in Recklinghausen, Bochum, Dortmund and Duisburg. It was decided to hold an Information Day in Witten on February the 28th to explain the facts about Dafa to the public there.
  • Spain: Letting People Know about Dafa and the Persecution at the "Women and World Peace" Seminar

    The "Women and World Peace" seminar, sponsored by the Spanish branch of the Women and World Peace Association, was held in Madrid on March the 4th 2004. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to attend this seminar. After the seminar, a couple of the organisers came to find out more about the persecution. One of them said that she needs more information and that she will definitely expose this evil violation of human rights.
  • Germany: Explaining the Facts about Falun Dafa to the Crowds at the China versus Germany Female Football Match

    Female football teams from China and Germany played a challenge match in the Fürth City Sports Stadium in the state of Bavaria. German practitioners performed the Falun Gong exercises for the crowds at the entrance to the stadium, handed out leaflets about the truth of Falun Gong and displayed banners reading “Falun Dafa is good”.
  • Delegate from the Swedish Central Party: “We will continue to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.”

    On the 3rd of March 2004, in Stockholm, Falun Gong practitioners raised the issue of the recent escalation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and with the Swedish Central Party. Speaking decisively, Lena Ek, the delegate of the Swedish Central Party was resolute as she expressed her support: “the leaders of the Swedish Government will always use every opportunity to raise the issue of Falun Gong to the Chinese government at all levels. We will continue to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong whether we are in political, business or enterprise meetings. Good luck to Falun Gong!”
  • Sweden: Teaching the Exercises to People who have been Waiting for Dafa for a Long Time

    During the last weekend of February 2004, practitioners in Gothenburg, Sweden, held a two-day Falun Gong exercise class. During these two days, many people who wanted to learn the exercises attended the course on both days. When they got to know Falun Gong further many people exclaimed, “Falun Gong is what I have been waiting for.”
  • Falun Gong asks for the Persecution of Practitioners in China to be Discussed in the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue

    Bilateral talks on human rights between the European Union and China were recently held in Ireland’s capital, Dublin. Human rights organisations asked the Irish government to pay attention to China’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, along with China’s Internet censorship and information blockade. Falun Gong practitioners also took further steps in filing a lawsuit against the Chinese officials who persecute Falun Gong.
  • Switzerland: More Than One Thousands Skiers Learned about Falun Dafa in the Jungfrau Mountain Region

    Switzerland is a wonderful country with many world famous tourist attractions. One of the most beautiful is the majestic mountain of the Jungfrau Region. On February the 23rd 2004, Swiss practitioners set up a stall and some display boards in the town of Wengen at the foot of the Jungfrau Region, as part of an activity to let more people know about Falun Dafa.
  • Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": CIST Spokesman Examines Role of Media in the Persecution of Falun Gong

    "At a previous conference I attended entitled “Searching for Justice: Comprehensive Action in the Face of Atrocities”, I proposed the perspective of media and the Internet being a "new threat." One of the panellists mentioned that media is not itself bad, and the panellist was correct. Media is a tool, like a blade, and with regard to matters of persecution, genocide, international security and justice, the question is whether it will be a blade forged into a sword for Lady Justice or a sickle for the Grim Reaper...."
  • Czech Republic: Zhang Cuiying holds a Successful Exhibition in the Parliament

    Between January the 23rd and January the 27th, Chinese-Australian painter Zhang Cuiying’s art exhibition could be seen inside the Parliament building of the Czech Republic in Prague. Mrs. Zhang, known for both her beautiful traditional Chinese art and her time in a Chinese labour camp after peacefully speaking out against the persecution of the Chinese spiritual practice of Falun Dafa, is currently on a European tour with her paintings. During the tour, she is also bringing attention to the serious human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners by telling her own story and talking about the harsh situation that many Falun Dafa practitioners are enduring in Mainland China.
  • Slovakia: Introduction of the Book Falun Gong to the Slovak Public

    On Wednesday the 25th of February at 17:00 in the bookstore “Pistek” in Bratislava, local practitioners introduced the book Falun Gong to the Slovak public. The book launch was attended by two reporters from Slovak radio and a cameraman from the nationwide television station TA3. Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises and introduced Falun Gong to the visitors.