Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
I Was Brutally Tortured in the Gansu Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-03-31The guards in the forced labour camp wanted to put on the statement that I “admit” practising Falun Gong was wrong. The captain then pressured the drug offender to put words that slandered Falun Dafa at the end of my statement and read it in public.I strongly protested and asked them to give me the statement, and went on a hunger strike. Captain Fan ordered 4 or 5 drug offenders to pin me to the ground and cuff my hands behind my back, with one of my arm up and the other down. I screamed from the pain. They then cuffed me to the bed frame. I was locked in a position in which I couldn't stand, kneel down or squat. I was forced to change my body position and reposition my legs constantly. Even the drug offenders felt sorry for me and shed tears.
The Persecution Experienced by A Common Family
2007-03-29I went to Beijing to petition for my fundamental rights to practise Dafa. I was arrested and sent to Longshan Correctional Centre, where the guards were full of abusive words. One day a TV reporter came, and we were told to sit in a line in the corridor, while a supervisor told the reporter how good the conditions were, how Falun Gong practitioners were treated like sisters, and how we liked the place. I said to the supervisor, "You just said you treated us as you did to your loved ones, but how come you often beat us and yell at us? Look at what you did to Aunt Yuan Zeqin, who's sitting right next to me. She is over 70 and her ribs were all broken." At that moment, the reporter switched off his camera.
Chongqing Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested, Sentenced to Prison for Printing Informational Materials
2007-03-29Mr. Deng Liang, 33 years old, began the practice of Falun Dafa in 1997. His diligence and kindness at work won him the award of "Top 10 Best Trained Attendants." When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Deng created and distributed large quantities of materials exposing the persecution. In July 2004 he was arrested. During the first 24 hours, the police deprived him of sleep and did not provide any food. In addition, he was not allowed to use the toilet, but was forced to sit still on tiny stools. A fabricated crime of "Destruction of the Country's Execution of the Law" was used to sentence Deng Liang and Wang Jinfei to seven years in prison. Due to the persecution, Deng now suffers vision problems and almost went blind.
The Abuse of Practitioners at the Chongqing City Women's Forced Labour Camp: A Personal Account
2007-03-29Between August 2005 and July 2006 I was detained in the Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. They immediately tell new detainees the camp rules, which are implemented right away. One is given a deadline to memorise the rules and regulations, and has to read and memorise the regulation books. They call it "Militarised Management." One has to pass a three-month-long "discipline" probation period; otherwise they will extend the lock-up time and intensify the discipline. During those three-months, one has to get up at 5:30 a.m., spend not more than 10 minutes on personal hygiene and then commence with the "discipline," which lasts until midnight.
Unyielding After Three Years of Forced Labour, Mr. Li Xuejin from Dalian City Arrested Once Again
2007-03-28In 2001, Mr. Li Xuejin was arrested at a relative's home because he practised Falun Dafa. During his detention he resisted the demands of his captors but was subjected to various tortures and was later sentenced to three years of forced labour. Li Xuejin was tortured with various methods including "wearing a boxing cap," and the “death bed” torture. He was also exposed to temperatures of minus 10 degrees Celsius (14°F) while wearing only his underwear, for an entire day. On February 6th, 2007, Li Xuejin was arrested once again by officials and sent to a detention centre.
Exposing the Crimes Committed by Prison Guards in Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Anhui Province
2007-03-28The Jiaozhi Division of Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Anhui Province is detaining more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners. The officials of the labour camp have one guard to watch over each practitioner, putting practitioners under surveillance 24 hours a day. The practitioners are beaten, deprived of sleep, forced to stand for long periods, confined in a solitary compartment, and made to put on tightened hats. The prison guards recently organised "helpers" to forcefully brainwash and "transform" practitioners, using extreme pressure, and completely isolate and watch over them. Practitioner Mr. Lu Qinghai was confined in a solitary compartment and forced to put on the tightened hat for a long time because he firmly believes in Falun Dafa and refused to cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the guards.
I Have Been Sent to Labour Camps and Brainwashing Classes Four Times in the Past Eight Years
2007-03-27In August 2003, I was forcibly taken to a labour camp. I was often deprived of sleep and was put in solitary confinement. I was asked to recite the six articles of public security. After making me suffer for years, they made me sign the “Four Statements.” I felt very bad about myself. In April 2006, when I was back in my hometown to distribute materials, I was reported by someone who did not understand the truth of the persecution. I was arrested and sent to Lianzhou Detention Centre and then to a labour camp. As I had a high blood pressure, I was refused to be taken in. The “610 Office” sent me to Sanshui Brainwashing Class for the fourth time. In the following months, I did not cooperate with the persecution and they started using violence to torture me.
