Practitioner Mr. Xie Mingyi from Liaoning Province Arrested; His Whereabouts Unknown

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Dafa practitioner Mr. Xie Mingyi from Mujia Town, Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province was arrested and his whereabouts remain unknown. At first, Miao Zhensheng, the political instructor in Domestic Security Brigade in Liaoyang County, said that Mr. Xie was detained at Liaoyang County Detention Centre. No one was allowed to visit him and nothing could be forwarded to him except cash. A month later, Miao said that Mr. Xie was transferred to Liaoyang City Detention Centre.

Mr. Xie's family immediately went to Liaoyang City Detention Centre. The guard said that Mr. Xie had been transferred elsewhere. The guard checked his computer and said he couldn't find any record of Mr. Xie. An insider at the prison said that some practitioners were recently transferred to Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

Mr. Xie's family then called Miao Zhensheng. Miao insisted that Mr. Xie was in Liaoyang Detention Centre. Mr. Xie's family then called the Liaoyang County Court. A staff member of the court refused to give out any information unless Mr. Xie's family member personally went to the court. He told them that Mr. Xie would soon be sentenced to at least ten years of imprisonment.


Mr. Xie Mingyi lived in Mujia Town, Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province. On the evening of September 10th, 2006, as he was in the process of moving, Zhang Fuhao, head of the local police station in Mujia Town, policeman Sun Tiexu from local police station, Ma Tingli, and policeman Luo Qingshen from domestic security brigade in Liaoyang County came and arrested him. They tortured Mr. Xie and forced him to "confess." His forced statement was manipulated and they issued an arrest warrant on September 19th.

This was the third time that Mr. Xie was arrested. Before that, he was secretly arrested by the Domestic Security Brigade on February 25th, 2005. Li Hongxiang, party secretary in Mujia Town, and policeman Xu Zhange from the 610 Office planned and participated in these crimes. In addition, they extorted over 17,000 yuan1 from Mr. Xie's family.

Mr. Xie has two daughters who are nine and four years old. Mr. Xie also supports his mother who is 74 years old.

We strongly urge kind-hearted people to appeal for Mr. Xie's safety and help get him released as soon as possible.

Domestic Security Brigade
Miao Zhensheng, Political instructor, 86-419-7374046
Luo Qingshen, policeman, 86-419-7374061, 86-419-7374045
Liu Xingyi, chief of the brigade, 86-419-7374089

Liaoyang County Court: 86-419-7575011

Liaoyang Detention Centre
Director office: 86-419-3149101, 86-419-3147030

Mujia Town, Liaoyang County
Li Hongxiang, party secretary, 86-419-7154001(Office), 86-412-5820608 (Home), 86-13304199223
Chen Tingkai, mayor, 86-419-7154002

Deputy mayor's office, 86-419-7152202

Mujia Town local police station, 86-419-7152204
Zhang Fuhao, Head of local police station, 86-0419-7154006
Jiao Yongsheng, policeman

Yang Chunfa, policeman

Ma Tingli, one of the most active persons in persecuting Falun Gong

Sun Tiexu, participated in arresting Mr. Xie


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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