Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
In Memory of Hainan Art School Teacher Zhang Xiaotong
2005-04-14Zhang Xiaotong was from Siping City, Jilin Province and born in November 1958. She was a piano teacher in the Hainan Provincial Art School. She was kind and talented, especially in music composition. Because she cultivated Falun Dafa, Zhang Xiaotong suffered severe persecution for a long time. She died at age 46, at 6 p.m. on March 10, 2005 in the Hainan People's Hospital. Zhang Xiaotong's husband Song Yuesheng is a sculptor, and he also teaches at the Hainan Provincial Art School. Because he is a Dafa practitioner, he was illegally arrested and sentenced, and is currently still in prison.
I Can't Remain Silent - My Conscience Won't Allow It
2005-04-14Recently, CCTV broadcast a programme that stated there was no persecution or torturing of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and no slandering of Falun Dafa. The CCP is still attempting to turn black into white and trying to cover up its crimes. After the central government gave orders to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, various prisons and labour camps started a massive and organised inhumane persecution against Dafa practitioners. Now that these crimes have been exposed, they are trying to cover them up. They label the truthful reports of their criminal acts as lies. This completely exposes their shameless perverseness.
Lost Memory and a Broken Arm Due to Torture - A Falun Dafa Practitioner Retells Her Story
2005-04-14"I did not violate the law. Just because I firmly believe in "Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance," and refuse to give up practising Falun Dafa, they tortured me in a detention centre until I was disabled, making me so thin and weak. They did not allow my family to visit me during the first month. I went on hunger strike; then they force-fed me. They used four to five young men to hold down my legs, arms, and head, and they pinched my nose while they poured milk, which was saturated with salt, down my throat. They never cared whether my life was in danger or not."
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Makes Huge Profits Using Slave Labour to Produce Harmful Products
2005-04-13Masanjia Forced Labour Camp forces Falun Dafa practitioners to make money for them. Practitioners must make a large number of cardboard boxes, handling glue for a long time. Some people's eyes were irritated and watering, and the skin of their fingers split. Young practitioners are forced to make clothes and many handicrafts, including bracelets, necklaces, hair ornaments, and artificial flowers. Older women are forced to make "hygienic cotton swabs."
Parents Illegally Detained in Forced Labour Camp, 10-Year-Old Son Left Unattended
2005-04-11Recently, Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Luo Yulin and Ms. Meng Qingwen, a married couple from Shandong Province, were detained in forced labour camps for the second time. The first time they were abducted by police, their son was only 6 years old. Last December police again arrested the couple, leaving their now 10 year old son in tears and once again deprived of his family.
Torture Techniques at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City Used Against Falun Gong Practitioners (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-04-10Torture method used in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp: Pinching the flesh with pliers. Police order the criminals to pinch practitioners' skin and flesh with pliers. After this torture, the victims' bodies are covered with purple bruises.
Germany Calls for Concern over a Young Couple Harassed by the Chinese National Security Bureau
2005-04-09The young couple, Jiang and Guo, lived overseas for several years and they fully enjoyed the freedom and the goodness of cultivating Falun Gong. However, as soon as they returned to China, they lost all of their basic human rights. Like tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners and their family members, the couple’s friends and relatives are intimidated and suppressed by the Chinese communist regime. We would like to call on the international society and the extensive kind-hearted people around the world to be concerned about this couple’s situation and put an end to this persecution once and for all so as to help all Falun Gong practitioners regain their freedom.
Zhangjiakou City Police Persecute Ms. Cai Jinhua and Extort Money from Her Family
2005-04-09On December 15, 2001, practitioner Ms. Cai Jinhua went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. Police arrested her and placed her in the Haidian District prison. Local officials forced her husband to pay 3,000 yuan for her release. Her husband could only borrow 1,000 "yuan" from his work place to pay them. On December 18, police again arrested Ms. Cai and put her in the county jail. The 610 Office threatened her husband, saying that she would be put into a forced labour camp. He was so afraid for her that he borrowed 5,200 yuan to pay the authorities.
Shameless Persecution at the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-04-08A 40-year-old female practitioner was brutally tortured at the Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp. In mid-May, because this practitioner didn't cooperate with the guards, inmate group leader Chen Hong reported her. The guards locked her in a small room and instigated drug addict convicts to take turns torturing her for 83 days, which caused severe internal injuries. Once inmate stepped on a practitioner's foot and pulled her nipples until they bled.
Police Cruelly Beat a Woman With a Thick Iron Bar
2005-04-05"In the afternoon of January 30, 2002, police forcibly took me from my work place to the local public security bureau without any excuse or legal procedures. They dragged me to the fourth floor and cuffed both my hands to an iron chair. They then stripped off my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear. They shocked my breasts with electric batons. The electric shocks were too painful to imagine. This policeman threw away the baton, grabbed a one-inch thick iron bar, and beat my legs and hips to the point that my legs were covered with bruises and stains. They tortured me for about two hours."
Mr. Zhao Guangsheng Badly Injured and Deformed after Police and Criminal Inmates Cruelly Torture Him
2005-04-04Mr. Zhao Guangsheng was arrested by police from the "610 Office". They cruelly beat him with a leather-thonged whip for 3 hours. On another occasion guards ordered several criminal inmates to put some toilet paper between Mr. Zhao's toes and then set the paper on fire to burn him. His agonising screams broke the silence of the night until he passed out from the pain. When Mr. Zhao's wife went to the prison to see him and saw how hideously deformed her husband was, she couldn't stop crying and borrowed money from her friends to pay for his release.
Secret Trial for Six Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Province
2005-04-03On March 16, 2005, the Jilin Province Yanji City Court held a secret court session trying Falun Gong practitioners. During the session, five of the practitioners requested their immediate, unconditional release while defending themselves in an upright way. The judge panicked, and feeling guilty, forced the practitioners to stop reading their defence documents. In the end, the court officials hurriedly ended the session without any verdict.
A Practitioner in Jilin Province Speaks About the Brutal Persecution
2005-04-02"I was dismissed from my position as a public official and unlawfully arrested and threatened many times, because I wanted to become a good person. I fainted four times from police beatings, was charged with phony crimes, secretly sentenced to over eight years in prison, and had 20,000 yuan illegally seized from me. I was devastated by the brutal treatment while in prison and developed cirrhosis of the liver. They sent me home when I became critically ill. The persecution has robbed me of everything. They left me with a mortal body full of illnesses related to cirrhosis, and I am at the end of my rope."
Cruelty at the Anhui Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-31Since July 2003, in order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their practice, Anhui Women's Forced Labour Camp authorities have escalated the pressure on its victims with prolonged torture and sleep deprivation. Just for defending Falun Dafa, four officers immediately jumped on two practitioners, shocked them with high voltage electric batons, cuffed their hands behind their backs, sealed their mouths with tape and then humiliated them in front of everyone. Afterwards the two were locked up in another room, where they were cruelly beaten.
Ms. Gao Rongrong Is Arrested Again -- Many Practitioners Who Rescued Her Also Arrested
2005-03-30Ms. Gao Rongrong's face was severely disfigured from burns from electric baton shocks while she was held in a labour camp. In October 2004, many Falun Dafa practitioners who were involved in the successful rescue of Ms. Gao Rongrong were taken into custody.