Inside the Labour Camps
Torture and Brainwashing at Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp, Qiqihar
2002-01-24Female Dafa practitioner Cui Xuemin is a very determined and faithful practitioner, therefore, they cuffed her for 21 days, but even all kinds of torture failed to move her determination to practice. The evil propaganda was unable to deceive her. Finally, she was able to win over the philosophy professor whom the detention centre had invited to brainwash her. After many rounds of brainwashing and attempted thought control, the professor said, "I cannot turn her mind around, if I continue to try to turn her mind around, my mind will be turned around by her!"
Practitioners Treated Worse than Animals in Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-23There were many solitary confinement cells in the labour camp. Falun Dafa practitioners were taken there if they practiced the Falun Gong exercises or broke one of the inhumane rules the labour camp made up. Before being thrown into these cells, practitioners were stripped almost completely naked. The cells were very dark and small. A person couldn't even stand straight in there. There were many insects in the cell, and the practitioners were badly bitten. Every day, the guards would throw a few chunks of rice on the ground, and the practitioners had to eat with their hands.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Demands "Report of Thoughts" from Released Practitioners
2002-01-22 -
Guard Admits to Practitioner: "Young guy, you are so great! You are really a worthwhile person! "
2002-01-19 -
Shayang Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Practitioners
2002-01-16they used the charged baton to strike many sensitive parts. After my face went numb, they moved the baton to my private area. One fat guard was very vicious, holding the electric baton on my private area for a long time. One after another, electric currents shocked my body and made me shake violently. This caused two very big blisters, and I experienced a horrible burning feeling.
The Cruel Torture at Yanbian Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-16Practitioners are forced to work everyday non-stop with a large hammer, and the quality of their food is much worse than the non-practitioner labourers. The police also use inmates to watch practitioners and have ordered them to physically torture more than 60 practitioners everyday for two months. Some practitioners were beaten numerous times a day.
More Stories of Police Brutality by the Shashi Police Department
2002-01-15During those 9 days and nights, officers from No.1 Section of the district police department did not allow the practitioners to sleep, wear shoes, sit down, close their eyes or even have a moment's rest. The henchmen took turns abusing, beating and torturing the practitioners around-the-clock. They cuffed the practitioners' hands behind their backs and brutally beat the victims while suspending them in the air. Even worse, the police even poured hot-spicy pepper juice into the practitioners' eyes and wounds, followed by close exposure to fire and smoke. That was not enough. They even stuck burning cigarettes into the practitioners' nostrils.
Disturbing Stories From A Labour Camp in Changchun
2002-01-14 -
Women Suffer 21 Hours Forced Labour A Day in Liaoyang Labour Camp
2002-01-14When someone refused to give up practicing Falun Gong, the team leader shocked her with an electric baton, which left half of her face black and purple. Even a year later, her bruises have still not completely gone.
Some Information About the Persecution of Acheng City Practitioners
2002-01-13 -
Jiutai Forced Labour Camp Incites Inmates to Torture Practitioners
2002-01-13 -
Scenes Too Horrible To Watch in the Hainan Province Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-13They only allow practitioners Yan Liyou, Zhen Qi, and so on to sleep for 2 hours a day. They make them stand throughout the nights. In the Newcomers Squad, in order to prevent Yan Liyou from doing the exercises, Han Linding, a police officer, cuffed his hands and feet to the bed so that he could not sleep at night. Han also incited the inmates to torture Yan by force-feeding him urine and then by beating him to make him vomit it out. They also have burned his legs with incense. Yan still has the scars on his legs.
Labour Camp Coerces Drug-addicts to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-01-11The labour camp made a deal with the drug-addicts. No matter what measures they took, if they could coerce one practitioner to give in, 1000 Yuan RMB would be deducted from their expenditures for drug detoxification. Driven by this economic incentive, the drug-addicts dared to be so arrogant.
Hell- Like Conditions in the Prisoner-Dispatch Department, Beijing Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-10You are not allowed to go inside the room until your voice is hoarse from shouting when you arrive at the door. Several dozen people live in each room, stacked three on top of each other. You are not allowed to drink water or go to the bathroom if you do not first write "Will not practice [statements]." Some people cannot defecate for a long time because of this.
The Suffering in Panjin Labour Camp
2002-01-10"Division chief Tang Xiaobiao used a pickaxe handle to brutally beat practitioners up to 16 times, causing them to lose consciousness. But when those practitioners were revived the guards would then hang them up in the iron cage with handcuffs."