Ancient Cultivation Stories
Consummation Stories From the Tao School IV : Xi Shen
2002-08-17This is one of many ancient stories of cultivation passed down through history in China, now taken by many people as myths. These stories are not a part of Falun Dafa itself, but Falun Dafa is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and its ancient history of cultivation. These stories are included on Clearharmony because they can help place Falun Dafa within a rich historical and cultural tradition of cultivation.
Ancient Cultivation Story: Penetrating a Rock with a Wooden Drill
-Once upon a time in China, a man went to Jiao Mountain in search of the Dao. He sought the Dao for seven years before he finally met a Daoist deity called Most Exalted Lord Lao. Lord Lao gave him a drill made of wood and told him to drill a hole through a rock that was five-foot thick. Lord Lao said, “You will obtain the Tao as soon as you penetrate a hole through that rock.” It took the man forty years to finally drill a hole through the rock.