Press Releases
PRESS RELEASE: Jiang Zemin Orders "Kill Them without Pardon" After Surprise TV Broadcast in China Supports Falun Gong
2002-03-07Following a March 5 evening broadcast of programmes supportive of Falun Gong in North Eastern China, a furious President Jiang Zemin has ordered a series of executions targeting all persons involved and other practitioners of Falun Gong throughout China. Jiang is said to have ordered, "Kill them without pardon" immediately following the event. Other cities and provinces across China have now reportedly compiled, following the President's command, lists of specific Falun Gong practitioners to execute.
Chinese Air Force Officer Killed for Practicing Falun Gong
2002-03-07 -
Four More Murders As Bush Prepared For Visit to China
2002-02-28"It is no surprise that Chinese President Jiang fell silent when questioned by media about freedom of belief in China¡ and that this question was then edited out of the broadcast within China."
Freed "Prisoner of Conscience" Arrives Home to Canada
2002-02-26 -
Police Brutality Claims Four More Falun Gong Lives in China
2002-02-20Arrested for Going to Banned Website and Beaten to Death
60 Western Falun Gong Practitioners Encounter Violent Repression From Chinese Police on Tiananmen Square
2002-02-19"I, too, am Falun Gong"
Western Falun Gong practitioners brutally treated in China
2002-02-17A German practitioner, Bernhard Aurnhammer 38, was subject to so much violence that when he arrived at the Frankfurt airport yesterday he still suffered pain in various parts of his body. He came out from the plane with a pair of torn trousers which were torn when he was knocked down by the police at Tiananmen Square.
Friends of Falun Gong Europe: The failure of Jiang Zemins persecution of Falun Gong
2002-02-17They went with a pure and kind heart, hoping to awaken the deceived Chinese people, to tell the truth; hoping the Jiang Zemin regime could see the point that Falun Gong is not a China issue, but an international issue! This appeal will not stop until the killing stops!
2002-02-17 -
IGFM: Germans arrested again – China must end the persecution of Falun Gong;
2002-02-15 -
FDI: Deported North American Falun Gong Practitioners call for Swift Return of 50+ Detained in Beijing Today
2002-02-15The two North Americans recounted the abuses they had faced by authorities earlier this week. "I was choked and punched repeatedly. One police officer grabbed my hair and through me into a chair while another officer twisted my arm backwards," said Loftus. "I thought he was going to break his arm," Browde said who witnessed the assault.
Four British Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Beijing Return to UK today
2002-02-14 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Stage Large International Appeal on Tiananmen Square to End Persecution in China
2002-02-14"As Western practitioners we go to Tiananmen Square in the hopes that our peaceful appeal will bring an end to the torture and murder of innocent people and help to awaken a society that is being torn apart by lies and deceit"
Responding to The Violent Arrests of 40 Western Practitioners in China
2002-02-14"Falun Gong is not a China issue. Falun Gong is an international issue, we won't stop until the killing stops."
FALUN GONG INFORMATION CENTRE (UK) PRESS RELEASE: 4 British Practitioners Amongst 14 Westerners Arrested in Beijing