Music: “Coming for You” in Five Different Languages
2004-06-08 -
Music: Little Solo - A Traveller's Cares Thousands of Miles Away
2004-04-24 -
A German Music Album: Falun Dafa’s Path
2004-04-16We are several Falun Gong practitioners from Germany who are musicians by profession. This is our contribution so that more Europeans will hear about the peaceful and spiritual Falun Dafa practice. We wish deep in our heart that this CD, inclusive of the persecution information contained within, be spread wide and far. You may play a part by making copies for your friends and relatives. We hope to find open hearts and your willingness to listen, so more and more people will be against the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong in China, and become active in stopping the persecution.
Music Video: Be Saved
2004-04-05We have fallen to this mazeHelpless, lost, can't find the waySearching thousands of yearsOne day Master reappearsBe saved, be savedPlease don't miss this chance again.
The Radiance of the Fa Descends from Above
2004-03-30 -
Character Interview With German Practitioner Micheal: The Mighty Power of Music Composed by Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-03-29Micheal is a 37-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Germany, who has sung touching songs one after another for more than a year now. Using music, he has told people about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. His music’s subjects are very vivid ranging from the opposition of the persecution of Falun Gong; calling for people to rescue imprisoned practitioners and suing Jiang Zemin.
Music: Renewal
2004-03-29 -
Music: Predestined Homecoming
2004-03-28 -
Music: Forever
2004-03-27 -
Music: Hand In Hand
2004-03-26 -
Music: Cultivation
2004-03-25 -
Music: Waves Sifting Sand
2004-03-23 -
Music: Tuebei Prophecy
2004-03-22 -
Music: Plum Blossom Blooming in the Snow Season
2004-03-21 -
Music: Lotus