Parents Arrested, Three-Year-Old Son Left Behind Unattended

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Ms. Lin Xiumei and Mr. Pan Shunyu were arrested in the afternoon of August 3rd, 2010, by police officers Wang Shubo (female), Li Jianfei, Liu Kunpeng, and Zhang Hengquan, who broke into their home. The couple's three-year-old son was left behind unattended.

The arrest was carried out per orders of Yang Qingbing, the chief of the Suihua City Police Department.

Officers ransacked the family's home at the time of arrest, confiscating personal belongings worth over 60,000 yuan1 and the house keys. The authorities have refused to return the confiscated keys.

Ms. Lin and Mr. Pan are currently detained at the Suihua City Detention Centre.

Following orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime, police officers ransacked Ms. Lin's and Mr. Pan's home and confiscated personal belongings worth over 60,000 yuan.

Ms. Lin Xiumei was a computer operator at a management station of the Department of Transportation, in Qing'an County. She started practising Falun Gong in 1998.

Shortly after the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. Lin was arrested, put under surveillance, and fined. Her home was also ransacked, and she was fired from her job due to her belief in Falun Gong.

On September 19th, 2001, the Qing'an County Police Department arrested her again and sentenced her to forced labour at the Qiqihar City's Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp, where she was subjected to torture for two years.

On May 11th, 2004, policemen from Qing'an Police Department attempted to arrest her again, but Ms. Lin left town to evade the arrest. When she later returned home, the Qing'an County Police Department and the Suihua City 610 Office stationed officers near her home to surveillance her daily activities.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Li Jianfei, 13845500330

Li Kunpeng, Suihua City 610 Office: 13634550780

Suihua City Detention Centre: 86-455-8354714, 86-455-8360528


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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