Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Practitioners Taken Directly to Brainwashing Centres after Completing Their Prison Sentences
2007-09-11Mr. Xie Yonggang from Hubei Province, Ms. Du Xiuju from Jiangsu Province and Ms. Wang Xunlan from Shandong Province had been detained for several years because they persevered in their belief in Falun Gong. On the same days they were released from prison, the perpetrators from the 610 Office and other authorities arrested them and took them to brainwashing centres to forcibly transform them. This kind of incident has occurred all over the country.
Account of the Barbaric Torture Ms. Xu Lianzhen, Retired Worker from Liaoning Province, Suffered in 2001 at the Hands of Villains from the 610 Office
2007-09-11In February 2001, police barged into the home of retired practitioner, Ms. Xu Lanzhen and arrested her. At the police station the head of the 610 Office asked Ms. Xu if she would continue to practise Falun Gong, and she replied: "yes." he bound her hands with handcuffs to the iron bars of a window, leaving her toes barely touching the ground. He harnessed her neck with a wire which was tied to the back of a bench and then he ripped off her clothes. He shocked her face repeatedly with a 10,000 volts electric baton. Blisters covered her face and the smell of burnt flesh filled the room. She suffered so much pain that she could hardly breathe. They continued hitting her head and shocking the sensitive body parts such as the face, neck, underarms, and hands, etc. She cried out in pain.
Ms. Wu Bilin and Mr. Cheng Dehan Arrested by the 610 Office and Detained in Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre in Hubei Province
2007-09-10Ms. Wu Bilin, 59, went to the family housing area of the "288 Plant" in the Huangpi District to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. A person who was deceived by the propaganda reported her to the police. Officers from the Huangpi District Police Department arrested her, and she is being detained at the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre. To protest the unjust detention, Ms. Wu held a hunger strike for several days. Hu Shaobin (male) with the Jiang'an District 610 Office incited inmates to force-feed her with vinegar and chilli water several times a day. They also violently struck her.
Practitioners Tortured in the Third Ward of Shandong Province Second Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-09-09Ms. Gao Wenmei was hung in the air for seven days and seven nights straight. Ms. Che Cui was subjected to unknown methods of torture. Ms. Xu Youfang suffered physical punishment for over 30 consecutive hours because she forgot to announce herself when she entered a room. So far, we have learned that Ms. Cui Guifen, Ms. Zhang Ximei, Ms. Yu Xiuhua and Ms. Sun Yongling are among the many female practitioners incarcerated in the camp. There are many imprisoned practitioners whose names are yet to be revealed, and who are facing physical and mental torture from the prison guards.
Torture of Practitioners at the Seventh Team of Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-09-09Section A is a high security area, where practitioners who are not cooperating with the guards are detained. There is no break for lunch. Apart from basic needs like eating, drinking, use of the toilet and sleep, practitioners are forced to sit on small benches for as long as over 10 hours a day without moving. The guards beat and verbally abuse the practitioners if they move their limbs even a bit. Sometimes practitioners are deprived of normal sleep and kept awake until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning.
A Non-practitioner Describes the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2007-09-08I noticed that Falun Gong practitioners received even worse treatment. Guard Hong Ying made me monitor practitioners and compelled me to report practitioners' activities, including making a list of who practitioners made eye contact with or smiled at. Two drug addicts would not let practitioner Ms. Gong Jinxiu sleep. At night they made her kneel by a barrel full of urine. When she nodded off, her head would drop into the barrel. Her hair and clothes were wet with urine.
The Persecution of Two Older Practitioners
2007-09-08Ms. Sun Shou Fen is 67 years old. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999 she has been persecuted, detained and sent to brainwashing sessions in the forced labour camp. Police damaged her eyes. As a result, she suffered from optic atrophy and her vision deteriorated. Ms. Sun could hardly even see well enough to walk. When she practised Falun Dafa she was able to stop wearing glasses! However, under the persecution, she almost lost her vision completely. On August 2nd, 2007, she was arrested by policeman Liu Jinhu and others for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in public. When her family members went to the detention centre in Weihai City, police extorted 5,000 yuan from them as guarantee money.
