Mr. Wang Song from Jurong, Jiangsu Province is Critically Ill at the Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp

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Mr. Wang Song from Jurong, Jiangsu Province was taken away on May 20th, 2008 by Chinese Communist Party authorities. He has been detained in the Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Dafeng, Jiangsu Province for six months, and has been tortured to the point of paralysis. He can no longer walk normally. On November 3rd, 2008, doctors at the People's Hospital of Yancheng City examined him using NMR and other tests, and found he had high blood pressure, a slow heartbeat and problems with his nervous system. However, they could not give a proper diagnosis, and called it a "strange illness."

Mr. Wang now eats only a little and often has no appetite. He is critically ill, but the Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp officials refuse to release him. We are calling on people everywhere to take note of this case.

Chinese version available at

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