Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Wuchang "610 Office" Extorted Several Hundred Thousand Yuan from 100 Arrested Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-03-11Wuchang's "610 Office" personnel used various methods to detain more practitioners to reach their goal of extorting money. The officials' average monthly salary is about 1,000 Yuan, however, they would receive a monetary reward if they could make a practitioner give up his/her belief, and they took advantage of it. If a practitioner is sent to the 610 Office for brainwashing, his workplace has to pay 2,000 Yuan per month for the practitioner's stay there. In order to obtain the highest profit, they would keep them there for a longer time so that they could extort more money.
Practitioner Huang Yonghui Tells of His Ordeal in Hunan Province Jail
2005-03-09"I was sent to jail in December 2001. In mid-March 2003, I was hospitalized in the jail due to the tortures I had received there. My body was swollen, painful and numb. I could not move my left hand, and both of my legs could not be straightened. My condition has not improved as of today. Since my release from jail, I am unable to walk smoothly. I am classified as having third degree limb disability by the City Disability Association. I am unable to find a job and get only 100 yuan each month, on which it is difficult to survive."
Practitioner Ms. Lu Caixia Suffers Brutal Persecution in Tangshan Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-06Without notifying her family, the "610 Office" secretly sent Ms. Lu Caixia to a labour camp. No one would reveal to her family her whereabouts. An insider finally told them where she may have been sent. After the family members arrived at the Camp, the local police shifted responsibility to prevent them from seeing her. Her family was very worried about her health. Her blood pressure was very high at the time, as she was on a hunger strike. Two months have passed since then.
Wanjia Forced Labour Camp--A Den of Evil
2005-03-05"I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. After being brought to court four times, I was sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in January 2002. Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. More than half of the practitioners detained there suffer brutal torture, such as force-feeding, being hung up, and shocks with an electric baton. Since July 2002, the guards at Wanjia have abused practitioners daily with beatings and torture."
Dafa Practitioner Li Zhiyong from Changchun City Suffers Brutal Persecution in Jilin Prison
2005-03-04Li Zhiyong was sent to Jilin Prison because he practised Falun Dafa. There, he was forced to do slave labour, making fake brand-name clothing. As a result of the abuse he suffered, he developed extreme oedema, leading to difficulties in breathing and walking.
Others Are Reunited with Their Families to Celebrate the New Year, But My Family Is Broken Up
2005-03-02"I am Zhang Jingyan, a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. The New Year holiday is a good time for the whole family to be together, but because of the persecution, I am forced to live a homeless life even though I have a home, just because I practise Falun Gong and follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in order to be a good person. For the past five years I have been imprisoned and sentenced to jail, my family's property was confiscated, and now I live the life of an itinerant."
The Depraved Acts Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-01The crimes committed by the authorities in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp are too many to record. For instance, the officers shackled the practitioners on iron beds, completely immobilized in the spread-eagle position with all four limbs extended. Wearing gloves and holding towels, the officers then forcefully squeezed the male practitioners' testicles. The pain, the humiliation, and the trampling of their humanity were too horrific to describe with any human language. In the officers' own words, "You're here just for us to play with. We can torture you as we wish."
The New Name, "Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province," is a Mask to Cover Up the Evil of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-01The name of "The Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province" is a mask that is used by the evildoers to cover the surface of the notorious "Masanjia Forced Labour Camp," and to cover up its real identity and nature. Under the disguise of this mask, the evildoers inside Masanjia are committing dreadful deeds - the most evil in history - to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: The Cruel Torture of Women Practitioners Continues
2005-02-28"Like thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners, I have endured the last five years of hardship in tremendous adversity, having been abducted several times, illegally detained, and forced to pay extortion totalling more than 6000 yuan. The most severe of these arrests was in April 2002, when I was abducted on the way to my relative's home. The local police department sent me to the "transformation" centre in Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in July 2002. Being in the transformation centre of Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is like going to hell."
The Sadistic Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2005-02-28It is a common phenomenon in forced labour camps in China for detainees to be shocked with electric batons and abused sadistically. Here is a terrifying case of sadistic torture. It is about what happened to a Falun Gong practitioner named Qu Hui during his detention in Dalian Forced Labour Camp. He was disabled because of torture, and his penis festered after electric shocking. His cervical vertebra was fractured, leaving him a paraplegic now for four years.
Two Elderly Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death by the CCP's "610 Office" in 2003 and 2002
2005-02-2768 year old Ms. Hu Gui'e revealed the evil nature of the persecution. The police repeatedly abducted her, harassed her, and forced her to undergo brainwashing. Under the pressure of this injustice, she passed away on March 17, 2003. Ms. Li Yuru, 58, was a school doctor who was repeatedly abducted, harassed, threatened and trailed by police. When she was dying her husband told police, "She is dying, and you're still doing this to her! You let the murderers and arsonists go, and come here to seize a good person like my wife!"
"Outstanding Woman" Award Nominee Viciously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-02-27Song Shuqin, the former head of the “610 Office” in the City of Zhaoyuan, is a person who overrode the law of the Chinese Constitution and is responsible for the murder of a Falun Gong practitioner. In January 2005, this person was nominated as one of the twenty candidates for the "Ten Outstanding Women of the City of Zhaoyuan" for the 2005 session, an activity hosted by the Women's Union.
Qingdao City "610 Office" Brainwashing Centre Fabricates Lies and Frames Innocent People
2005-02-22Qingdao City's current brainwashing centre hides its true identity with signs hanging up in front of the entrance, which say "Qingdao City Massage Instruction Centre for People with Visual Impairment" and "National Appraisal Centre for Professional Skills." However, none of these places exist. A leader of the "610 Office" has openly said to Falun Gong practitioners that every year the rental expenses for the brainwashing centre costs the state almost 100,000 yuan.
66 Year Old Mr. Zhang Mengye, the Chinese President's Former Classmate, Suffered Severe Abuse at Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City
2005-02-21Mr. Zhang Mengye, is a former assistant professor at the Guangdong Provincial Electric Power Institute. He was a fellow classmate of the current President of China, Hu Jintao, in Tsinghua University, "Class of 1959." Zhang Mengye was detained for 2 years and 37 days and was "re-educated" in a forced labour camp which caused him tremendous mental and physical trauma. When h ewas released in February 2002, he was thin as a skeleton, weighing less than 77 pounds (35kg).
Atrocities Committed in the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-02-21A sign on the courtyard wall of the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp reads: "Liaoning Province Mental Education Centre." Since the day the Women's Ward was established, its staff have violated human rights, forbidden people to believe in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," deprived people of their right to think for themselves, destroyed people's free will, and physically and mentally tortured them.