Death Cases
Mr. Kong Xiangzhu Subjected to Torture at Mudanjiang Prison Before His Death
2009-08-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Kong Xiangzhu, 39, was tortured to the brink of death at Mudanjiang Prison. He was forced to sit on burning concrete. Guards said, "You can meditate right? We'll let you meditate this time." Guards sprinkled plastic bags with mustard powder and then covered Mr. Kong's head with the bag. Mr. Kong's face turned purple from the lack of oxygen. He choked on the powder with tears and nasal discharge streaming down his face at the same time. Mr. Kong was in such pain that his entire body became distorted. Mr. Kong was only released after the prison extorted 5,000 yuan from his family. On April 18th, 2007, family members carried Mr. Kong home from the prison, only to see him pass away two months later.
The Persecution of Liu Chengjun
2009-08-08On March 5th, 2002, a programme about the true story of Falun Gong was successfully broadcast over the cable television network in Changchun and Songyuan. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)became enraged at this and began to arrest and persecute Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. Liu Chengjun was one of those practitioners arrested. The police tortured him by putting him on a "tiger bench". They damaged his peritoneum, resulting in his suffering from a strangulated hernia. They tied him on a torture bed for more than fifty days. In October 2002, Liu Chengjun was sentenced to nineteen years in jail. He was later tortured to death.
Mr. Fu Ziming Died as a Result of Persecution
2009-08-06Mr. Fu Ziming was a 34-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Jianli County, Hubei Province. While travelling in the scenic district of Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province on April 17th, 2009, he posted the message, "Falun Gong is good" in several places. Wuyi Mountain Police Department/Scenic District Police Station agents arrested him. Jianli County 610 Office deputy director Jiang Changhong arrived on April 20th, 2009 to take Fu Ziming back to Hubei Province on a train. Mr. Fu died before his return to Jianli County.
Beijing Police Tortured Ms. Sun Min to Death and Falsified the Circumstances of Her Death
2009-08-04Falun Gong practitioners Wu Yang and his wife, Sun Min, from Inner Mongolia, were arrested in Beijing by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police. Wu Yang was arrested while he was distributing Falun Gong DVDs exposing the persecution in Beijing. Sun Min was arrested after her husband and she died during a brutal interrogation in police custody. The police tampered with her post mortem examination report, claiming that she fell from her apartment window.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Du Shiliang Dies as a Result of Persecution in Mudanjiang Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2009-08-04Mr. Du Shiliang, a 50-year-old practitioner died as a result of persecution in Jianshanzi Prison, Heilongjiang Province on January 20th, 2006. Before his death, his family visited him on January 13th, and he appeared to be in normal physical condition. After his death, when his family asked to take his body, the chief of the Prison Guard Section said, "Du Shiliang is still serving his sentence. He has to continue to serve his sentence, even if he is dead, so you can't take his body." Later, his body was cremated by police.
Practitioner Zhu Hongbin Dies Six Months After Being Injected With an Unknown Drug in Daqing Prison
2009-08-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Hongbin died on June 18th, 2009, after being brutally tortured during his detainment in the Hongweixing Prison in Daqing City. Mr. Hong was injected with an unknown drug which caused him to lose consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he experienced severe memory loss, including the loss of short term memory. The guards deprived him of food, sleep, and use of the toilet. Five days later, they forced a feeding tube in through Mr. Zhu's nose, down his throat and into his stomach and forced a bowl of milk powder down into Zhu's lungs.
Additional Details of Mr. Yang Guiquan's Death While in Custody in Fuxin City
2009-08-02Fuxin City Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Guiquan was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in a Fuxin City shopping mall when he was arrested on June 20th, 2009. He was detained in the Xindi Detention Centre. During his detention, Mr. Yang held a hunger strike to protest the persecution, but the guards brutally force-fed him. He died on July 5th, 2009. His back and head had bruises, and there were scars on his legs. Mr. Yang's inner thighs showed scars from electric shocks.
"The Risen Lotus Flower" Wu Junyang
2009-08-02The Chinese Communist Party has persecuted Falun Gong for ten years. I recently recalled a fellow practitioner, Wu Junyang, who died five years ago. On July 20th, 1999 the Communist regime began to persecute Falun Gong. Mr. Wu went to Beijing to appeal four times and was detained at the detention centre twice. In 2004 when he was arrested police detained him in Benxi Detention Centre and tortured him. Each day the thugs beat him to force him to give them information about a site producing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and his fellow practitioners. He divulged nothing. Wu Junyang was tortured to skin and bones, his body was full of scars and he became blind.
