Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
A Physician's Narrative of Her Persecution
2010-05-28Ms. Tan Wei, a 35-year-old doctor from Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, started practising Falun Gong in 1996. At that time, she had a tumour in her ovaries and had become infertile. After two months of practice her tumour disappeared, and she even gave birth to a baby boy in 2002. In 2005 she was arrested by police and detained for 23 days. She was not allowed to sleep for long periods of time, denied the right to use the toilet, and injected with unknown drugs. To avoid persecution, she was forced to leave her hometown in November 2009.
Sufferings of a Teacher Couple Who Devoted Themselves to Education
2010-05-27Two students reported Mr. Xiao Sixian and his wife to the police as Falun Gong practitioners. On July 12th, 2008, when the couple was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong in Erlang Township, the local police arrested them. Their motorcycle, valued at more than 5,000 yuan, was confiscated. They were held at the Xishui Detention Centre. Five days later, the pregnant Ms. Wu was allowed to go home under house arrest. Many people from the county government, the police department, and the town government stayed at her home to watch her closely. She was forced to abort her eight-month-old foetus and was sentenced to six years in prison. Now Mr. Xiao is sentenced to six and a half years in prison and is being held in Dujun Prison, Guizhou Province.
Mr. Yu Shaoqi from Hunan Province Arrested at Hangzhou Train Station
2010-05-27Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Shaoq was detained at least eight times for practising Falun Gong. In November 2005, he was sentenced to a forced labour camp. He was once confined in a mental hospital for about three months and in a brainwashing centre for about two months. He was hung up, beaten, smothered, force fed, injected with poisons, and humiliated sexually. His ears were beaten until broken, his nose and mouth bled, and his internal organs were injured. Because of the ransacking, threatens, extortion, and many arrests, Mr. Yu's wife divorced him. In May 2010, he was searched by police at a train station. They found several Falun Gong brochures on him and arrested him.
My Experience in the Qinghe Detention Centre
2010-05-26Although I was released from the Beijing Qinghe Detention Centre about two years ago, I can't shake the memory of my experience there. The living conditions at Qinghe Detention Centre are the worst. The cell held between twenty-seven and thirty-two people and only twenty could lie down to rest at any one time. The latrine pit was covered with a piece of cardboard to increase the sleeping space. Those not sleeping had to stand for two hours at a time. This meant that sleeping was arranged by shifts, with four shifts a night for everyone. We were short of food and what we received was watered down vegetables which we called "cabbage swimming."
Crimes Witnessed at Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-05-25I was first detained at the Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp from 2000 to 2002. Many practitioners were also detained there at the time. Some practitioners who were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agreed to give up practising Falun Gong. Practitioners who remained steadfast in their belief were subject to all kinds of torture.
The Persecution of Qi Lizhen at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2010-05-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Qi Lizhen is a very kind lady, yet she was fired from her job after being sentenced to a forced labour camp because she practised Falun Gong. After Ms. Qi appealed for justice for Falun Gong outside the Beijing Appeals Office, she was arrested and sentenced to a one-year term at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. Because she also lost her job, Ms. Qi had no source of income. Her husband was forced to divorce her. In 2004, she was sentenced to a three-year forced labour term.
Practitioners Tortured with Electric Shocks at Tiefeng Police Division and Tailai Prison
2010-05-24I was arrested on March 29th, 2006. Police drove me to the Tiefeng District Police Department in Qiqihar City, where they bound me to a metal chair and tortured me for about 40 minutes. They forced my hands through two holes at the back of the chair and handcuffed me. My body was stretched forward with my feet on the ground, which forced the majority of my body off the chair. I was essentially suspended in the air. They tortured me like this three times. The next day they hung me onto a wall by my hands. Then the police connected electrical wires to my thumbs and genitals. These wires were connected to a high-voltage generator. They repeatedly sent electric shocks through me. I couldn't withstand the suffering. It was so painful that I would have rather died. They then handcuffed me to a chair and connected electric wires from my fingers to the generator, in order to shock me again.