Ms. Xu Hui and Her Son from Liaoning Province Arrested in Tiananmen Square Over A Month Ago; Family Members Worried
2007-09-06Falun Gong practitioners Xu Hui and Cai Chao are mother and son from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. They went to Beijing together on July 20th, 2007. Mother and son unfolded a banner as a way of appealing for Falun Gong, but Beijing Tiananmen Police Station officers arrested and held them in the Beijing Dongcheng District Detention Centre for over a month. Her family members are very worried about them, especially for Cai Chao. When they saw him the last time, his face was swollen and deformed.
Witnessing Atrocities in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-09-06From 2001 through 2004, the periods of forced labour in the camp were especially long and the work was especially intensive. Wake-up time was 5 a.m. We worked until midnight. Once we worked with dyed bird feathers. To keep the feathers from flying about, they had us close all the windows in the middle of summer. The temperature in the room was so high that it was like being in an oven. he dye from the feathers was toxic and irritated people's throats and harmed their health. We used the feathers to make handcrafted birds for export. On the boxes were American logos and dollar signs. The guards stayed next door and watched us work. They did not care how unbearable it was.
Mr. Zhao Baozhuang, a Practitioner from Changge City, Henan Province, Arrested Again
2007-09-05Mr. Zhao Baozhuang, a Falun Dafa practitioner and businessman was arrested the morning of August 21st, 2007, at his shop by police from the 610 Office in Yima City. Mr. Zhao had been under surveillance by police of the 610 Office for quite some time. His printer, notebook computer, and leaflets exposing the persecution were all confiscated. At present, the location of his detention is unknown. Since 2001 Zhao Baozhuang has experienced repeated arrests, detention and persecution because he refuses to renounce Falun Dafa.
Mr. Yin Fuliang from Hunan Province Arrested Again - His Seventy Year-Old Mother Gravely Worried
2007-09-02Police from the Public Security Bureau in Changshang County, Hunan Province, arrested Dafa practitioner Mr. Yin Fuliang, who was living a homeless life to avoid further persecution, on July 10th, 2007. He has been detained at the Custodial Station in Changshang County since then. Yin was sent to forced labour camp twice and became homeless in 2006. Yin's seventy-year-old mother, Luo Qiuhua, was so worried that she couldn't eat or sleep.
Practitioners Mr. Zhao Longzhi and His Wife Ms. Luo Na from Tibet Each Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison
2007-08-31Practitioners Mr. Zhao Longzhi and his wife Ms. Luo Na from Tibet were arrested on January 31st, 2006 by the local police and members of the 610 Office. Their home was also searched. No word came from either of them after their unlawful arrest. It has just been learned that Mr. Zhao and Ms. Luo have each been sentenced to 14 years in prison. Ms. Luo Na is being held at the Beijiao Prison in Lhasa City, and Mr. Zhao Longzhi is being held at the Qushui County Prison.
Practitioner's Wife Detained by Officials in Wanquan County of Hebei Province
2007-08-31On July 25th, 2007, in an attempt to arrest practitioner Mr. Zhao Wanying, the officials in Wanquan County, Hebei Province detained his wife, Ms. Huo Zhenhua. The couple's two underage daughters were left at home and they are crying every day. From July 23rd-25th, more than 40 practitioners' homes were searched. The newly-appointed director of the Public Security Bureau told his subordinates, "Since arresting criminals is no easy job, we should have no problem catching Falun Gong practitioners."
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Huiru's Experiences During Eight Arrests
2007-08-30My name is Zhang Huiru, and I am 65 years old. After the persecution began, I told myself that I must appeal for Falun Gong and try to restore its reputation and that of my Teacher, Mr. Li Hongzhi, because I have benefited so much from the practice. I went to Tiananmen Square on February 11th, 2000, to appeal. A plainclothes police officer approached me and said he was a Falun Gong practitioner from Harbin. He asked me if I was also a practitioner. I said, "Yes." A police van arrived and police officers forced me into the van and took me to the Qianmen Police Station. I heard later that police officers were to be paid 50 yuan for each practitioner they arrested on Tiananmen Square.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Binchuan County, Dali City, Yunnan Province
2007-08-30Ms. Zhao Yingxian, 50, was reported while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was arrested by the police and sent to a detention centre for over two and a half months. The detention centre made her family member pay 5,000 yuan for her release, and tried to force her to put her fingerprints on a falsified guarantee statement. However, she steadfastly refused to cooperate. She was then sentenced to a forced labour camp.