Persecution Spreads from China to Europe
An Appeal from a Chinese Student in Switzerland: “Please Release my Mother”
2004-12-18My grandmother and my father were dealt a deadly blow from both their bodies and minds when facing with the sudden change at home. They looked on helplessly as their own family member was illegally kidnapped. Now my grandmother has taken to her bed and always asks when her daughter will be allowed to go home. My father has been warned that he will lose his life if his stroke occurs again and then he will never see his wife again.
Chinese Embassy in France Refuses to Renew Our Passports
2004-12-08On the afternoon of June the 29th 2001, my wife and I went to the Chinese Embassy in France to apply for the renewal of our passports. As the passports we had were Service Passports, the consuls asked us to show them the necessary certificates for passport renewal authorised by the Education Division of the Embassy.
Detailed Information Regarding Zhang Yuanming's Death Through Torture in 2000
2004-11-24At the labour camp, Zhang Yuanming firmly refused to write the "five statements" (all of which are statements made to renounce Falun Gong) and suffered inhuman tortures as a result. He was forced to sit on a small bench for more than ten hours each day. The longest time he sat was from 5 o'clock in the morning until 2 am the next day, in total about twenty-one hours. He was tortured so badly that he became deaf.
Testimony of a Practitioner in Germany: I Suffered for 2 Years in a Beijing Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-14On January the 5th 2002, Xiong Wei was arrested whilst distributing leaflets exposing the persecution against Falun Gong. She was then sentenced to two years in a Beijing female forced labour camp till January the 4th 2004. After two years of suffering in a labour camp and nine months of living at home under surveillance, Xiong Wei arrived at Frankfurt airport on September the 28th 2004. The following is a personal account of her two years of suffering.
Austrian Falun Gong Information Centre: Help Appears for Mr. Wang whose Passport Extension was Refused by the Chinese Consulate in Vienna
2004-11-13Mr. Wang, who practises Falun Gong in Austria and has been campaigning for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, was told in mid July 2004 by the Chinese consulate that his Chinese passport would not be extended. In the face of this type of harassment, he and his Austrian family members appealed for help from the Austrian Government. The regional government of Northern Austria showed great understanding for Wang’s situation and speeded up his application for Austrian citizenship.
Austrian Newspaper Reports on Jiang’s Persecution Being Exported to Europe
2004-11-08"The Austrian Government, outraged with the Chinese officials’ action, expedited the request by the thirty two year old economist. Wang experienced, as an admitted Falun Gong adherent, political persecution. Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, is a meditation practice banned by the Chinese regime."
Persecution Extends Outside China: Chinese Embassy in France Refuses to Renew the Passports of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-10-09At present, there are more than ninety Falun Gong practitioners in nineteen countries in the world whose passport renewals have been refused or given back to them unprocessed. We are writing about what we have encountered to let people know how the Jiang Regime persecutes Falun Gong practitioners overseas. Meanwhile we are calling on kind people to condemn these actions which trespass on human right and are against international law.
Press Release: Chinese Consulate in Austria Exerts Pressure
2004-09-05'VIENNA - Yong Wang has lived on a permanent residency status in Austria for more than ten years. He attained a Business Administration Degree in Vienna, is employed as a software developer, and married a native Austrian last year, with whom he had a baby. Unfortunately, the thirty-two year old Austrian of Chinese descent has serious problems: At the beginning of July, he applied for a passport extension at the Chinese Consulate in Vienna, which was refused.'
The Chinese Embassy in Vienna Illegally Refuses Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yong a Passport Extension
2004-08-09A passport extension application made by Falun Gong practitioner Mr Wang Yong was refused by the Chinese Consulate in Vienna on July the 21st 2004. The reason for the refusal is that Mr Wang practises Falun Dafa and regularly participates in peaceful appeal activities at the Chinese Consulate in Vienna.
Greece: Press Conference following the Lawsuit Launched in Athens
2004-08-09On August 5th 2004, European and Greek Falun Dafa Associations in conjunction with International Advocates for Justice (IAFJ), sponsored a press conference to celebrate the Olympic ideal, enshrined in the wisdom of Socrates, Lao Tze and many others. European and Greek Falun Dafa Associations in conjunction with International Advocates for Justice (IAFJ), sponsored a press conference to celebrate the Olympic ideal, enshrined in the wisdom of Socrates, Lao Tze and many others.
Falun Gong Practitioner Jiang Xiao Feng who Studied in Ireland is Illegally Arrested in China and Sent to Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-07Jiang Xiao Feng is a practitioner from Shenyang. He studied in Ireland from 1998 to 2000. In May 2000, he went back to China. Recently we heard that he has been arrested and sent to Shenyang Zhangsi labour camp. Zhangsi labour camp is a very evil place and just as bad as Masanjia labour camp, Longshan labour camp, Guanshan labour camp and Dabei prison. They persecute practitioners in an extremely evil way. To this date, at least eleven practitioners have been persecuted to death there.
Ireland: Practitioners Continue to Call for the Rescue of Yang Fang
2004-08-06We strongly urge Shengyang city government public security authorities to return Yang Fang’s passport so that she can come back to Ireland to continue her studies. Immediately release Jiang Hsiao Feng and all detained Dafa practitioners and return the freedom they are entitled to by the law and the Chinese constitution.
Why is my Passport Application Denied Because I want to be a Good Person?
2004-08-06Since I began practising Falun Dafa, I have received many physical and spiritual benefits. However, because I practise Falun Dafa and want to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in my daily life, the Chinese Embassy in Hungary refuse to extend my passport application, making living and working very hard for me and my daughter. I hope they can stop following Jiang's orders to persecute innocent Falun Gong practitioners and stand up for what is right.
Liu Feng Successfully Returns to Ireland
2004-08-01Falun Gong practitioner Liu Feng was a student in Ireland who returned home on a visit to China and was not allowed to leave again for over four years. His human rights have been violated by Jiang’s regime. Liu Feng was rescued from China and arrived at Dublin Airport on the evening of the 25th of July.
Italy: Our Passport Extensions were Unreasonably Denied by the Chinese Consulate in Milan
2004-07-22"Consul Liang Haitao received us and he told us that if we could write a letter stating that we would “not damage the image of China” [implying that practising Falun Gong, and appealing for justice for the detained practitioners in China was damaging the image of China], then our passport renewal could be processed."