Ms. Zhang Sufang Died in 2000 after Being Tortured at Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-08-01Ms. Zhang Sufang was released in 2000 from the Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp because she was in grave condition after suffering long term mistreatment and repeated beatings. Guards repeatedly ordered prisoners to beat her. Those prisoners used stools to batter her head and their elbows to strike her back. They kicked whatever part of her was closest to them. An imprisoned practitioner counted nineteen wounds on just one of her legs. Ms. Zhang died only a week after being released.
Older Mr. Fan Yichang Dies in Da'an City Detention Centre in Jilin Province
2009-07-31Mr. Fan Yichang, 69, suffered a stroke in the past, but all of his ailments disappeared after he started to practise Falun Gong. He was a kind and honest person, and even officer Chen Yamin, who mistreated him, had to say that Mr. Fan was a good person. In April 2009, police arrested Mr. Fan. He was sentenced to prison during his detention in the Da'an City Detention Centre. Before being sent to prison, he died on July 22nd, 2009, and his body was cremated against the family's will.
Autopsy Shows Mr. Lu Zhen Suffered Severe Physical Trauma Prior to Death
2009-07-31Mr. Lu Zhen, 33, died in the Shandong Province First Prison on June 22nd, 2009. His neck, hips, stomach, and legs were covered with bruises, and there were whip marks on his body. His family did not believe the prison administration when they told them that he died of sudden heart failure and that it was a natural death. They requested an autopsy on the morning of June 30th, and the results showed that he had suffered severe physical trauma prior to his death. It is highly likely that a beating was the cause of death.
Two Elderly Practitioners Die in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region As a Result of the Persecution
2009-07-31Mr. Ma Chunwang, 82, lived in Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. He was arrested many times after the persecution began in 1999. On September 6th, 2008, he was arrested along with fellow practitioners Mr. Cao Hongqi and Mr. Zou Kewen, and about a dozen practitioners then later bailed him out. On May 6th, 2009, the Middle Court of Urumqi City held trials for Mr. Cao Hongqi, Mr. Zou Kewen, Mr. Zhu Kui, and Mr. Ma Chunwang. Mr. Ma returned home after the trials. On July 12th, 2009, Mr. Ma was found dead by his neighbour in his home. His Falun Gong books, personal ID, and MP3 player had been taken away from his home.
A Happy Family is Persecuted; Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Tortures Husband to Death, Wife Imprisoned
2009-07-29In 2001, Mr. Wang Hongbin was arrested by police and was later sentenced to three years of forced labour. He was forced to watch as guards tortured his fellow practitioners. In order to "transform" Mr. Wang as quickly as possible, the guards tortured him with sleep deprivation, hung him up by handcuffs, and used matches to severely burn his hands, nearly burning off his fingernails. At the end of 2003, Mr. Wang was finally released back home. However, due to the brutal torture he was subjected to in the labour camp, he passed away at the early age of 39. On May 16th, 2009, Mr. Wang's wife, Ms. Feng Xiaomei, was sentenced to one and a half years at the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Dr. Shen Yueping Dies As a Result of Abuse in Prison
2009-07-29Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Shen Yueping passed away on July 16th, 2009. She was only 49 years old. Ms. Shen had been sentenced to a five-year prison term and suffered maltreatment in the Second Women's Prison in Yunnan Province because she refused to be "transformed". Practitioners had to face brainwashing from the guards every day. They were frequently beaten, pinched, or stabbed with needles, and sometimes nerve-damaging drugs were added to their food. In June 2009, her family received a notification of Ms. Shen's Release on Medical Parole." By that time, she was already dying.
Mr. Sun Xiaojun Dies as a Result of Torture by the Zhejiang Province Police Department and the Fourth Prison of Linping City
2009-07-28Mr. Sun Xiaojun, 32, was tortured to the point of death by the Zhejiang Province Police Department and the Fourth Prison of Linping City. On May 14th, 2008, Mr. Sun was sent to the Fourth Prison of Linping City, where he was tortured for more than a year. He had been detained in the prison hospital and injected with unknown drugs. He weighed about 143 pounds before being incarcerated, but as a result of persecution, he became emaciated and his weight fell to 80 pounds. Since being released on June 30th, 2009, he had not been able to eat. He vomited even drinking water and was bedridden even while relieving himself. He was delirious and experienced continual cramping in his body. On July 15th, 2009, he passed away.