Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Crimes I Witnessed in the Tumuji Women's Forced Labour Camp in Xinanmeng, Inner Mongolia
2009-05-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Fengzhi was cruelly beaten by police from the Chifeng Police Department. Five strong police officers stepped on her body and beat her. When she became unconscious they poured cold water on her face until she regained consciousness. All of the skin on her back was burned with electricity. I saw the black thick scars covering her back. Another practitioner, whose name was unknown to us, was hung up and tortured. The rope was pulled so tight around her abdomen that her skin was oozing pus.
Fourteen Practitioners Arrested in Jinzhou City on April 17th
2009-05-17On April 17th, 2009, the Jinzhou City Police Department, Anti-cult Association, Guta District Political and Judicial Directory, Guta District Police Department and the 610 Office, Tienan Police Station, and Zhongtun Police Station collaborated to arrest fourteen practitioners. They are all currently detained in the Guta District Police Department. Police also broke into practitioner Li Yuxia's home and ransacked it on April 17th. They arrested Ms. Li and her daughter Qi Lin, and took them to Guta District Police Department for interrogation. The three were released later that day.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Lu Qiqi and his Family in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2009-05-16On March 31st, 2009, while Ms. Li Shihong was coming home a group of people suddenly appeared and took her away. Two hours earlier, Ms. Song, Ms. Li's mother was also arrested. Three months prior, Mr. Lu Qiqi, Ms. Li's husband was also arrested. After Ms. Li was taken away security police went to her 12-year-old son's class and pressured him to tell them who had been in contact with his mother.
Four Elderly Practitioners Expected to Receive Long Prison Sentences in Qingong County, Guizhou Province
2009-05-16Four elderly practitioners were arrested for distributing Falun Gong fliers in Qingong County. They were taken to the Laocheng Detention Centre where they remain to this day. Agents of the county court and judiciary department, as well as the local police, are planning to sentence each of them to long prison terms. Their families are very angry that their loved ones were arrested and detained.
Ms. Zhang Aiqin Tells Her Story as a Victim of the Chinese Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-05-14In 2000, my husband and I went to Russia. In 2001, I came back to China. I went to see a fellow practitioner who was just released from jail. Her home was monitored and therefore I was arrested by the police and put in jail. Another practitioner in my cell was often brutally beaten by the guards. When I first saw her, her face was badly swollen. It looked quite frightening. She was arrested when she went to a rural area to pass out flyers. A group of people brutally beat her. I was in jail for three months. My family spent a lot of money to get me out. My husband and I went back to Russia. We heard that state security in China was going to come to Russia to arrest me. I could not go back to China, and I did not have the legal status to stay in Russia. T
Falun Gong Practitioners' Personal Accounts of the Persecution They Suffered in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2009-05-14My name is Liu Xiaoling. I am 57 years old. In October 2004, the head of the 610 Office forcibly took me to the Tangshan City "Legal Education School," a brainwashing centre, and detained me there for 80 days. They burned my hands with fire and injected me with an unknown drug. They locked me in a room and stripped off my winter jacket and shoes. Then they opened the window to expose me to the freezing cold. For 20 days they forbade me from sleeping or using the toilet. They threatened that they would torture me to death and then tell the public that I killed myself. I was emaciated at this point from all the abuse.
Police in Jilin City Arrest Practitioners, Family Demands their Release
2009-05-13On April 25th, 2009, more than 10 policemen went to Mr. Dong Qingyou and his wife's home. They arrested the couple and took them to the Zhanqian Police Station. Ms. Li's younger brother went to the police station and asked them why they had made the arrest. A policeman said it was because the couple practised Falun Gong. Chen said that they found Falun Gong books and informational materials during their search. Mr. Dong's family said they would file a lawsuit for unlawful arrest. At about 7 p.m., Mr. Dong and his wife walked out of the Zhanqian Police Station and returned home.
My Experiences in Linxiang City Detention Centre
2009-05-13When I was explaining the truth about Falun Gong to the people in my aunt's town I was reported by somebody and was arrested on August 11th, 2008 by police officers. The police said "How dare you promote Falun Gong here. We will send you to the hospital for the mentally ill and kill you by injecting you with poisonous drugs!" Then they demanded to know about the Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution I had with me. In the detention centre an officer slapped my face and then punched me in the jaw with all his might. They also trampled all over my chest. After they beat me for several rounds, my chin was swollen and I lost my hearing in my left ear.
