Ms. Liu Kaimei in Critical Condition at Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp

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Ms. Liu Kaimei, born in 1966, was a construction engineer at Nanjing City Gulou District Education Bureau. Her husband, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, was born in 1965 and was formerly an official at the Department of Civil Engineering at Nanjing University of Technology. They live in Wushuo Village, Jianning Road, Xiaguan District in Nanjing. They have been arrested many times and were fired from their jobs because they practise Falun Gong.

Ms. Liu was arrested in June 2000, and was then sentenced to seven years in Nantong Women's Prison by the Xiaguan District Court in August 2002. Mr. Zhang was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison by the same court. He was repeatedly put in solitary confinement for long periods of time, and was denied visitation.

After Ms. Liu was released in 2006, Cheng Dongxiao and agents from the Xiaguan District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) frequently harassed her. Her employer was threatened, and terminated her contract. On July 2nd, 2008, agents from the Xiaguan 610 Office took Ms. Liu to the Gulou District Brainwashing Centre.

During Mr. Zhang's imprisonment, the police ransacked his parents' home. His mother, Ms. Chen Jinhua, was taken to a detention centre and then transferred to a brainwashing centre. She was released only after her health deteriorated and she was in critical situation. Mr. Zhang's father, Mr. Zhang Ruijiang, was detained at the Nanjing Brainwashing Centre for several months. Mr. Zhang Xuefang's young son was not allowed to visit his father and has been traumatised by the event. He becomes very nervous whenever he hears the phone ring or someone knocks at the door.

Ms. Liu and Mr. Zhang were last arrested at home on May 16th, 2011. Mr. Zhang was held at the Xiaguan District Detention Centre, and was later sentenced to eighteen months in Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Liu was taken to Nanjing Detention Centre, and was later sentenced to one year in Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province. Officials at the camp refused to admit Ms. Liu five times due to her poor health. However, the authorities still did not release her to seek medical treatment. Ms. Liu held a hunger strike, and later suffered a cardiac arrest.

The authorities later forced officials at the labour camp to admit Ms. Liu. When Ms. Liu's family hired a lawyer from Beijing to appeal to the court for her release, officials from the Nanjing 610 Office had officials from the Jiangsu Province 610 Office exert pressure on the Beijing Judicial Bureau. The lawyer was then forced to stop working on the case.

Mr. Zhang's parents tried to appeal themselves and went to visit Ms. Liu at the labour camp on September 11th, to get her to sign the appeal documents. However, they were not allowed to visit her. Mr. Zhang's parents have now hired another lawyer to continue the appeals case.

Those involved in the persecution:

Huang Yaling, director of Nanjing City 610 Office and deputy director of Nanjing Police Department: +86-25-84420178
Zhou Yadong, deputy director of Nanjing City 610 Office: +86-13591843028 (Mobile)
Cheng Xiaodong, director of Xiaguan District 610 Office: +86-13245875966 (Mobile) +86-13815866819, +86-25-58591551
Fan Jiegang, Xiaguan District 610 Office: +86-15951831812(Mobile)
Du Hongcheng, Xiaguan District 610 Office: +86-15996258175 (Mobile)

Related articles:

Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and His Wife, Ms. Liu Kaimei, Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labour Again
Nanjing Dafa Practitioner Zhang Xuefeng and His Family Have Been Persecuted for Seven Years
Nanjing City 610 Office, Under Cheng Dongxiao, Persecutes Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and His Wife, Ms. Liu Kaimei

Chinese version available at

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