Death Cases
Murder of Practitioner Mr Yang Lichuang from Gansu Province
2005-08-08Around July 1st 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Lichuang from Gansu Province was deceived into returning to his workplace by the leaders of the workplace. The County Party School was promoting the movement, "Maintain the advanced nature of party members" at that time. That night, Mr. Yang was inhumanly persecuted and tortured to death. His body was thrown into a cellar. The leaders of his workplace lied to his family members, alleging that Mr. Yang picked up three months worth of salary checks and skipped town. They said that they wanted his family to persuade him to return to work. About a week later, local residents found the body in a cellar. Details of Yang Lichuang's death are currently being investigated.
Five Practitioners in Jilin, Guangdong, and Hebei Provinces and Chongqing City Died Under Persecution
2005-08-08Ms. Zhou Cuihua was 60 years old and a practitioner in Hebei Province. After she began to practise Falun Dafa in 1998, all her sicknesses disappeared. She went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2000 and was twice arrested and taken back for detention in the township government office. Ms. Zhou was beaten in the government office and had 5,000 five thousand yuan extorted from her. She was then harassed repeatedly after her release. Ms. Zhou Cuihua died on January 8th 2004.
An Eyewitness Account of the Torture that Led to the Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Bai Xiuhua in 2002
2005-08-07"The police officer handcuffed her left arm to the bed, pressed down her right arm and instructed a medical doctor to administer an intravenous drip and then force-fed her at the same time. While the force-feeding was in progress, I saw the food administered through her nose spew out of her mouth. The police officer incessantly slapped her cheeks, yelled at her, and tormented her. After this torture she was barely breathing so they called a medical doctor for a physical examination. The doctor said, "Ms. Bai's lung has been filled with water for some time." The hospital personnel knew that she was dying and that the police officer had brought her there to persecute her further. We were in the prison cell together for seven days. I was released after seven days, and she died three days later from the persecution."
Stop the Brutal Persecution and Murder of Practitioners in Daqing Prison
2005-08-07No. 7 Jail Block of Daqing Prison political instructor guard Zhang Dezhi commanded the prisoners to torture practitioner Xu Jishan to death. The prison guards are now occupied in covering up the murder and trying to pass his death off as natural causes. At a prison meeting on June 10th, they also threatened all the prisoners in all the jail blocks not to discuss the matter with anyone from the outside. Anyone who did so would lose the chance of a reduced prison term and would also be detained in solitary confinement. Consequently, no prisoners dared to speak the truth to anyone on the outside.
Another Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2005-08-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ji Fengqin was brutally tortured at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. On the afternoon of July 27th 2005, when Ms. Ji Fengqin was picked up by her family at the Harbin City Armed Police Hospital, she was so thin that she looked like a skeleton. She was unconscious and dying. The rescue effort failed, and Ms. Ji Fengqin died on July 30th 2005 only three days after being released to her family. We have confirmed at least 24 torture-related deaths at the Wanjia Labour Camp.
Memorial Service Held for Murdered Ms Zhao Chunying in Jixi City, with Police Stationed Everywhere
2005-08-06Because Zhao told people about the goodness of Falun Dafa, she was arrested and sent to Jixi City Second Detention Centre on April 27th 2003. On May 10th 2003, her family was informed about her death. When they went to see the body, they saw that it was covered with bruises and wounds. At the memorial service, the public security bureau stationed a large number of plainclothes policemen inside and around the funeral home. Several minutes after the service began, even before some of the relatives and friends had entered the hall, the plainclothes policemen hastily took Zhao Chunying's body away to be cremated causing great distress to Zhao's family.
Fifteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Persecuted to Death in Hainan, Hunan, Hubei and Other Provinces
2005-08-06Ms. Fang Qiaoying, 34 years old, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hainan Province. In May 2001, while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, Ms Qiaoying was arrested by the authorities. While at Qiongshan Detention Centre, Ms. Fang was tortured until she was emaciated, lost all her hair, and had two holes appear on her lung. Only then was she was released, almost on her last gasp of breath when she got home. After a little while, when her body just began to recover, the authorities came to harass and threaten Ms. Fang again. Ms. Fang Qiaoying passed away in 2004 as a result of the persecution.
