Music: Soon we will go home
2003-03-09Realplayer On-line (3mins 32 sec)Realplayer Download (2.6Mb)Please see main article for musical accompaniment and musical score
Bamboo flute solo: Road to Return to One's Original Self
2003-03-02RealPlayerOn-line (3min 11sec) RealPlayer Download (1.6MB)
Song: Free Charles Li
2003-02-16My friend Charles Liyou flew overseasto visit your familyIn the land of China where you learnedThe practice Falun Dafa, that made you healthy, and now because of your benevolent beliefThey kidnapped you in the streets, and you haven't been heard from again!
Music: Flourishing Age
2003-02-14To listen on-line, please click here.To download either in RealPlayer format or MP3 format, please see the main article.
Song: Coercion can not change people - Apple Trees Still Grow in Changchun
2003-02-07Coercion cannot change,The longing in the heartThe human spirit,Is an eternal lifeCoercion cannot change,The search for the TruthThe human spirit,Wants to go back home
Song in German: The Story of Falun Dafa
2003-01-31Real format Online Listening (4 minutes 50 seconds)Real format Download (1.1MB)MP3 Format Download (705KB)
Music: Sob Without Words
2003-01-21 -
Music: Memory of the Tang Dynasty
2003-01-19 -
Music: From Beyond The Sky Came The Light of Fa
2003-01-18 -
Song: See Throught the Lies
2003-01-17This is a song for the guards, officials and policemen in China who have been deceived by lies from a jealous leader. It is a song to all who still have a conscience and a human nature. Please listen to these words and see through the lies.
Music: Duet New Years Greeting to our Master
2003-01-10 -
Music: Thoughts at Night
2003-01-01 -
Song: Set The Children Free
2002-12-31 -
Music: Compassion Calling
2002-12-30 -
Music: Flourishing Age