Ancient Cultivation Stories
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Ten Tests of Lu Dongbin
2003-06-17It has been said that when Lu Dongbin was born, an extraordinary fragrance and heavenly music filled the air. In addition, a solitary white stork descended from heaven and disappeared into the bed curtain. He was said to be born of fine qualities, with an oval face of fair complexion, with a strong character, virile body and a strong back, brilliant almond eyes with long slanting eyebrows, slender neck and high cheekbones, broad forehead and round trunk, straight nose and beige complexion with a black mole below his left eyebrow. He was very intelligent and had a good memory since childhood.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Three-Life Stone
2003-06-10Li Yuan was born into a distinguished family. He spent all his time sightseeing, attending banquets, partying, and drinking. During the reign of Emperor Tainbao, his father Li Cheng was a general guarding the border of the empire. General Li Cheng was captured by enemies and never heard from again. This depressed Li Yuan to the extent that he gave up his life of luxury. He moved to the Huilin temple and donated all his possessions to the temple. The temple allowed him only one bowl of food, one drink, and did not provide a servant for him. He was completely isolated from the outside world.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: To Believe or Not to Believe
2003-06-09Seeing the sincerity of the grandmother and her kind heart, Bodhisattva pointed to a pair of stone lions and told the grandmother the following before he left, "Whenever you see the eyes of this pair of stone lions turn red, it marks the time of a big flood. You have to quickly run to the top of the hill and then you will be safe." This kind grandmother spread this news around the village. However, no one believed her, but instead they mocked and scolded her...
Ancient Cultivation Stories: A Monk Who Ruined His Cultivation with One Vicious Thought
2003-06-05He knelt down and said, I dont have a bowl for my meal. I dont know what to do without it. I was wondering if you could kindly lend me your bowl for today. I will go to buy a new one tomorrow. The monk refused to lend him his bowl. He replied, I have been using this bowl for several decades. I am afraid that you might accidentally break the bowl if I lend it to you. The novice monk begged, I am only using it for the meal today, and I will promptly return it to you. How can I possibly break it within such a brief period of time while the bowl is in my possession? After repeated pleading, the monk finally agreed to lend the novice monk the bowl. Before he handed the bowl over, he cautioned the novice monk; I treasure this bowl like my own life. If you should damage the bowl, you will really kill me!
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Deity Named Wei
2003-05-15Chinese folklore is full of ancient stories of cultivation, immortals and taoists. These stories reflect the depth to which the concept of cultivation permeates the whole of Chinese culture, tradition and history. These stories are not directly related to Falun Gong, but are included on Clear Harmony because they are of interest to western people, providing an insight into the deep cultural tradition of cultivation practises in China.
Ancient Moral Story: Good and Evil Have Just Rewards
2003-05-07There is a story in Buddhism: in the past, a person named Gan Daduo committed all manner of crimes. One day while he was walking on a street, he saw that he was about to step on a spider. A kind thought came to him: "A spider is a small life, but why should I kill it?" So he stepped over the spider and avoided killing it. Since he had done so many bad things, he fell into an endless hell when he died. While he was suffering, a silver thread from a spider fell down from the sky...
A General Discussion on the Medical Arts
2003-05-02The ancients believed that in order to master the fundamental professional medical expertise, one must be content to lead a humble but virtuous life and must not admire fame and self-interest. A doctor who haggles over prices and puts profit before everything else does not care for his patients safety. Whether rich or poor, patients should be treated in the same way.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: He Zhizhang and the Old Taoist Wang
2003-04-30Chinese folklore is full of ancient stories of cultivation, immortals and taoists. These stories reflect the depth to which the concept of cultivation permeates the whole of Chinese culture, tradition and history. These stories are not directly related to Falun Gong, but are included on Clear Harmony because they are of interest to western people, providing an insight into the deep cultural tradition of cultivation practices in China.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Magic Pill That No One Wanted
2003-04-25In China there is a story about a mysterious old travelling pharmacist. When asked his name, he always introduced himself as the pharmacist. Many elderly people remembered having seen him when they were children and found that his face remained exactly the same as when they had first met him. It seemed that he never aged.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Origin of the Princess Ridge at Mount Hua
2003-04-17Chinese folklore is full of ancient stories of cultivation, immortals and taoists. These stories reflect the depth to which the concept of cultivation permeates the whole of Chinese culture, tradition and history. These stories are not directly related to Falun Gong, but are included on Clear Harmony because they are of interest to western people, providing an insight into the deep cultural tradition of cultivation practices in China.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: Cheng Weis Wife
2003-03-29During the Han Dynasty, the wife of Qimen Officer Cheng Wei, attained enlightenment through cultivation practise. She had supernormal abilities and was able to transform into various things. After a while, Cheng Wei got used to his wifes abilities and no longer thought of them as strange.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: Dr. Wang Yanbo
2003-03-27In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), there was a Taoist monk called Wang Yanbo. He was from Jingzhou and was gifted in the practise of medicine. He had a special talent in diagnosing diseases just by reading one's pulse. His diagnoses of life-threatening diseases were often extremely accurate.
Ancient Cultivation Story: Lady Wang
2003-03-19She sat on a stone to the right of the gate of the temple, and inscribed a poem, When I stop to rest while playing with water and climbing the mountain, many Gods frequently come down to listen to my reciting of poems. Im not attached to life in this world, as two cranes can be seen flying on the horizon.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: Chinese Poet Wang Bo
2003-03-01Wang Bos poems are refreshing in style, but it was his odes (a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling and style) that have truly made him stand out as a poet during the early Tang Dynasty. Wang Bo collaborated with Lu Zhaolin and other poets to improve the style of the poetry of his time, which was described as excessive pursuit of fine structures that has turned poetry writing into detailed carving work.
Ancient Story: The Story of Wheat
2003-02-08When I was little, my mom often told us a story about wheat to teach us to treasure food. My mom often told us, Wasting food is against the principle of the universe.Here is the story that my mom used to tell...