Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ms. Ke Gui'e from Wuxue City, Hubei Province Forced into Brainwashing
2007-06-23On March 13th, 2007, a village official reported Ms. Ke Gui'e after she was explaining to him about the true nature of Falun Gong. Police extorted 1,2000 yuan from her. At the beginning of May 2007, Ms. Ke was taken to a brainwashing centre against her will. After one month, she still firmly kept her belief in Falun Dafa, and she refused to accept the brainwashing. Authorities would not let her return home.
Crimes Perpetrated Against Falun Gong Practitioners at the Brainwashing Centre in Langfang City, Hebei Province
2007-06-22During the past several years, practitioners who were sent there by force had their personal freedoms taken away. The brainwashing centre flooded them with twisted ideology and humiliated them. Other persecution methods included long periods of forced standing and sleep deprivation. Those who persisted in practising Falun Gong were treated more harshly and threatened with being sent to forced labour camps. The practitioners were beaten and verbally abused, and guards flicked the practitioners' eyeballs to keep them from sleeping. They also used toxic oral and intravenous drugs that damaged the nervous system. When practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution, they were force-fed with a tube inserted into their stomachs. The prison personnel also put drugs into the food and drinking water when they carried out this brutal torture.
Practitioner Ms. Deng Yulian Dies as a Result of Torture in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-06-21The tortures used in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp are cruel. In April 2006, before Ms. Deng Yulian's term in the camp ended, she started coughing, her toes felt numb and cold, she had difficulty walking, her eyesight was blurry, and she lost her sense of taste. Ms. Deng was very healthy before entering the camp. By February 2007, Ms. Deng Yulian was bedridden, could not eat at all, and was deformed beyond recognition. She died on March 12th, 2007.
Guangzhou Lawyer Mr. Zhu Yubiao Imprisoned in Forced Labour Camp For Defending Falun Gong Practitioner
2007-06-20On June 8th, 2005, lawyer Zhu Yubiao defended Falun Gong practitioner Gao Huanlian in Guangzhou's Tianhe Court. This was the first lawyer in Guangdong Province to openly defend a Falun Gong practitioner. Afterwards, some officials from the Judicial Office accused Mr. Zhu of being a "counter-revolutionary" and protested to his superiors at the Guangda Law Firm, where Mr. Zhu worked. During January and February of 2007, more practitioners attempted to hire Mr. Zhu as their defence lawyer, and he accepted the case. On February 10th, 2007, Mr. Zhu was arrested. Mr. Zhu is currently being detained at the Guangzhou Huadu Third Forced Labour Camp.
Exposing Crimes Committed in the Hubei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-20Practitioner Li Zhihui is 56 years old. Four male guards shocked her with electric batons for over 40 minutes. Before they shocked her, the prison doctor checked her and then told the four guards to go ahead with the shocking. These male officers disfigured her face. The skin on her eyelids, mouth, and ears peeled off. Before they left, they told her, "We will come back tomorrow." Practitioner Lu Fengying is 50. When she was detained in the labour camp they shocked her hands with electric batons for a long period of time, which disabled her hands, and she was unable to straighten her fingers.
Internet Satellite Images Show Facilities Where Falun Gong Practitioners Are Persecuted
2007-06-19Throughout districts and counties in Beijing, many organisations and facilities have been and continue to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong. The satellite picture obtained by searching Google Earth not only can accurately locate these places, but can also clearly expose their real appearance. The picture clearly shows the tall walls used for imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners.
My Son Is Being Cruelly Tortured and His Life is in Danger --Who is Responsible?
2007-06-19My son Liu Yongwang is 35 years old. In 2001, police officers and officials from the 610 Office arrested him. Subsequently, they detained him at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp, Tangshan Forced Labour Camp and Hebei Jidong Prison, and he has endured various kinds of inhumane tortures. Currently, he is paralysed in his lower body and is extremely weak. He has passed out several times when they force-fed him. His life is in danger and he could die at any moment. Seeing my dying son, my heart is pained with worry and anxiety! Therefore, I am writing this letter calling upon all levels of the government to investigate the misery of us ordinary citizens and to ensure that justice is served!
Persecution of Zhang Lifang from Sichuan Province: Five Years of Unjust Incarceration
2007-06-18I am Zhang Lifang, fifty years old. Because I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, I was detained at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp. I suffered and witnessed personally the persecution of practitioners. The guards punched and kicked the practitioners, shocked them with electric batons, and forced them to remain standing in the same position for long stretches of time. They also subjected the practitioners to sleep deprivation and assaulted them.
