After a Student in Germany Exposed the Persecution in the Shanghai Labour Camp, His Family in China Was Threatened

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Recently a student in Germany, Wang Zhen, publicly exposed the persecution he received in the Shanghai No. 3 Labour Camp because of practising Falun Gong. Afterwards, the 610 Office1 threatened his family members.

After his articles were published, the Shanghai 610 Office quickly went to his home and asked whether Wang Zhen wrote the article, and whether it was factual. Wang Zhen has always been honest and was trusted by his unit, family and society. His family did not deny that he wrote the article. They also believed that what was written was true. The 610 Office could not contradict the article. They were embarrassed and said, "We will not take any action against you for what happened before. However, if Wang Zhen calls home, tell him not to do it anymore." They told the family to inform the 610 Office if Wang Zhen sent a letter home. The family refused, so the 610 Office left, flustered.

At present, Wang Zhen's family's phone is monitored. Please pay attention if a practitioner calls his home.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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