Press Releases
Falun Gong Practitioner Tormented by Police, Dies Tragic Death
2001-11-15Sources familiar with Mr. Mo's case say his health was obviously deteriorating, but police refused to release him until he had been coughing up blood for more than ten consecutive days. At that point, witnesses say he could no longer speak or open his eyes, and a hospital examination indicated that he had "lung cancer". He died two weeks later after his release.
FDI Media Alert: Fifty Year Old Woman Tortured to Death in Chinese Concentration Camp
2001-11-09Sources say the concentration camp had been set up specifically to engage in physical and psychological torture to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their faith.
Judge of Jiangxi Province High Court, Falun Gong Practitioner: Dead in Custody
2001-11-08According to Hu's relatives, Hu had once recovered from leukemia through practising Falun Gong. However, the disease relapsed when he was sentenced to prison and was not allowed to practise Falun Gong. Hu died on March 22, 2001 in Jiangxi prison hospital.
2001-11-07It is no secret any longer that the Chinese consular corps no longer tries to hide their attempts abroad to muzzle this peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong. More often than not they will inundate those Western government representatives who have spoken for the practice of Falun Gong with Communist propaganda.
FDI : Tens of Thousands of "Solemn Declarations" Show Falun Gong Is Unwavering in China
2001-11-06While the Communist Party continues to tell the world that it has succeeded in "crushing" the Falun Gong spiritual practice, the true picture is gradually emerging: tens of thousands, perhaps millions, remain firm in their beliefs, and are carrying out a massive, grass-roots appeal exemplifying the nonviolent and compassionate principles of the Falun Gong practice.
Two Chinese Citizens Violently Killed after Mere Days in Police Custody
2001-10-31 -
PRESS STATEMENT: Italian Businessman loses company in China for practising Falun Gong
2001-10-25Mr Fava-Minors plight shows that Chinas regime of terror is much closer to the people in Europe than we might have thought before; that an European citizen may lose his property even livelihood in China for exercising his freedom of expression and belief; and that an European may have to abandon his belief and conscience in order to be allowed to run his business in China.
FDI Media Alert: Grieving Parents Lose Daughter to Persecution of Falun Gong
2001-10-25Yang Mei's parents were devastated, but it is unlikely they will find any recourse for their grief. Instructions from "higher authorities" state that if Yang Mei's family requests an autopsy of her corpse, the corpse must be immediately, forcibly cremated, according to sources familiar with her case.
FDI Media Alert: Falun Gong: Masanjia Hunger Striker Near Death
2001-10-23Chinese officials continue torture, refuse to release her
Falun Gong: Chinese Government Frames Falun Gong With Anthrax-Contaminated Mail
2001-10-22Some experts have warned that Jiang's regime is likely to create terrorist incidents to frame Falun Gong.FDI considers the "anthrax contaminated mail" one such an incident intended to smear Falun Gong and breed public hatred and fear.
Beijing Reports on Anthrax Scare "Highly Suspicious" - A Probable Attempt to Frame Falun Gong, Incite Hatred
2001-10-20 -
Two More Good Men Dead from China's Persecution of Falun Gong
2001-10-18Both were Falun Dafa practitioners who died bravely resisting the efforts of police to make them denounce their faith. They were known to be simple, honest men who are survived by many loved ones.
Dissected Prisoner Among Three Latest Falun Gong Deaths
2001-10-16A man who was dissected for the possible purpose of harvesting his organs, and a suspicious "suicide" are among the three latest deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
"She refused to betray her friends and family, and paid with her life"
2001-10-16"The 'three statements' of the 610 office are appalling," says Adam Montanaro of the Falun Dafa Information Center, "It's not enough that the Chinese government defies international laws by imprisoning and beating innocent people solely for their spiritual beliefs, but then they force you -- under torture -- to betray your loved ones, and subject them to the same terrifying treatment... it's heart-breaking."
Falun Gong Man Falls From Building And Dies During Police Raid