Ms. Zhu Yazhen Becomes Mentally Disordered in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-06-17On April 20th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Yazhen was arrested at her home by State Security Agents and the police. She was later sentenced to 18 months of forced labour and was detained in Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City. After less than a month, she became mentally disordered. On May 23rd, Ms. Zhu's husband and son, as well as other family members, went to visit her, but she could not recognise any of them. Her husband exclaimed to the guards, "She was perfectly fine at home before she was arrested by you! How come you tortured a normal person to this degree?" The guard then said, "She was fine when we accepted her. Maybe the local police shocked her."
Practitioners Brutally Tortured at the Third Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
2007-06-17The inmates, taking orders from prison guards, forced practitioners to read slanderous materials, watch videos slandering Falun Dafa and write so-called "experience sharing." The prison guards and inmates would hit and curse practitioners when they refused to comply with their unjust demands. In order to further persecute practitioners, the perpetrators used a brutal torture method called "wrapping dry-rice dumpling." First they roped practitioners' hands behind their backs, then, they tied the rope around their legs, and then they pulled the roped legs upward towards the bound hands. Then they pulled, with great force, practitioners' bound bodies backward and upward, causing excruciating, splitting pain, until the practitioners lost consciousness.
The Savage Persecution of Ms. Tang Tianmin at the Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2007-06-1652-year-old Ms. Tang Tianmin was taken to Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp because she persisted in practising Falun Dafa. The female head ordered inmates to attack her 24 hours a day and "reform" her through violence. They kept her handcuffed all the time; they let her sleep for only two hours a day. The inmates also beat her on a daily basis at all hours of the day. She was under enormous pressure and could not eat. She vomited anything she put in her mouth. Later, she was not allowed to sleep or use the toilet. Tang Tianmin was forced to relieve herself in her trousers and on the floor. The inmates did not let her change her trousers.
Ms. Zhou Meihua Arrested and Sent To Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Her Mother On Verge of Death from Stroke
2007-06-16Dalian City practitioner Ms. Zhou Meihua was arrested in March 2007 for taking part in activities to expose the persecution and was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she was inhumanly tortured. On May 29th, her mother, who is 68, had a stroke and fell down on her way to pick up her grandson from school. This is the second time Ms. Zhou has been sentenced to forced labour. Her mother not only had to take care of her 8-year-old daughter but also her paralysed father. The heavy workload caused her mother's health to deteriorate gradually over time. In addition, this elderly lady suffered mentally from the fact that her daughter was being inhumanly persecuted in the labour camp, and her son and daughter-in-law had to leave home and wander the streets to avoid persecution.
How Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Deceived and Kidnapped Liang Wenjian And Me
2007-06-16I heard that Liang Wenjian and her husband, Falun Gong practitioners from Guangzhou City Guangdong Province, were arrested at home by the police in February 2007. In March, without any legal procedures, they were sentenced to two years of forced labour. I read reports on the Internet of the speech that the Chinese Embassy gave in England which deceived English politicians.
Ms. Liu Dan Detained beyond Her Term at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province, Her Relatives Arrested for Trying to Visit Her
2007-06-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Dan was sentenced to three years of forced labour and is suffering from barbaric torture at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. In May 2007, her sentence term would have been over; however, Baimalong Camp authorities extended her term because she refused to be "transformed". Her family members went to visit her several times, but were harassed by the labour camp every time. On May 16th, 2007, Liu Dan's mother, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and another relative went to Baimalong Labour Camp to visit her. As a result, they were arrested and detained in a detention centre.
The Brutal and Unlawful Persecution of Practitioners in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province: Electric Shocking, Being Forced to Squat or Bend Over, and Being Hung and Tied Up
2007-06-14Guards used electric batons to shock practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunyu and caused her neck to swell. The police also hung her up. Her wrists were injured and the skin on her wrists was all red and swollen. The police also stretched her hands, hung her on a bed frame, and didn't allow her to sleep for more than 20 days. Her feet were very swollen and she could not wear shoes. She was extremely tired and fell asleep. But the guards immediately woke her up. She could not withstand the persecution and wrote the so-called "Guarantee Statements" against her will. Then she was sent to the 12th team to do forced labour.