Painting: Tao Qian
2007-04-01Tao Qian, also called Tao Yuan Ming, is a great writer from the Jin dynasty of ancient China and is considered to be the earliest and most famous poet in China. It is not an exaggeration to say that all successful poets in different dynasties in China were all influenced by him. He loved nature and freedom of thought, without paying attention to perseonal fame. He gave up his position as a county mayor and went to live in the countryside.
Painting: Jiang Ziya
2007-03-30 -
Painting: Chrysanthemum Blossoms Seen at Chongyang Festival
2007-03-11 -
Painting: Noble Lady
2007-03-05 -
Painting: In Harmony
2007-02-28This painting depicts a young woman doing the fifth exercise of Falun Gong, "Way of Strengthening Divine Powers." The clear water and blue sky reflect her tranquility and give a feeling of her union with heaven while she meditates. The four "Cherubs" play amidst an energy field.
Painting: Royal Court Dancer
2007-02-20 -
How to Fold a Lotus Flower
2007-02-17Folding and distributing the paper lotus flower is part of the global Petals of Peace campaign for kids as well. Practitioners let others know about innocent children and families who are affected by the brutal persecution of the spiritual practice in China.
Painting: Flowers and Plants
2007-02-12 -
Painting: Force Feeding
2007-02-07 -
Painting: Viewing the Plum Tree Blossom
2007-02-06 -
Drawing: Lotus Flowers
2007-02-05 -
Painting: Why?
2007-02-04This painting is based on a true story. A mother and son were arrested in China simply because they practise Falun Gong. Being beaten, the boy held back his tears asking: Why? Why did the policemen beat my mom and me?
Painting: Plum Tree Blossoms
2007-01-29 -
Painting: Tiger Bench
2007-01-24This piece depicts a common torture method used to inflict severe, prolonged pain. Bricks are stacked beneath the feet while ropes tying the legs down are pulled taut, bringing the legs to the point of breaking. The artist has given both men an ethereal halo - one bright, one dark and ghostly. The stark difference suggests the difference between being kind hearted and having a heart of evil.
Painting: Mountain Pine
2007-01-23The tall green mountain serves as a nice backdrop to two uniquely-shaped pine trees. In ancient times, people often used the pine tree as an analogy to describe the characteristics of a true gentleman. It does not shed its leaves (needles) in the harsh winter and remains upright in any situation. Throughout history, painters have often painted pine trees to declare their own determination.