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Reply to a Question from MEP on the Effect of Article 23 on Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-01"In addition, the Union has on several occasions undertaken formal demarches to express concern about report of torture and ill treatment of followers of the Falun Gong movement who have been arrested, and has urged China to review harsh sentences imposed on them."
French Mayor: I Salute You for your Efforts to Respect Human Rights and Safeguard Democratic Values
2003-02-01"I paid close attention and fully understand the document, which is about the Falun Gong practitioners who are victims and are being persecuted in the Peoples Republic of China...Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I salute you for your efforts to respect human rights and safeguard democratic values."
Netherlands: Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Falun Gong Foundation
2003-01-31"The European Union has, because of the insistence of The Netherlands and others, insisted, in dialogues with the authorities of Hong Kong SAR and in a public statement, on a secure safeguarding of the civil and political freedoms."
Question from MEP to European Commission on Effect of Article 23 on Dafa Practitioners
2003-01-30"What is the opinion of the Commission on the introduction of the controversial Article 23 legislation of anti-subversion law, and is the Commission concerned about the threat to the ability of those who wish to peacefully practise Falun Gong activites either in Hong Kong or in the rest of China to practise their beliefs unimpeded or without threat of arbitrary arrest?"
Denmark: Member of Parliament raises Question to Foreign Minister about Article 23
2003-01-27In view of the restrictions on the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of association, which the Chinese government plans to impose on the former British crown colony, what initiatives does the minister propose to take in order to ensure that the citizens of Hong Kong, which was handed over to the Chinese rulers in 1997, can continue to preserve their civil rights?
Amnesty International Magazine Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-23'Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested. Several dozen have been convicted and imprisoned after unfair trials. Thousands have been assigned, without any judicial process, to 're-education through labour'. And several hundred may have died as a result of torture.'
British FCO Minister Comments on Article 23 of the Basic Law, "The Devil is in the Details"
2003-01-21The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Minister, Mr. Bill Rammell strongly expressed ..that the British government hopes the special district government will conduct a thorough and wide consultation and proceed with caution on the enactment process; otherwise the international community will have less confidence in Hong Kong, which would have negative impact on Hong Kong.
Corrieredella Sera (Italian Newspaper): Article about the Peaceful Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-19'Falun Gong practitioners held a vigil outside the Chinese Embassy for two days, to appeal against the cruel torture of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Four Chinese women participated in this worldwide activity today to protest against Jiang Zemin, [..] who outlawed the meditation practice of Falun Gong in 1999.'
The Irish Examiner: Spiritual protest at Chinese Embassy
2003-01-17PRACTITIONERS of the Falun Gong spiritual movement protested outside the Chinese Embassy yesterday over the alleged torture of fellow practitioners. They claim 46 people have died in labour camps in China since last November
Super Express (Polish Newspaper): Sitting Protest Demonstration: Poles in defence of arrested and persecuted Chinese
2003-01-17'Barefoot, sitting cross-legged, with hands conjoined and eyes closed thats how young Poles, in an act of solidarity with persecuted Chinese practitioners of the ancient practice of Falun Gong, demonstrated yesterday in front of the Chinese embassy. They feared neither the cold nor the falling snow.'
A Letter of Response from Specially Appointed Members of a Human Rights Committee in Russia
2003-01-14"After reading these materials, I think Falun Gong practitioners are walking a road to return to their original, true self."
Russia: Human Rights Protection Centre expresses Respect for Practitioners who follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance
2003-01-13Even though the members of our Centre are not Falun Gong practitioners, we would like to express our deep respects toward practitioners who follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.
Ukraine: Social Orientation and Prospect Research Centre Confirm Falun Gong is Good for Society
2003-01-12We think that Falun Gong is a method of personal cultivation that is beneficial to society. It can improve peoples health and upgrade their moral standards. This practice can beautify peoples hearts, improve interpersonal relationships, eliminate various habits that are harmful to the mind and body, and rectify the adverse effects of certain quasi-religious practices have had on the modern society (especially on young people).
Amnesty International in Germany: Economic reform cant guarantee the improvement of human rights
2003-01-12Amnesty International had appealed for the Prime Minister of the Federation to express his stance during his visit to China from December 29 to 31: anti-terrorism cannot be used as an excuse to harm internationally recognised human rights. Mr. Pleiter warned, Silence will be thought of as acceptance of the Chinese leaders behaviour.
Statement from the French Tibetan Association regarding Article 23 in Hong Kong
2003-01-09"Supporters of the Tibetan cause wholeheartedly join the demonstration against this anti-subversion law in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, basic liberties have been constantly decreased; freedom of thought, freedom of association, freedom of belief...movements like Falun Gong are being repressed more and more...this is why we support all initiatives that defend peoples fundamental right of freedom."