Inside the Labour Camps
Ms. Zhu Shuyun Electrically Shocked and Beaten in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
2008-02-28Ms. Zhu Shuyun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City was arrested on May 9th, 2007. She is currently being held in Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp. She did not sweep the snow before Christmas as the officials ordered her. Guard Liu Lianying shocked Ms. Zhu on her chest with electric baton(s) more than 20 times. That female guard also ordered inmate Yi Chun to savagely beat Zhu Shuyun until she went into convulsions and could not open her hands. Liu Lianying then shocked Ms. Zhu's hands with electric baton(s). Guard Liu Lianying would not let Ms. Zhu's family visit her on December 25th, 2007.
Torture, Brainwashing and Slave Labour at Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2008-02-19Ms. Zhou Rong was sent to the No. 4 Team, where the inmates were forced to do very heavy labour. They had to process pig hair all day long. The pig hair was soaked in a caustic solution. After a while the labourers' hands rotted from prolonged contact with this solution. Because Zhou Rong refused to write the so-called "ideological re-understanding" or to read books slandering Falun Gong, guards made her stand till late at night. They also threatened to add more hours to her workload.
Persecution at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province
2008-02-17I want to tell of some of the abuses I have experienced and witnessed at Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. I am doing so to refute the Communist Party's false claim of "now being the best period of human rights in Chinese history." The Camp's goal of "reforming" or brainwashing us amounts to transforming human beings into subservient robots. In order to achieve this goal, the officials resorted to savage beatings, electric shocks, tying us onto the Death Bed, long-term handcuffing, sleep deprivation, and toilet bans, among other methods. The inmates were authorised to do anything they pleased with me. They beat me, pinched my nose until tears ran down my face on numerous occasions. They slapped my face with shoe soles and burned my heels with cigarette lighters, saying it would cause agonising pain when I walked without leaving a scar, thus no evidence of torture.
Bloody Violence Witnessed at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2008-02-17I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I have been detained at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. On February 2nd, 2004, I heard the sound of someone being slapped. I saw a group of guards and inmates rush to where the slapping was taking place and more sounds of someone's face being slapped followed. Ten minutes later, inmates were seen dragging three men covered in blood. I saw inmate, Qi Lianfeng brutally punching the severely injured man he was dragging. Qi was punching the man's weak spots such as the chest and the ribs. The scene was pitiful. Inmates dragged the three severely injured men into the "small cell", and tied them to "iron chairs". This was followed by brutal beatings, being shocked with electric batons and unbearable verbal abuse.
Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2008-02-13The authorities of Xinhua Forced Labour Camp of Sichuan Province are still persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, using torture to attempt to "reform" them. When inmates are "restricted," they must wear a helmet and be handcuffed and shackled. On July 24th, 2007, because practitioner Mr. Qu Zhenxing refused to wear the "labourer ID" that is required for every inmate, guards brutally beat him for an entire afternoon. His screams were heard in all the cells. Mr. Qu was then "restricted" for 26 days. These guards electrically shocked practitioners with 200 kilowatt and even 500 kilowatt batons.
"Restricted Rooms" Used to Torture Practitioners at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
2008-02-13Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp guards send steadfast practitioners to "restricted rooms" in attempts to force them to write the so-called guarantee statement [promising to abandon the practice]. The guards handcuff a practitioner's hands to the corners of a bed, then use leather belts from underneath the bed to tie the practitioner's knees so as to restrict all movement. Someone constantly monitors the practitioner and forces the her to eat, drink, and relieve herself on the bed for days at a time. They send collaborators, former practitioners who assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners, to try to persuade her not to make trouble for the guards.
Brutality in Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
2008-02-12In March 2005, practitioner Ms. Niu Lanyun was force-fed in the Women's Forced Labour Camp. Guard Liu Zhongmei ordered drug addicts to give Niu Lanyun a hard time. The four dragged Ms. Niu to the labour camp clinic twice a day for force-feeding, and then repeated the routine in the jail cell. They pinned Niu Yulan to the floor, pried open her mouth with a spoon and grabbed her jaws so they could inject food into her throat. This horrible practice made her mouth bleed and her hair was pulled out and spread everywhere on the floor. The guards did not want to hear Niu Lanyun's protest, so they told the criminals to gag her with a towel and handcuff her arms behind her back. More than 70 days of extended torture made Ms. Niu very skinny and weak. The guards did not want to see her die at the camp, so they ordered her family to pick her up
Brutal Persecution at Jiangxi Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-02-12In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs, one of the common means used by the camp is to confine them in black cells. The guards separately detain those practitioners who firmly believe Falun Dafa into small cells, the area of which is less than 6 square metres. Each practitioner is isolated from the outside and has to complete his daily life in the cell. The cells have very bad smells and practitioners suffer from biting mosquitoes. The guards want to utilise such means to destroy practitioners' will. In order to get more bonus money, the camp implements so-called "fortification fight" (i.e. forced brainwashing). The guards do not let practitioners go to sleep. Without normal rest, some practitioners suffer mental disorders, even mental collapse.
