Press Releases and Media Reports
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Shenli Lin Holds Press Conference in Toronto: Thanks Kind-hearted Canadian People and asks them to Please Continue their Efforts
2002-03-03Lin Shenli: "Falun Dafa's principles are 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.' It is the truth and it is invincible. During the two-year-long illegal imprisonment and spiritual torture, I never wavered in my determination in cultivation. I passed the tribulation steadfastly. I know that 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance' can really improve society's moral values and make people more kind."
Israeli TV Station Covers "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition (Photo)
2002-03-03 -
PRNewswire: International Human Rights Activists Join in Calling for Reform of the United Nations Human Rights Commission
2002-03-03 -
Four More Murders As Bush Prepared For Visit to China
2002-02-28"It is no surprise that Chinese President Jiang fell silent when questioned by media about freedom of belief in China¡ and that this question was then edited out of the broadcast within China."
South China Morning Post: Elderly Christians face eviction- Police order closure of care home in Beijing Township after raid on religious meeting
2002-02-26 -
The Australian: China ignores faith in liberty
2002-02-26Yang Guizhi, who with her husband Chen Zhongxing looks after the elderly Christians in their six-room home, said police who conducted Thursday's raid accused the group of being affiliated with the Falun Gong movement which has been banned and suppressed since mid-1999.
Freed "Prisoner of Conscience" Arrives Home to Canada
2002-02-26 -
The Sunday Telegraph [London]: China's Christians called to prayer by mobile phone
2002-02-25At least 123 people have been sentenced to death, mainly for association with the Falun Gong movement. Roman Catholic bishops have spent decades in jail, Protestant evangelicals have found themselves on death row and thousands of Falun Gong members have been sent to mental asylums.Leaked government memos show that undercover agents have been deployed to root out Falun Gong members and underground Catholics, in addition to anyone participating in banned religious gatherings.
Chicago Tribune: China's battle leaps borders
2002-02-24 -
The Far Eastern Economic Review: China Briefing
2002-02-24 -
Stuttgart News: German Falun Gong Followers Tell of their Deportation – 24 Students Incarcerated
2002-02-23 -
Reuters: China Alumni Plead to Bush Over Falun Gong
2002-02-23 -
Radio Free Asia: University Students Convicted for Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-02-23 -
China Times: Human Rights Organization Calls on President Bush to Show Concern for Persecuted Tsinghua University Students
2002-02-23 -
Practitioners Appear on British National Television to Expose the Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-02-22Whilst one practitioner demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, the other two described the terrifying ordeal and inhumane treatment that all three had suffered at the hands of the aggressive and unlawful Chinese police.