Mr. Lin Mingli in Shanghai Sentenced to Six Years in Prison - His Family Will Appeal

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On the morning of November 10th, 2006, the Putuo District Court in Shanghai City sentenced Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lin Mingli to six years in prison. His family immediately appealed the sentence. The next court session will be in January 2007. Mr. Lin Mingli is detained in the Putuo District Detention Centre.

The whole trial was very rushed. Mr. Lin Mingli's wife was only allowed to enter the court after requesting several times, and she sat in the last empty seat. All the other seats were taken by people arranged in advance by the court. The Shanghai City 610 Office1 planned to severely sentence Mr. Lin Mingli long ago. After they arrested Mr. Lin at 10:00 p.m. on October 9th, 2005, a large amount of State Security agents and special agents were sent out to collect "evidence." They failed to find enough proof to sentence Lin Mingli even after a whole year. They read two "personal witnesses" without the people involved present, but Mr. Lin Mingli was still sentenced to six years in prison.

Lin Mingli's sentencing is also a sentence for the conscience of all the people that participated in this sham trial. They have implicated themselves in this shameful chapter of history, and their retribution will be swiftly delivered. The first show trial and sentencing of a Falun Dafa practitioner took place in Haikou City, Hainan Province on November 12th, 1999. Chen Yuanchao (male) was the judge, and he sentenced four Falun Dafa practitioners to prison terms of two to twelve years. Chen was awarded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) a second-level personal reward, and the court was awarded a second-level merit. In March 2002, Chen Yuanchao was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died on September 2nd, 2003, only in his 50s.

Putuo District People's Court address: 1433-Tongchuan Street, Shanghai City, zip code 200333, phone: 86-21-62656265
Judges Xu Jiaqi, Tang Min (also put Practitioner Qu Yanlai on trial)
Putuo District Detention Centre address: 55-555 Lane, Liuyuan Street, Putuo District, Shanghai City, zip code, 200331

phone: 86-21-52916834, 86-21-62241220, 86-21-62246192


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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