Persecution Spreads from China to Europe
Comments from Representatives of a Chinese Government-controlled NGO Are Condemned
2004-04-06During the 60th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, something strange took place in the United Nations, which aroused the delegates’ grave concerns. A non-governmental organization (NGO) from China, dubbed “United Nations Association of China” (UNAC), was allowed to participate in the United Nations’ consultations. When attending the seminars held by this NGO, the weird acts of this Chinese organization’s representatives in the “Question and Answer” sessions were condemned by other participants.
New Tang Dynasty TV Interviews Zhao Ming at the Annual Irish Students’ Human Rights Conference
2004-03-23The second annual Irish Students’ Human Rights Conference was held in Dublin at the end of February. Guest speakers included human rights officials, activists, and researchers from England and Ireland, as well as UN human rights officials. Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for human rights, made a speech at the conference. Zhao Ming is a Falun Gong practitioner who recently obtained his MSc in Computer Science from Trinity College in Dublin. As a victim of human rights violations rescued from China, he was invited to make a speech in the conference. He also accepted an interview with NTDTV reporters.
Radio France Internationale: An Actor from "Yong Zheng Dynasty" Appeals for an End to the Brutal Persecution Against Falun Gong
2004-02-28'Many of my friends who practise Falun Gong suffered from the brutal persecution. One of them was arrested in winter. They poured cold water on him after stripping him of his clothes and binding him to iron handrails. The temperature in Beijing was minus 20 degrees Celsius at that time. Another Falun Gong practitioner was forced to crawl on the ground covered by thick snow. To make the torture even more painful, the guards poured water on the practitioner’s feet. The purpose of the torture and persecution is to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their practice, and abandon their belief.'
Article from Scottish Newspaper The Herald: "Why I Never Want to Give Up"
2004-02-25"They handcuffed me and then stood on my hands. They whipped me with a leather belt and they used an electric-shock baton with 30,000 volts on sensitive parts of my body. Then they caused unimaginable pain by using the edges of a small wooden stick to press down on my toes. Finally they poured chilli powder into my mouth and nose. I still would not give them an answer and they all beat me together. The torture lasted from 5pm until 3am. Finally, they said if I gave them my name and address they would release me..."
Vice Consul General of the Chinese Embassy in Russia Coerces a Russian Inhabitant to Denounce his Belief by taking his Relatives in China Hostage
2004-02-23On February the 12th 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Li Dan, an inhabitant of Irkutsk City in Russia, received news that his forty one year-old sister Li Xia, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was kidnapped at home in Shenyang City. Over ten security guards got involved in the kidnapping of Li Xia, who is now imprisoned in a detention centre in Shenyang City.
Speech from the Stockholm International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era' by a Former 'Prisoner of Conscience'
2004-02-11"As a Falun Gong practitioner I was persecuted in a Chinese labour camp for nearly two years. Due to the diligent efforts of many kind-hearted people, human rights organisations and the Irish government, I was released in March 2002. I am lucky to have been rescued and freed. Today I am speaking here not on behalf of myself but on behalf of millions of Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China."
Extending the Persecution of Falun Gong to Europe: Summary and Sample List of Chinese Officials' Violations of Civil Rights, Laws and Sovereignty in Europe
2004-02-04Soon after Jiang Zemin first initiated the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China in 1999, incidents of Chinese officials threatening, harassing, and assaulting Falun Gong practitioners in Europe began to occur. In addition to directly harassing Falun Gong practitioners, Chinese officials in consulates and embassies around Europe have interfered with the peaceful, legitimate, and legal activities of Falun Gong practitioners in Europe by pressuring officials, businesses, and community organizations to withdraw support or deny services to those who practice or support Falun Gong. These repeated incidents have become a deeply felt matter of personal security for many Europeans.
