Mr. Jiang Hong's Family Persecuted in Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province

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Mr. Jiang Hong, 41, is a Falun Gong practitioner in Huayang Town, Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province. His wife, Wang Haixia, his father, Jiang Mingtai, and his mother, Wu Minhua, are all Falun Gong practitioners. In the past ten years, Mr. Jiang's family has been persecuted several times.

In 1999, Mr. Jiang Hong, Wang Haixia, and Wu Minhua, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and were arrested by officers from the Huayang Town Police Station, Shuangliu County. Jiang Hong was sentenced to three and a half years of forced labour. He was beaten up by prisoners and guards in Deyang Prison. He was left out in the direct sun and was forced to work many hours. His front teeth were knocked out by prison guards.

His wife, and mother, were detained for 15 days in Shuangliu Detention Centre, and were sent to Huayang Police Station for one-month of so-called "study," which tried to force them to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the principles of Falun Gong.

After Jiang Hong was released in 2003, he and his mother were forced into a brainwashing centre set up in Zhengxing Town, Shuangliu County. Wu Minhua was locked in a dark, less than 10 square-metre room for two months and tortured both mentally and physically. She was near a mental collapse.

Last year, before the Olympic Games, Wang Haixia was arrested by officers from the Huayang Town Shiyou Police Station and sent to Shuangliu Detention Centre for distributing exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Tongjiqiao Community Administrator Li Zhi and Security Chief Feng Qiang constantly harassed Jiang Hong's family. Such great pressure took its toll on Wu Minhua's mind and body, and she passed away.

During the Olympic Games, Jiang Hong and his father Jiang Mingtai were closely monitored by Communist Party personnel for more than a month. Jiang Mingtai, 70, was physically injured and mentally affected. During so-called sensitive dates, there are always people monitoring and following them.

It is the 60-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) coming to power. CCP personnel monitored Jiang's family again, causing them huge mental pressure.

Contact numbers for those responsible:

Huayang Town Sub-District Office, Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province

Director of Public Affairs, Luo Liang: 86-28-85646993 (Office); 86-13550006699(Mobile)

Associate Director, Li Xiaolan

Chinese version available at

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