Death Cases
Two Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2009-10-05Ms. Li Fengmei, 60, benefited from the Falun Gong practice both mentally and physically. In 2005, she was arrested while she was talking to people about Falun Gong and sentenced to 18 months of forced labour. In 2007, police arrested her again and detained her in the Tanggu District Detention Centre. Ms. Li Fengmei passed away on August 30th, 2009.
The Persecution and Death of Mr. Liu Erzeng, from Pingshan County, Hebei Province
2009-10-03Mr. Liu Erzeng, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hebei Province, was arrested, detained, and tortured on multiple occasions. When Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp officials refused to admit Mr. Liu, Xiao Suilong, an officer from the Pingshan County Police Station forced the camp to take him. Mr. Liu was released from the labour camp after he became extremely weak, and he died four months later on September 10th, 2002. He was only 40 years old.
Elementary School teacher Persecuted to Death at Tianshui Prison in Gansu Province
2009-10-03Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher at Tuanjie Elementary School in Qingyang City, Gansu Province. At the end of October 2002, he was sentenced 15 years in prison by the Chengguan District Court in Lanzhou City for practising Falun Gong. On December 14th, 2005, he was transferred from Dingxi Prison to Tianshui Prison. One day, a few prisoners who were told to watch Mr. Liu carried him to the water supply room after beating him brutally. They removed his clothes and used the toilet cleaning pipe to douse him with water. This was in January, and it was extremely painful to be soaked in freezing water. Mr. Liu also did not eat or sleep well besides being brutally tortured. By January 10th, 2006, less than one month after the transfer, he had been persecuted to death. The guards cremated his body without permission from his family.
Engineer Mr. Tang Yi Dies in Chongqing as a Result of Persecution
2009-10-02On May 2nd, 2008, Mr. Tang Yi was intercepted by police while taking a train. The police searched his bag and found a copy of the Falun Gong book. He was sentenced to two years of forced labour in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City. Mr. Tang started a hunger strike on May 2nd, 2008, and refused to wear a name tag, a prison uniform, or undergo force feeding through a tube. He had already been brutally persecuted for a long time before, and became extremely weak and emaciated, with his weight dropping from 175 lbs. to about 110 lbs. In November 2008, the camp administration notified his family to pick him up since they were afraid to take responsibility for his life. Mr. Tang died on the morning of September 22nd, 2009.
Mr. Feng Gang Dies in Custody
2009-10-02On July 4th, 2009 at around noon, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Feng Gang, his wife Ms. Wang Juan, and twelve others were arrested at the home of practitioner Ms. Shi Guixiang. They were detained at the Dalian Detention Centre. Police officer Li Hongqiao interrogated Mr. Feng repeatedly during his detention. On August 10th, Mr. Feng was in a life-threatening condition. According to the hospital examination, Mr. Feng's gallbladder was swollen to the size of two fists. He could not eat or drink in case the gallbladder might explode. On August 12th, Mr. Feng's family members learned that he was home, so they went to visit him the next day. When they knocked on the door nobody answered. Mr. Feng had disappeared again. On September 16th, Mr. Feng's family reported him missing to the Fuguo Street Police Station. Officers told them Mr. Feng had died on August 14th.
Ms. Chen Chujun Dies While in Custody at a Mental Hospital
2009-09-28Ms. Chen Chujun was arrested before the Beijing Olympics, detained, and taken to a forced labour camp. It was recently discovered that she died in March 2009 at the Huaihua City Fourth People's Hospital, a mental hospital. In Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, according to witnesses, the staff injected glucose, along with a nerve-damaging drug called Thorazine, into Ms. Chen. After being injected with this drug, a person will gradually suffer memory loss and sleep all the time. The punitive measures resulted in serious afflictions for Ms. Chen, such as severe brain and cognitive dysfunction.
Older Couple Died in 2006 Under Stress of Persecution
2009-09-28An older couple in Jilin Province, Ms. Sun Yuxiang and her husband Mr. Qu Changxing, were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because they practised Falun Gong. They each passed away under difficult circumstances brought about by the persecution. Ms. Sun was sent to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year term. Guards tortured her with sleep deprivation for 72 hours. Mr. Qu died from a heart attack in 2005 brought about from living in harsh conditions. Ms. Sun could not bear the sudden death of her husband, she became sick and died in February 2006, without any family around her.
Hou Shaohua Dies in Fall from Building During Arrest; Family Seeks Answers from Police
2009-09-26Falun Gong practitioner Hou Shaohua died as a result of falling from an apartment building on September 15th, 2009, during an attempted police arrest. The family is very angry, and they insist on finding out the cause of Hou's death. They have refused to allow the police to cremate the body. The local police have tried to cover up the event, saying that Hou Shaohua gambled and that that is why they were trying to arrest Hou. The people who knew Hou Shaohua in the Sixtieth Factory of Dongfeng Company all commented, "Everyone knows that Hou Shaohua never gambled!"
