Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Persecution of Practitioner Li Ruixia at Harbin Women's Forced Labour Camp for Drug Addicts
2007-12-24The labour camp forced practitioners to work extremely long hours. The worst case was when they were ordered to work in the basement mending flax cloth. They worked 14-15 hours a day for a month. Some practitioners were so tired that their eyes would not stop watering. The ventilation in the basement was very bad. In the hottest summer days, the practitioners felt suffocated and had difficulty breathing, and they asked the guard to let them take a break. The guard asked the supervisor but was refused. A while later, the guard himself felt dizzy, nauseous, and short of breath, and complained that he could not hold on anymore. Only then did the supervisor let them take a break. Aside from mending flax cloth, the practitioners also sorted leaves, chopsticks, toothpicks, and had to make handicrafts. Sometimes they had to work through the night.
Two Women in Their 60s Sentenced to Forced Labour in Jinan City
2007-12-24Ms. Jiang Yuxiang and Ms. Sun Jinju are both practitioners in their 60s who live in Jinan City, Shandong Province. When they were distributing distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Hualian Supermarket in the Huaiyin District in Jinan City, they were reported to the police. Police officers arrested them and forced them to pay 3,000 and 5,000 yuan, respectively. On October 22nd, without any legal justification, Jinan Police Department officials sentenced Ms. Jiang and Ms. Sun to one and one half years of forced labour each.
Ms. Song Ping Once Again Detained in Xili Brainwashing Centre in Shenzhen City
2007-12-23In September 2007, Ms. Song Ping went to Jiangsu Province to visit her relatives, but she was arrested by local police at the train station. In late October, she was once again detained in Xili Legal Administration School to be brainwashed. In June 2001, she was arrested in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province for distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to a 5-year-term and imprisoned in Nantong Women's Prison.
Ms. Chen Guolan Sent to Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-12-22Ms. Chen Guolan, 43, was persecuted several times for practising Falun Gong, and the managers at her workplace withheld a 20,000 yuan severance payment because of her belief. Eight police officers arrested Ms. Chen Guolan at her home on August 15th, 2006. On September 13th, they sent Ms. Chen to the Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. In November 2006, Ms. Chen appeared to have uterine cancer. The camp officials made requests to send her home for medical treatment, but police officials from the different units passed the buck, saying there was no money to take her back. After Ms. Chen Guolan's family told them they would pay all the expenses, the agents finally took her back. On September 21st, 2007, Ms. Chen was arrested again in the middle of the night. Ms. Chen's whereabouts are currently unknown.
Father and Son Arrested after Police Besiege their Home for Four Days in Anqui City, Shandong Province
2007-12-22At approximately 3 pm. on November 2nd, 2007, a dozen officers from Anqiu City "Anti-Cult" Division Armed Force Bureau, went to Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xu Jingping's home in Anqiu City to arrest him. Mr. Xu and his son were at home but refused to open the door to the Armed Force Bureau. The officers took turns stationing themselves in front of the door of the home of Mr. Xu for four days. They continually pounded on the door until they finally broke it. The noise was so loud that it was heard in the distance, terrorizing the residents of the building. After they broke down the door, the officers arrested Mr. Xu and his son (a non-practitioner).
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Fan Juncao's Excruciating Persecution in Gansu Forced Labour Camp
2007-12-21Ms. Fan Juncao, 65, persistently practises Falun Gong, follows the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and exposes the persecution, and therefore she has been sentenced to forced labour twice in 2000 and 2005 by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. In June 2006, Ms. Fan Juncao was sent to a small cell because she did the Falun Gong exercises while in the labour camp. Guards handcuffed her to a steel bed frame in such a way that she was suspended with the tips of her toes touching the ground. After five days of this torture, her wrists were bleeding and she was in a daze. An inmate found her like this and called the head guard Wang. They let her down just long enough for her to regain consciousness and then hung her up again.