An Older Lady Tells of the Persecution She Suffered in Sichuan Province
2007-03-25After the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Dafa, we were not allowed to practise together. My husband did not allow me to practise at home either. I could not understand. Why would such a wonderful practice be forbidden? I decided to speak out for justice for Dafa in Beijing. I was arrested in Beijing. In the regional office, the police asked where we came from. We did not say anything. Then they started to beat us. I still refused to tell, and then they took off my clothes. At last I only had on an undershirt. It was a cold winter day. They asked me to hold a stone lion up. One policeman said, "If you can hold it up, you will be released." Another officer, tall and mean said, "What do you say?" Then he slapped me. It felt like my eyeball had fallen out from the beating. I slowly pushed it back into place. My whole face was swollen, but I did not feel any pain.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Chunrong from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Is Arrested by the National Security Brigade
2007-03-25On January 19th, 2007, about twenty policemen arrested Dafa practitioner Ms Wang Chunrong. The police surrounded Wang's home and also her husband's shop, where she was arrested. The police stole three computers from the shop, and also took two personal computers from the Wang home. While raiding the home and business, the police also seized Wang's nephew, although he had broken no laws and the police did not have a warrant for his arrest. This latest incident marks the fourth time Wang Chunrong, 53, has been arrested in the past seven years.
Elderly Practitioner Ms. Zhang Wenrong Is Once Again Detained in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2007-03-24On June 10th, 2006, 62-year-old Ms. Zhang Wenrong was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to one year and three months of forced labour and detained in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp where she was compelled to perform over ten hours of hard labour every day, picking beans, pasting boxes, and making clothes, etc. She was frequently made to work for the entire night without sleep. When she was not working, she was forced to sit on a tiny stool for the whole day and was forced to read articles that slandered Falun Dafa.
610 Office Police Again Arrest Ms. Wang Shupei from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province
2007-03-23At the beginning of 2004, authorities arrested Ms. Wang when she went to a brainwashing centre to ask for the release of practitioners in captivity. The “610 Office” in Zhaoyuan sentenced her to a six-year term of imprisonment. They put her in the Women’s Prison of Shandong Province and severely tortured her both physically and mentally. Two years later, Wang Shupei developed a malignant tumour in her uterus and her life was in danger. She was then allowed to be hospitalised outside the prison in early July 2006. Recently she was arrested again.
Two Hundred Relatives Plan to Sue Police after Practitioner Fu Zhenmin is Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-22When driving his own car on February 8th, Mr. Fu Zhenmin was reported to police by villagers and arrested . On February 25th, with no trial or evidence, Tong and Sun sentenced Fu Zhenmin to one year of forced-labour in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp on the grounds of "spreading Falun Gong material", which he did not. Fu Zhenmin's relatives are very concerned about his safety and protest his unjust imprisonment. They plan to sue police officers for knowingly violating the law.
Exposing the Persecution Carried Out by Jixian County Police in Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-21Only four days after I began Dafa cultivation in 2001, I informed a young local policeman about the true nature of Falun Gong in front of a police station. I was arrested and detained at the police station. Policemen there ordered me to point out Dafa practitioners from a group of people, but I did not cooperate with them. As a result, the police grabbed my hair and slammed my head into a wall. Later I was again detained. They tortured me by having me sit on a wooden stool for a long time without changing positions or sleeping. Otherwise, I would be beaten. My buttocks hurt and became numb from the prolonged sitting.
The Persecution of Two Dafa Practitioners in Chongqing City
2007-03-21On September 4th, 2001, I was arrested and sent to Beipei Detention Centre. I was stripped naked for inspection upon arrival. At the detention centre, the police forced me to clean the toilet every day. I was forced to brush the toilet with a toothbrush and touch the filth with my hands. I had to do this every morning, noon and evening. My hands and feet festered after being soaked in dirty fluid for too long. In addition, all of the practitioners were forced to fold one thousand paper packaging boxes every day. We could not go to sleep before finishing the work.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Gao Weiling of Beijing Has Been Detained by Shunyi County Police for Six Months
2007-03-19National Security officers and a gang of policemen, suddenly surrounded the home of practitioner Ms. Gao Weiling. This happened on August 31st, 2006. Because Ms. Gao and her husband (a non-practitioner) refused to open the door, Xiao Changjun found someone from the local community office and pried open their door in broad daylight. They arrested Ms. Gao and confiscated many items from their home. The police first sent Ms. Gao to the Shunyi Brainwashing Centre. They planned to forcefully "reform" her, but they failed. Then they sent her to the Nihe Detention Centre.