Mr. Wang Naishen from Tianjin City Died in 2002 at a Brainwashing Centre
2009-09-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Naishen went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000, and was arrested by police. He was later sent to a Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. In 2002, after being tortured mentally and physically, including long-term sleep deprivation, Mr. Wang was on the verge of a mental collapse. According to an informed source, one day Mr. Wang suddenly ran out of the Tianjin Port Police Department with people yelling and chasing after him. He ran to a crane at the port and climbed up while police officers stood below shouting threats. It is probable that Mr. Wang lost his balance and fell from the crane to his death due to his weakened physical condition and severe emotional distress.
I Was Arrested and My Husband Died From Shock - First-Hand Report of How I Was Persecuted
2009-09-23I was not even in my 50's and yet I had to retire and stay at home due to illness. In March 1995, my husband started the practice with me. We both experienced tremendous improvements in health and fitness. In December 2000, police deceived me to leave my house. They dragged me into a car and took me to the Shizui Brainwashing Centre to be incarcerated for more than two months. During my incarceration, my husband was under extreme mental pressure and he cried every day. He used to be very healthy but suddenly his health deteriorated. When I was arrested again my husband had a stroke. On September 30th, 2004, my husband passed away due to shock and fear.
Ms. Wang Hongxia Dies as a Result of Torture in Labour Camp
2009-09-22On July 9th, 2008, before the Olympics in Beijing, 30-40 police officers broke the windows to Ms. Wang Hongxia's home, entered and arrested her and her husband. On August 8th, 2008, Ms. Wang was taken to the Shandong Province Second Women's Forced Labour Camp. Within six months, the torture she endured in the camp caused Ms. Wang to develop tumours of various sizes in her armpit and on her breasts. On January 15th, 2009, her family took her to the Weifang City People's Hospital to have an examination, and it was found that along with the left side of her body, the tumours had also appeared on her right side. Ms. Wang Hongxia suffered for eight more months and died on September 15th.
Ms. Wang Huiling, 60, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-09-18Ms. Wang Huiling went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in 2000, and was arrested. Ms. Wang was detained in the Harbin City Second Detention Centre. Ms. Wang was tortured at the detention centre, where they forcibly stripped off her clothes, and made her do repetitive sitting squats continuously, and then forced her to sit on the floor in a fixed position where she was not allowed to move. Several days later her family was notified that she had suffered a stroke, and was being sent to the hospital. When her family rushed there, Ms. Wang was unconscious. Over the past nine years Ms. Wang never fully recovered. Despite her condition, the police kept harassing her at home and threatened her and her entire family. Ms. Wang died under this tense environment.
Veteran Soldier Arrested for Trying to Rescue His Mother Dies in Police Custody
2009-09-18Ms. Ren Zhaoxia was arrested by the local 610 Office and the National Security Brigade. She was sent to Yibin City Detention Centre. This was the fourth time she had been taken away by the authorities for her belief in Falun Gong. Previously, she had been imprisoned for a year in a forced labour camp. Her son, Mr. Chen Xiangru, went to the detention centre to request his mother's release. The Chinese Communist Party officials then tried to arrest him. As a result, he was forced to quit his job and rent a room in Nanxi. On July 20th, 2009, Mr. Chen Xiangru was arrested and detained in the Nanxi Detention Centre. On August 8th, 2009, he died under unknown circumstances. Further details of his death are being investigated.
Jiang Xiqing Persecuted to Death in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, His Daughter Arrested for Appealing for Him
2009-09-15After Mr. Jiang Xiqing from Jiangjin, Chongqing City, was persecuted to death in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, his daughter, Jiang Hong, sought justice through legal means. Officials in the Politics and Law Committee and the 610 Office in Jiangjin did not want to be exposed further, so they orchestrated the arrest of Ms. Jiang. The circumstances surrounding his death are unclear. Seven hours after being notified of his death, his family found his body still warm in the freezer. Labour camp officials did not give any reasonable explanation for his death and had his body cremated without his family's consent.
Ms. Wang Huilan Dies from Brutal Force-feeding Six Days After Arrest
2009-09-1453-year-old Ms. Wang Huilan was arrested on September 1st, 2009 by Zhuozhou City Domestic Security agents. On September 7th, her family went to visit her, but they were not allowed to see her. That afternoon, the guards brutally force-fed her, causing her death. Details of Ms. Wang Huilan's death following her recent arrest are still under investigation.