More Information on the Multiple Arrests of Practitioners in October by the Jiaozhou City 610 Office in Shandong Province
2007-12-20On October 1st National Day, the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 17th Party Congress, they arrested more than 12 Falun Gong practitioners. Police officers used the soles of their shoes to hit the back of practitioner Ms. Li Shiying's head, causing many swollen bumps. They also handcuffed her. They pulled the handcuffs and dragged her around the room. The handcuffs dug deeply into her wrists, which bled non-stop. They also grabbed her by the hair and banged her head against the wall. Her hair was pulled out handful by handful. Her head was covered with blood and the white skin of her scalp was exposed. They also used a hard stick to press her anklebone and rolled it back and forth
Authorities in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, Secretly Prosecute Nine Practitioners
2007-12-20On November 28th, 2007, the Chinese Communist Party- controlled court in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, secretly held hearings for nine Falun Dafa practitioners, without notifying their families. Some of the tried practitioners hired lawyers, but not all of the lawyers attended the proceedings. Ms. Li Jingfang's lawyer received threats that his licence to practise law would be revoked if he appeared in court. He did not dare appear in court.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanjun and Others Detained at the Huailai County Domestic Security Division in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
2007-12-19Falun Gong practitioner Wang Yanjun is still being detained at the Ertaizi Detention Centre. Her case has been handed off to the local court. She started a hunger strike on December 1st to protest the persecution. Ms. Wang, along with other practitioners, was arrested by police at her house on October 9th, 2007. Police also ransacked her house. After Wang Yanjun was arrested, her husband was left to take care of their high school daughter.
Practitioner Wang Xiaoran Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison in Jinan City
2007-12-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoran was on June 23rd, 2007 detained for over five months at the Jinan City Detention Centre by police from the 610 Office. Both of the 610 Offices in Jinan City and Shandong Province, the Public Security Office in Lixia, the Prosecution Office and the local court collaborated in sentencing Wang Xiaoran to an 8-year prison term. Wang Xiaoran has endured five months of torture. Her condition is serious, as she has a lot of blood in her urine and chronic irregular heartbeats. Her appeal is now in the hands of Jinan City's Second Criminal Court.
Practitioner Zhao Jin from Jining City, Shandong Province, Sentenced to Labour Camp
2007-12-17Zhao Jin is a 37-year-old woman. She started to practise Falun Gong after the persecution began in July 1999. She had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but soon recovered after learning Falun Gong, She has been completely cured of schizophrenia. Everyone who knows her, including her work colleagues, witnessed this miraculous change. Recently Zhao Jin has been sentenced to a labour camp for one and a half years. Therefore, her employers went to the 610 Office several times to ask them to release Zhao Jin.
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Officials Accuse Practitioners of Being "Unpatriotic" and Use It as Excuse for Torture
2007-12-16In 2001, China successfully landed the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Chinese officials promised better human rights as a condition for the bid, and then turned around to use it as a tool for justifying its persecution and suppression. I was imprisoned in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp. Guard Yue Qingjin shouted at me, "You are against the bid for the Olympics. You don't love your country and resist transformation. Even if we kill you, we'll claim that you committed suicide." Several guards put me on a cotton quilt and tied my four limbs down with strips of fabric. They yanked the strips in four different directions, which caused terrible pain. They shocked me with electric batons, shouted at me and ordered me to give up my belief. When they saw that I was about to faint, they stopped and force-fed me with some water.
Additional Information on the Persecution of Yu Ming at Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing
2007-12-16Mr. Yu Ming, a Falun Gong practitioner, is currently detained at Masanjia Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. In order to force him to give up his belief in Falun Gong, he was tortured at Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing in 2006, including being tied to a chair for three months, resulting in muscular atrophy all over his body and other severe physical damage. The guards in Beijing were unable to shake Yu's strong belief. They transferred Yu to Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province on May 21st, 2007. Because Yu's health was so severely damaged at Tuanhe Labour Camp he was transferred to the Masanjia Labour Camp Hospital after just a few days. He remains there today.
Recent Cases of Persecution in Handan Forced Labour Camp, Hebei Province
2007-12-16On October 24th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Gu Daping went to the wash room without reporting to the labour camp guards. Wang Zhiming (male), the political instructor of the Specially Controlled Division, viciously struck Mr. Gu with a rubber club several dozen times. On October 15th, 2007, Mr. Li Qiusheng and Mr. Xu Kai were ordered to remain standing for a long period of time. Two weeks or so later, they were ordered to stand from 9:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and subjected to sleep deprivation. Mr. Li's legs are badly swollen as a result. Zuo Tao, a labour camp division head, has viciously beaten numerous practitioners on the grounds that they did not write statements renouncing Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Practitioners Subjected to Torture at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province
2007-12-14In August 2007, in the No. 2 Division, practitioner Mr. Xu Yushan was on a hunger strike for over 10 days to protest the brutal treatment. In the beginning, the guards threatened, cursed, beat, and force-fed him. Afterwards, other guards to tortured Mr. Xu with the so-called "big hang up" method. They used tape to fasten a radio on top of his head, turned the radio to the highest volume, inserted earphones into his ears, and wrapped them tightly with the tape. They used cigarettes to burn his fingernails and electric batons to shock and beat him. Even after a whole day's torture, Xu Yushan did not give up. They then applied white sugar to the tip of his private part and put ants on it.