Additional List of the Main Persons Responsible for the Death of Gao Rongrong
2005-08-06The director of Judicial Department of Liaoning Province Yu Fengsheng was ordered directly by Luo Gan, the Director of the 610 Office to form a "Special Case Group" at the Xiaobailou Brainwashing Class of Zhangshi Reform Camp of Shenyang City after Gao Rongrong escaped for the first time. The group focused on re-arresting Gao Rongrong and the other Falun Gong practitioners who rescued Gao Rongrong.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Jiang Liying Persecuted to Death in Hunan Province in 2002
2005-08-05Ms Jiang Liying was a practitioner from Changsha City, Hunan Province. She was tortured to the point of near death in Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp. Due to the intense and terrifying brainwashing at the Labour Camp, Ms. Jiang's blood pressure was as high as 280. Her heart was in extremely poor condition, and she was dying. Labour camp officials were afraid she would die, so they sent her back home on a conditional release and continued to monitor her closely. They also frequently harassed and threatened Ms. Jiang, causing tremendous damage to her body and mind. Ms. Jiang died in September 2002.
Mr. Gao Deyong Tortured to Death at Fuyu Forced Labour Camp in 2004
2005-08-05Fifty-five-year-old Mr. Gao Deyong was tortured by the prison guards from Fuyu Forced Labour Camp, with methods such as the "big hang up," and beat him on his temples with electric batons. They beat and cursed at him, and made him stand for 17 to 18 hours. However, he remained determined not to give in, so the prison guards increased their brutality and rendered him unconscious. He was released for treatment and passed away in 2004.
Eleven Elderly Practitioners Had Their Lives Cut Short Due to Persecution for Their Falun Gong Beliefs
2005-08-05Ms. Wang Mingying was a 73-year-old housewife who lived in Shandong Province. Before she learned Falun Gong, she suffered from several illnesses. After she started practising Falun Gong, her illnesses vanished, she regained her health and her hair turned black again. After July 20th 1999, when the persecution started, she was inhumanely harassed and threatened and was forced to stop practising Falun Gong. Her old illnesses recurred. At the end of 2000, within a month after their recurrence, she died.
Inhuman Torture At the Guizhou Province Women's Labour Camp; Ms. Zhang Yan Died After Brutal Force-Feeding in 2003
2005-08-04Prison staff at the Guizhou Province Women's Labour Camp have committed countless crimes against humanity. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Guihong was severely tortured and suffered a mental breakdown. Ms. Zhang Yan was tortured over an extended period, and her body was completely emaciated. She was unable to walk and had to be carried to the treatment room to be force-fed. One day near the end of August 2003, she was again taken to the treatment room, restrained, and died immediately after being force-fed. Another practitioner Ms. Zhou was tortured almost to death and then died soon after being taken home.
Information on Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Lin Feng from Sichuan Province who was Persecuted to Death
2005-08-03The guards told her family, "We used all sorts of torture methods, but she refused to accept the brainwashing." For remaining steadfast and refusing to disavow her faith in Falun Dafa, Ms. Lin was injected with nerve-damaging drugs, and she suffered a nervous break down. Her entire body was sickened by the effects of the drugs. She suffered severe swelling in parts of her body and was unable to walk. She then suffered kidney failure and was in critical condition. She was sent to hospital, but her health was just too poor. Ms. Lin Died on July 26th 2005.
Six Practitioners Who Passed Away As a Result of Persecution
2005-08-0267-year-old Ms. Yang Shuqin started practising Falun Dafa and her stroke, heart disease and arthritis were cured. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa after the persecution started on July 20th 1999 and was arrested. In December 2000 local police station personnel searched her home and took away Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. They arrested her again and jailed her for sixteen days, during which time she suffered ruthless abuse such as slapping her face, pinching her chin and twisting her arms. After she was released, persons from the police station and the residential committee and from her employer often sent people to monitor, abuse and threaten her. Ms. Yang passed away in December 2001.
Eight Falun Gong Practitioners From Heilongjiang, Jilin, Shandong and Hebei Provinces Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-08-02Mr. Li Naijun, 53, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. On January 1st 2001 he was beaten by the police while he was appealing for Falun Dafa on Tiananmen Square in Beijing. His nose was broken, and he bled profusely. Later he was again beaten by policemen at the Beijing Police Bureau. As a result he suffered bloody stools. Later he was sent back to Heilongjiang Province and was detained for two months. Li Naijun suffered physical and mental torture and died in June 2005 due to his nasal injury.