Painting: Waist Drum
2007-12-08 -
Painting: Wishing Longevity
2007-12-06There is an ancient Chinese legend which talks about a goddess called Magu. Magu was very young and beautiful, forever looking as beautiful and innocent as an 18 year old girl. Actually she has been alive for tens of thousands of years. She once told a friend that she had seen the East Ocean turn from land to ocean no less than three times!
Painting: Paradise
2007-11-24 -
Painting: Eight Drunken Deities
2007-11-21The title of the painting is “The Eight Deities In a Drunken State”. Why are the eight Deities drunk? The inscription beside the title reads, “The longevity peaches of the Heavenly Empress ripe, she opens the door and throws her birthday party. Those deities are fond of good wine, and have fallen drunk next to the Yao Pond.”
Painting: Why?
2007-11-19This painting is based on a true story. A mother and son were arrested in China simply because they choose to practise Falun Gong. Being beaten, the boy holds back his tears. All he can think of is 'Why? Why did the policemen beat me and my mum?'
Painting: Tao Qian
2007-11-10Tao Qian, also called Tao Yuan Ming, is a great writer form the period of the Jin dynasty in ancient China, the earliest and most famous poet in China. It is not an exaggeration to say that all successful poets in different dynasties in China were all influenced by him. He was not after fame but was someone who loved nature and freedom, so much so that he gave up his position as a county mayor and went to live in the countryside.
Painting: Harmony
2007-11-08In a garden surrounded by bamboo trees,an artificial mountain and marble hand rail. In the beautiful weather, there are three beautiful ladies, one is playing a Chinese flute, one is playing a pipe, the other is playing a harp. Beautiful scenery combined with lovely weather makes the music even more harmonious and moving. The ensemble means musical instruments playing together, it also implies harmonious happiness.
Painting: Children Carrying a Lotus Flower
2007-11-06It is known that lotus flowers grow out of the mud yet remain pure and unpolluted. They are called the 'true gentlemen of flowers'. Poems about lotus flowers started to appear in China three or four thousand years ago. Legend has it that the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is filled with lotus flowers whose majestic beauty cannot be described in words. Here we can see a group of children playfully carrying a large lotus flower.
Painting: Unwavering Spirit
2007-10-24A reporter from The Wall Street Journal. In the article, he wrote, "The day before Chen Zixiu died, her captors again demanded that she renounce her faith in Falun Dafa. Barely conscious after repeated jolts from a cattle prod, the 58-year-old stubbornly shook her head. Enraged, the local officials ordered Ms. Chen to run barefoot in the snow, said cellmates and other prisoners who witnessed the incident."
Painting: The Heavens Speak
2007-10-07When China’s former leader, Jiang Zemin, visited Houston, Texas in October of 2002, thousands of people who practise Falun Gong went there to appeal for an end to the persecution. During their appeal, practitioners withstood several days of severe, cold weather and heavy rains. The practitioners refused to be affected by the weather and stood their ground. Finally the storm cleared and a huge rainbow appeared in the sky. This painting captures that moment.
Painting: Imperial Purple Flowers
2007-09-05Zhang Cuiying has travelled to over 40 countries and 100 cities to exhibit her paintings and tell her story. Ms. Zhang hopes, "I will continue these worldwide art exhibitions. I hope people can clearly understand Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance in Falun Dafa through my experiences of being persecuted, as well as the inner beauty revealed from my art works."
Drawing: Celestial Madiens Display a Banner
2007-08-31 -
Painting: Great Bodhisattva
2007-07-29 -
Painting: Lotus
2007-07-28A Falun Gong practitioner sits with her legs crossed, holding a lotus flower, in rememberance of her fellow practitioners who have been tortured to death in China since the persecution against the practice illegally started in China in 1999. Scenes of the horrific persecution can be seen at the bottom of the painting.
Painting: Purple Flowers