Cases of Jinan Forced Labour Camp Officials Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-02-11Practitioners who are currently incarcerated are forced to do heavy labour. Regardless of age, they are given high output quotas and are punished if the quotas are not met. The punishment ranges from standing for extended periods of time, writing self-criticism papers, or sleep deprivation. They are subjected to mental torment and physical torture every moment of their incarceration. Ms. Han Aiwen did not cooperate during roll call, so the guards ordered eight criminal inmates to beat her. She was beaten so badly that she let out bloodcurdling screams.
Some Details about the Torture of Practitioners in Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2008-02-09Lu Zhiguo, a Falun Gong practitioner in his 50s, is from Chifeng City. Around July 2006, he was detained on the fourth floor of the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp. In the summer, Lu Zhiguo was forced to wear heavy clothes. The door and windows were tightly closed with the electric heater turned on. The volume of the speakers was set to the maximum. Lu Zhiguo was tortured this way for more than a week. Zhang Ting, is a fifty-five-year old Falun Gong practitioner from Chifeng. He was once cuffed and chained to a bed for nine days. Zhang Ting was released only when his blood pressure became seriously high.
Ms. Mu Chunmei Has Been Detained in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for Nearly Two Years
2008-02-08According to sources, Ms. Mu Chunmei was tortured during a hunger strike protesting the persecution. The guards and the labour camp doctors injured her teeth by prying her mouth open. For the more than 50 days she was on the hunger strike, the guards continued this brutal torture, trying to force her to give up her belief in Falun Gong. When her family came to visit her, they were usually not allowed to see her. When they sometimes actually got to see her, they were only allowed to visit for a few minutes.
I Was Disabled by Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2008-02-08In September, 2001, I was taken into custody by police officers and sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two years. During that period, I was never allowed to sleep on a bed. While in the labour camp, I requested to practise the exercises. As a result, Wang Naimin, the director of the No. 1 Division, strapped me to a chair for about 10 days. Later, I was tied to some hooks that kept my arms outstretched for two months. At the end of 2002, the so-called "helping and education team" came to the labour camp and schemed to "transform" steadfast practitioners. In reality, they were there to cruelly torture practitioners. This time, my hands were hung up with my feet dangling below me. I was hung up for five days, then locked onto the heating pump in the hallway for about a month.
Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia Brutally Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2008-02-07Practitioners are forced to perform hard labour in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp. For example, in the heat of the summer, they have to cut reed grass for four to five hours a day in the heavily polluted water canal. Educational section workers attempt to force practitioners to give up their beliefs, and write the so-called Guarantee Statement to renounce Falun Gong, "Regret Statement," etc. Practitioners who refuse are transferred to other teams to be humiliated and beaten. Even 70-year-old practitioners are brutally beaten.
My Ordeal at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2008-02-05Xu Yushan was arrested when police found Falun Gong books in his possession. He was severely tortured in a forced labour camp. He recounts, "After they confirmed my stance toward Falun Gong the guards said, It seems you are not afraid of death. We will not let you die, but will make you live in a state worse than death. We just want to play with you. When we are tired of playing we will make you completely disabled. Then we let you go home and die at home several days later.'"
Vicious "Reform" Methods Used at the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
2008-02-04The prison guards would interrogate the practitioners, while a gang of "collaborators" would threaten the practitioners and force them to wear the prison uniform and name tags. They also try to convince the practitioners that they had broken the law and admit guilt. They would also bring in prisoners to monitor the practitioners. The prisoners are charged with subjecting the practitioners to sleep deprivation, denying them the chance to go to the toilet or drink water, and forcing them to stand for long periods of time. The practitioners often stage persecution-protest hunger strikes, but they are then force-fed and beaten by the guards.