Jiang's Group Extends Persecution to Paris; French Government Criticised for Sacrificing Spirit of Democracy
2004-02-03Regarding the French government caving in before the Jiang regime's pressure, Marco Cappato, a member of the European Parliament said, "France should have stayed true to European democratic and egalitarian principles by standing up to the pressure from China. China suppresses its own people and now France is allowing China to suppress the citizens of France from expressing their beliefs!" "Will France, a land of freedom, allow a foreign regime to dictate rules on its own territory?"
Testimony: A UK Practitioners' Account of Arrest in Paris as Jiang Exports Persecution to France
2004-02-03"At first, the policeman told us that we had been arrested for distributing flyers and it was illegal to distribute flyers. I asked him, "We did not distribute any flyers, why were we arrested? Was it only because we wore yellow scarves embroidered with the words 'Falun Dafa'?" He said that it was because some Falun Gong practitioners wearing yellow scarves had distributed flyers, so other practitioners wearing yellow scarves were arrested as well. Then I asked, "What about me? I am not even wearing a yellow scarf." He said that they were in a hurry to make the arrests so it was understandable that they made a small mistake."
“We should perform on the Champs Elysees, not be detained in the police station!" - Statement of 7 UK Falun Gong Practitioners who were Unjustly Detained by the French Police
2004-02-01"We recognise that these acts of repression were not the wish of the French people and government and that they were the result of pressure from the Chinese government and its spreading of fabricated lies about Falun Gong. As a democratic country, France should have stood up for liberty and human rights under the evil pressure. Faced with political and economic interest, the French government, through these acts of repression, has not only sent a wrong message to China, but also violated basic principles of civil and human rights."
The Jiang Regime Attempts to Poison Overseas Chinese Students
2004-02-01I discovered that the Chinese Embassy has been spreading newspapers that slander Falun Gong in my college. They also said that freedom of speech is for foreigners, and Chinese are not allowed to talk about freedom. In other ways, when overseas Chinese students obtain newspapers in the college, they are still being poisoned by the fake news from the Chinese media. I think the behaviour of the Chinese Embassy should be exposed because what they have done is sinister and it degrades the Chinese people. In addition, to expose the efforts of the Chinese media in controlling the people can eliminate the poison spread by Jiang’s lies.
Testimony: Summary of Arrest in Paris of Danish Citizen
2004-01-30"...three or four plainclothes policemen approached me and demanded that I take off my yellow scarf with the words "Falun Dafa." When asked what the reason was for this unusual demand, their reply was something along the lines of "today Falun Gong is forbidden in the area around Champs Elysees" and they warned me to take it off or I would be in trouble."
Testimony: Policewoman Does Not Understand Why We Were Taken to the Police Station for Doing Nothing
2004-01-29"At the metro exit of Arc de Triomphe, I got a leaflet handed out by an air-hostess of Air France, but then I accidentally dropped it at the exit. Upon returning to retrieve the leaflet, I saw a few men standing next to my friends waiting for me, waving to me and gesturing me to go to them. As I got close, a few big men suddenly clamped both my arms very roughly. I asked them "why--" in English. They said they didn't understand English and they squashed my arms even harder, lifting me up, before pushing me into a police van that was parked nearby."
French Authorities Bow to Jiang Regime Pressure and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners during Chinese New Year Event in Paris
2004-01-28Over weekend of January 24th and 25th, 2004, France began the “Year of China in France" cultural event with a large parade and other similar events. During the activities, 20 Chinese and Western Falun Gong practitioners were arrested, simply because they wore yellow scarves or yellow sweaters displaying the words “Falun Gong" or "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance". Practitioners were told by the French authorities that they were arrested because “Yellow is illegal in France".
Chinese Embassy in France Attempts to Stop Falun Gong Practitioners from Joining Chinese New Year Parade
2004-01-04We sincerely hope all compassionate people will stand up and oppose all forms of persecution of Falun Gong, and support Falun Gong practitioners' right to participate in a Chinese cultural event. We would like to meet with Chinese Embassy staff to discuss this situation, and would like to talk with municipal authorities who may have been deceived by the Embassy's defamation.