Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Austria: Dafa Practitioners Invited To Hold an Information Day at the Martini Annual Fair
2003-12-15On December the 10th, Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to hold an information activity at the Martini Annual Fair. Many pedestrians learned the facts about Falun Gong from our activity. One of the people who came to the activities was a member of the European Union. She said that she is very sympathetic towards practitioners.
France: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Health Food and Handcrafts Expo
2003-12-14During these nine days, a continuous stream of visitors came to the expo. We distributed over ten thousand flyers and more than one thousand newspapers which revealed the persecution of Falun Gong and information on the lawsuits launched against Jiang and his regime in countries all over the world. Many people signed a petition supporting freedom for practitioners in China.
Germany: "Broadcasting Month for the Rescue of Xiong Wei" Running Smoothly
2003-12-14December the 8th is Xiong Wei’s birthday and December the 10th is World Human Rights Day, so practitioners decide to name this December “Broadcasting Month for Rescuing Xiong Wei”. The main approach is to give a song to German Radio Stations entitled “Free Xiong Wei”, which was written and composed by a western Falun Gong practitioner. This is an effective way to let the German people learn more about Xiong Wei's illegal detention.
Details of German Lawsuit Filed Against Perpetrators of the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2003-12-14On November 21 2003, a lawsuit was filed with the German Federal Supreme Court, charging former Chinese head-of state Jiang Zemin and 16 other high-ranking Chinese leaders with Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Torture, Murder and the Severe Bodily Harm of Falun Gong practitioners. The lawsuit was filed by the German Falun Dafa Association, together with forty Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, China, America, Canada, Australia and Ireland. The plaintiffs’ legal representative is Mr. Wolfgang Kaleck, a lawyer from Berlin who famously represented German victims of military dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Ireland: Irish Practitioners Demonstrate the Exercises and Clarify the Facts Outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2003-12-13Practitioners talked to the Ministry staff about Falun Gong and appealed for the rescue of the two overseas Chinese students, Liu Feng and Yang Fang, who are being persecuted by the Jiang regime in China because they practise Falun Gong. The purpose is to help the Irish government and the media to have a better and deeper understanding of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities in Gothenburg on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-13The peaceful and beautiful Falun Gong exercise demonstration starkly contrasted with the pictures of the brutal suffering of practitioners in China. After hearing about the crimes of Jiang Zemin and his regime, one old man exclaimed, “Why do they oppress Falun Gong? Are the Chinese communists so afraid of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance’? Then, isn’t it clear what they really are?”
UK: Press Conference Opposite the Chinese Embassy Held on International Human Rights Day
2003-12-11On 10th of December 2003, International Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy in London. Speeches were given by Lord Thurlow and by the Chairman of UK Falun Gong Association. Several statements issued by UK public figures in support of Falun Gong and condemnation of the persecution were read out
Sweden: Joint Efforts from Falun Gong Practitioners and Amnesty International on International Human Rights Day in Gothenburg
2003-12-11The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day. Many human rights organisations around the world celebrate this day in different ways. In Gothenburg, Amnesty International and Falun Gong practitioners held a joint activity to help people learn more about human rights abuses.
Germany: Telling the Facts to the People of Soltau
2003-12-10Even though it was late, a local newspaper office published details of the activities. Furthermore, practitioners had a chance to talk with the Mayor of the town and tell her about the brutal persecution in China. On the day of the activities, she happened to come by and have a chat with the practitioners. She took more information home to read carefully.
Scotland: Clarifying the Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong to 7,500 People at a Concert in Glasgow
2003-12-09Three practitioners stood in front of the table handing out leaflets and collecting signatures while one sat behind and talked with people. Many people offered their support, some stopping for in-depth conversations, and a lot had already seen the article in The Metro, which had also been posted on the table for people to read. There was no mistaking the righteous and benevolent energy field that continued to attract passers-by to sign the petition, even when no one was manning the stall.
Czech Republic: Public Trial of Jiang Zemin Opposite the Chinese Embassy in Prague
2003-12-08On Saturday December 6th, practitioners from the Czech Republic and Slovakia met in front of the Chinese Embassy in Prague to expose the crimes of former Chinese leader and instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong Jiang Zemin. The practitioners held a public trial of Jiang to let the world know the extent of his vicious deeds and to show that it is impossible for this dictator to escape from justice.
Spain: Dafa Practitioners Invited to Promote Falun Gong in Salamanca City
2003-12-08On November the 30th, 2003, some Dafa practitioners in Madrid, together with Dai Zhizhen and her daughter were specially invited to Salamanca City to be interviewed by local reporters. During their visit, practitioners also spread Dafa to local people and clarified the facts to them. In the afternoon, reporters of the biggest local newspaper in Salamanca City, "Salamanca Tribune" (La Gaceta de Salamanca) came to the park to interview some practitioners, and conducted an exclusive interview with Ms. Dai Zhizhen, a practitioner from Australia whose husband was tortured to death and immediately cremated by the Jiang regime.
Italy: Promoting Falun Gong at a Health Expo in Biella
2003-12-06This year’s expo was held in Biella University and is the second time that Falun Gong practitioners have been involved. The organisers of the expo specially erected two Falun Gong posters, one of them introducing Falun Gong and the other of practitioners doing the exercises. The organiser commended Falun Gong, saying that it is a practice that cultivates the heart, mind and body. The expo also provided an area for practitioners to demonstrate the exercises and for practitioners to teach people the exercises.
Finland: Successful Exhibition held in Helsinki
2003-12-06A Falun Dafa photo exhibition was recently held in a library in Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. The exhibition explains how Falun Gong was banned by Jiang Zemin, and how he launched a cruel persecution against its practitioners. The huge contrast between the evilness of the persecution and the beauty and peacefulness of Falun Gong can be seen very clearly.
Germany: A Large Parade and Information Day Held in Berlin
2003-12-06The parade, included banners which read, "Bringing Jiang Zemin to court", "Urgently rescue Xiong Wei". Pictures of practitioners being persecuted and cruelly punished were also displayed. The purpose of the parade was to arouse people's concern for the brutal persecution in China, and at the same time appeal for support from people.