Exhibitions and Cultural Events
Holland: Dafa Practitioners Exercise Demonstration was judged the Best Performance
2003-02-15One Chinese person who had been engaged in human rights work in the past, said from his heart, I experienced a lot in my life. I have been in jail several times. And I have not wept like this for a long time. During the human rights conference in Geneva last year, when I saw so many Falun Gong practitioners sitting in meditation, I could not hold back my tears. What I really want to say is, Falun Dafa is good!
Greece: A Successful Exhibition of Zhang Cuiyings Paintings was held in Athens
2003-01-28Over one hundred VIPs were invited by the mayor of Athens to attend the exhibition. President of the famous Andrea Lendtakis Foundation and former vice mayor of Athens, Mrs. Eifi Lendtakis, said in her speech: I had come to know some time ago about the persecution against Falun Gong in China. Today, I have had the chance to talk to Zhang Cuiying directly and this makes me even more determined to continue my work for human rights.
Germany: Activities at the Health Exhibition in Tubingen
2003-01-21I had a feeling that I was seeking something for many years, but I didnt know what it was. At the beginning, I thought that it was a fitness method relating to my physical condition, but afterwards I found that it was not so. I tried to learn Tai Chi, qigong and yoga - however, they were not what I wanted. After attending the Falun Gong class once, I immediately realised that this was what I had been looking for.
United Kingdom: "Falun Dafa in Great Britain Poster Exhibition" Is Held at the Cambridge Central Library
2003-01-20The Cambridge Central Library is always very supportive of Falun Gong. It has conducted a number of exhibitions related to Falun Gong, including the "Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition" and the "Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day Photo Exhibition".
Germany: Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Enjoyed by Mayor and the Ministry of Culture
2003-01-10Three weeks before Christmas 2002, practitioners in the German city of Veitshöchheim held a Falun Gong photo exhibition with help and support from the citys Mayor and the Ministry of Culture. The practitioners were pleased to see that more people had learned the truth about Falun Dafa through the photo exhibition and were able to see through the lies and deceitful propaganda that the Jiang regime has spread all over the world through their state-controlled media.
Switzerland: Practitioners Reveal the Truth with a Bulletin Board
2003-01-09Practitioners hope that it will allow more people to learn about the practice of Falun Dafa that has already benefited 100 million in almost 60 countries. The board also reveals how Jiang's regime have persecuted Falun Gong, brutally murdering over 540 practitioners and beating and torturing thousands more.
The Main News (Germany): The Main News: A Picture of the Peaceful Journey
2002-12-15On December 4,2002, The Main News (Germany) reported that a photo exhibition held in Veitshchheim attracted many peoples attention to Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese meditation practice. They also reported that it raised awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, which has already caused the murder of over 500 innocent practitioners.
Poland: Practitioners Participate in Human Rights Film Festival
2002-12-12From 6th to 8th of December in Warsaw, Poland, practitioners from the Ukraine, Sweden, USA and Poland took part in various activities. We held several peaceful appeals at the Chinese embassy, distributed materials in downtown Warsaw and manned an information booth during the International Human Rights Film Festival hosted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
Latvia: Falun Dafa Picture Exhibition Held in Daugavpils
2002-11-29Some people started learning the exercises in the exhibition hall. Some people even participated in the group study and practise on the same evening. Afterwards, some practitioners talked to them about their experiences in practising cultivation. Everybody felt peace and energy from the practise.
Falun Gong Exhibition Held Every Day in Front of Koeln Cathedral Since June 2002
2002-10-12Koeln Cathedral is an important sightseeing stop and attracts visitors from around the world. Every day several hundred, sometimes even close to a thousand Chinese tourists come to visit the cathedral. Three of the nine photo display boards are in Chinese, and many Chinese tourists have expressed interest in our exhibition.
Denmark: Chinese Agents Fail in their Attempts to Disrupt Falun Gong Press Conference
2002-10-09From September 18th through the 24th, governments from around the world participated in a series of international conferences that took place in Copenhagen. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also held many activities. Falun Gong held a press conference on the afternoon of September 21st. Agents of Jiang's regime tried their hardest to ruin the conference by shouting and causing trouble.
Iceland: Photo and Chinese Painting Exhibitions Receive Warm Response from Icelandic Citizens and Support from Government Officials
2002-09-30On the opening day, an Icelandic national TV station reported on the exhibitions during their evening news program. The Chinese Embassy repeatedly pressured the Icelandic authorities to remove the exhibitions. A city official resolutely stated, No single photo should be taken down. It is Iceland, not China!
UK: Falun Dafa Parade at the End of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2002-08-27After five days of events, including exercise demonstrations, photo exhibitions and an experience sharing conference, Falun Dafa practitioners ended their stay in Edinburgh with a press conference and a parade along the historical citys busiest and largest street.
Ireland: "Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition Held in Dublin
2002-08-14 -
UK: Zhang Cuiying Exhibits the Spirit of Friendship in Manchester
2002-07-31Zhang Cuiying would like to contribute something to the Commonwealth Games as she is an Australian citizen participating in The Spirit of Friendship Festival and for the first time disabled athletes are taking part in the 2002 Games. She would like to offer one of her paintings A Pair of Handsome Horses for sale at £40,000. The proceeds will be donated to the Commonwealth Games Committee and awarded to an outstanding athlete who captures the spirit of friendship.