Practitioner Chen Jihai Arrested for Helping a Neighbour Cure Her Eye Disease
2010-05-24On the morning of April 27th, 2010, Practitioner Chen Jihai, was arrested at his home by the local police because personnel from the local 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] learned from the Minghui website (Chinese version of that Ma Fengqin, was cured of her eye disease by practising Falun Gong. The police approached Ma Fengqin and asked her whether the reported story was true, and if so, who taught her Falun Gong. Ma Fengqin confirmed the report and told them the true story.
Three Practitioners from Liquan County, Xianyang City Arrested and Homes Ransacked
2010-05-23State Security Division officers from Liquan County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Feng Jianying, Mr. Zhao Yaer and Mr. Hu Mingyou on April 25th, 2010. Without a search warrant, the police confiscated the 27,000 yuan that Mr. Hu had saved up over many years. Ms. Feng Jianzhen's home was ransacked and her whereabouts are unknown.
Mr. Liang Keming Sentenced to Three More Years in Prison After Serving Seven Year Sentence for Practising Falun Gong
2010-05-22On April 28th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liang Keming from Loudi City, Hunan Province, was sentenced to three years in prison. He is now detained in Jinshi Prison in Changde. Mr. Liang had previously been sentenced to seven years because he practised Falun Gong. After he was released he was arrested again. Before being sentenced to prison, he was detained for eleven months at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Loudi City. He was fed only brine with several pieces of radish, and was forced to work long hours.
Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Fuyu County, Jilin Province Persecuted
2010-05-22During the Chinese New Year in 2010 Mr. Wang Huanli, a practitioner from Fuyu County, Jilin Province, was arrested by local police. After he was released, he became homeless to avoid being arrested. Another practitioner, Mr. Liu Qing, was accused of being in contact with Mr. Wang and was arrested recently. Mr. Wang had been sentenced to forced labour and was sent to Jiutai Labour Camp in Jilin Province. He was in critical condition because of the abuse in the camp. In Jiutai Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Wang suffered from serious ulcerations in his lungs. When he went home, his condition became so bad that he constantly vomited blood in big mouthfuls.
Shanghai Expo Intensifies Chinese Regime's Crackdown of Falun Gong
2010-05-22This month the Shanghai Expo opened its door to the world with the slogan: ‘Better City, Better Life.’ But for followers of the spiritual practice Falun Gong, also called Falun Gong, life has not been better because of the Expo. Levi Browde is executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Centre, a New York-based group. He says the Chinese regime is using the pretext of the Shanghai Expo to carry out its campaign to eradicate Falun Gong.
Real Estate Managers in Shenyang City Sentenced
2010-05-21Ms. Tu Xiujuan was sentenced to three years in prison. Ms. Wang Zhaohui, who was arrested at the same time as Ms. Tu, was sentenced to four years in prison by the Shenhe District Court of Shenyang City, and is imprisoned in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. The Shenhe District Court held a secret trial for Ms. Wang. Her family was not notified. When the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in 1999, Ms. Wang persisted in her belief and told many people the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. She explained that she was persecuted numerous times and cruelly tortured in the forced labour camps. She was tortured on a death bed, and also handcuffed and suspended.
Ms. Lin Shaomei from Haifeng County, Guangdong Province Arrested
2010-05-21On March 30th, 2010, Ms. Lin Shaomei was arrested by police officers. She is currently being detained in the Haifeng Detention Centre. Ms. Lin Shaomei, 38, once suffered from many illnesses, which left her in a lot of pain. After Ms. Lin started practising Falun Gong in 2007, her illnesses disappeared. Following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance made her more broad-minded and she was very glad to help others. Because Ms. Lin Shaomei benefited greatly from practising Falun Gong she often told others her story. However, she was reported to the police for doing so.
I Witnessed Guards Breaking a Practitioner's Jaw at Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre
2010-05-20Mr. Lu Yougen was taken to the Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre in Hubei Province in the middle of September 2009. He witnessed the guards brutally torturing Falun Gong practitioners. He recounts, "I saw three guards trying to force feed a practitioner. The practitioner was not co-operating with them, so they broke his jaw. When the guards force fed him, he had no response at all, like a dead man."