67-Year-Old Mr. Zhang Xingwu from Jinan City, Shandong Province, Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2009-05-1367-year-old Professor Zhang Xingwu's family was notified that Mr. Zhang was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. On March 31st, Shizhong District Court in Jinan City tried Mr. Zhang Xingwu. They not only prevented Professor Zhang Xingwu's defence lawyer from attending the proceedings, but also keep his family from being present in the courtroom. In addition, 70 armed, anti-riot police and nearly 200 other officers were deployed around the courthouse. One of Mr. Zhang's relatives, Ms. Liu Lijie, was detained for fifteen days and later sentenced to 21 months' forced labour just because she wanted to attend the session.
Six Practitioners Arrested in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province
2009-05-13Six Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, on April 21st, 2009. More than 20 police suddenly surrounded Ms. Liao Xiaohong's vendor booth and took Ms. Liao Xiaohong, Mr. Shi Jiaoyu, and a visiting male practitioner away under duress. They snatched Mr. Shi's bag and found the key to his apartment, took the bag with them, and opened the door. The police took away everything, including a computer, and Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. They also looted 74,000 yuan in cash and a bank deposit book worth over 20,000 yuan.
Instructor from the Communication University of China: The Persecution Many Practitioners and I Suffered at the Shanxi Women's Labour Camp and a Few Other Facilities
2009-05-12I was taken to the Beijing Dispatch Division on October 18th, 2007. The head guard ordered five drug addicts and prostitutes to attack me and try to coerce me to write the guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. I refused. They forced me to squat. More than ten officials tried to brainwash me. They wouldn't let me stand up and wouldn't let me use the toilet. I went on a hunger strike to protest the abuse, and the head guard force-fed me water and food. The police instructed the five criminals to write vicious and slanderous words against Falun Gong on a piece of paper. Against my will they pressed my fingerprints on the paper, claiming I had written it, and then taped it to my body.
Songyuan City Intermediate Court Sentences Innocent People
2009-05-11In the beginning of 2009, the Qianguo County Court in Songyuan City, Jilin Province secretly tried practitioner Mr. Xu Peng. The court also issued heavy sentences of 8 to 12 years in prison to six practitioners. The practitioners appealed to the Songyuan City Intermediate Court. The relatives of the six practitioners hired more than ten defence lawyers. But the court did not notify the lawyers of the second trial date; only two lawyers made it to Songyuan overnight. During the trial, practitioner Shao Changpu told the judge that the police force-fed him four bottles of mustard oil, and he wanted to charge the police for what they did. However, the judge upheld the previous sentences and wrapped up the trial hastily.
Many Practitioners Sentenced in Xiantao City, Hubei Province
2009-05-11Since the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2007, CCP secretary Zhou Qi and Mayor Liu Xinchi of Xiantao City, Hubei Province, have been actively arresting Falun Gong practitioners. Under their command, the police arrested fifteen practitioners. Eight of the practitioners were sentenced to three to four years. Many of the practitioners are in critical condition as a result of torture. Ms. Chen Muying, in her 50s, was taken to the Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre on September 25th, 2007, then imprisoned at the Xiantao City Detention Centre for a year. She was sentenced to four years in prison at the end of 2008. She is now imprisoned at the Hubei Province Women's Prison.
Falun Gong Practitioner Brutalized and Injected with Unknown Drugs at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2009-05-10In January 2004, several police officers broke into my home and took all my Falun Gong books and more than 10,000 yuan that I had saved for my son's wedding. Due to the extreme brutality of the police one of the bones under my right knee was broken, causing me to suffer extreme pain. In August 2004, I was sentenced to prison and was sent to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. I suffered indescribable tortures there. Practitioners beaten every single day and not allowed to have a good sleep at night. Again in April 2007 i was arrested and taken to the prison. They often put unknown drugs into my food. I was also forced to watch TV programmes that slandered Falun Gong.
Hebei Province Elementary Schoolteacher Ms. Zhao Minghua and Her Husband Arrested and Tortured
2009-05-10Elementary schoolteacher Ms. Zhao Minghua and her husband, Mr. Li Yankui both Falun Gong practitioners, were arrested and tortured in October 2007 by Qianan Domestic Security police. On December 21st, 2007, the couple was again arrested and tried by the court. While they were held in the detention centre, they were both tortured by means of electric shock, long periods of sun exposure, and excessive physical activity. The police deceived and abused them and forced confessions from them.