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Mayor of French City Fontenay-sous-Bois Declares His Support Again on the 1st anniversary of Falun Dafa Day
2003-03-07In the afternoon, around one hundred Falun Dafa practitioners celebrated the 1st anniversary of “Falun Dafa Day” in front of the city hall and demonstrated the exercises. The officials from the city hall and a representative of the French Green Party also joined the celebrations.
Reply Letter from the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm to a Swedish Falun Gong practitioner regarding Charles Li
2003-03-01"The United States government shares your concern about the arrest of Charles Li in China."
Letter from the Office to Assist Foreign Nationals in Dusseldorf to the Chinese Ambassador in Germany about Imprisoned Practitioner Lin Wenrong
2003-02-28"Since we in Germany hear more and more incidents of torture in Chinese police detention facilities, we are imploring you to please have this incident investigated specifically and intervene on our behalf, to affect the release of Mrs. Lin."
Extract from Dutch Magazine Ode about Falun Gong at the World Social Forum in Brazil
2003-02-28'Canadian Nicole Milots stand draws a lot of attention. Not surprising, considering that she and her colleagues continually offer demonstrations of Falun Gong...With her eyes closed, Milot gives a demonstration. Her serene laugh speaks volumes: My heart has changed and Im no longer as agitated. There is more peace in my life.'
Spain: Christmas and New Year wishes from the Spanish President and Other Government Officials (part 2)
2003-02-27During the recent Christmas and New Year celebrations, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners received more than 20 greeting cards and letters, from many prominent figures, including the Spanish President. Here are some extracts from the cards received.
Spain: Practitioners Receive Festive Wishes from the Spanish President and Other Government Officials
2003-02-26During the recent Christmas and New Year celebrations, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners received more than 20 greeting cards and letters, from many prominent figures, including the Spanish President. Here are some extracts from the cards received.
Letter from the Office of Václav Havel, the President of the Czech Republic
2003-02-24"Please aware that the President is strongly concerned about the state of human rights in China. Therefore he keeps himself informed about the events in China on a regular basis. The human rights should be understood as universal and the violation of them condemned wherever it may occur."
A Letter from the Spanish President's Office: The main task of our foreign policy is to defend human rights
2003-02-23"I have received your letter to the President dated 9th Dec. 2002 regarding the legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong that has damaged basic human rights. We are very concerned about this and have studied it carefully."
Amnesty International Statement Regarding Dr. Charles Li
2003-02-23"Amnesty International is investigating the recent detention of Dr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen, by Chinese authorities...Amnesty International is also concerned about Dr. Li's health and is seeking assurances from the Chinese government that he is not being ill-treated."
Letter from Friends of Falun Gong Europe to Beijing Law Firms calling for the Release of Charles Li
2003-02-23"We appeal to you to allow Mr. Li the right to defend himself in a court of law, and to allow the correct judicial procedures to exonerate him from any wrongdoing, and to have him released immediately in the name of human rights."
Letter from British Playwright to the BBC
2003-02-22Tinch Minter is a Cambridge-based playwright. After learning about the Jiang regimes brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, she chose to portray her sympathy and concern by composing a play for two relatives of UK Dafa practitioners who are currently being illegally detained in China.
Question on Chinas Human Rights raised in the Swedish Parliament
2003-02-18"Any form of organisation that holds a critical attitude toward the government will be relentlessly suppressed. Other organisations, which comment on Tibet or Taiwan are also oppressed. We all know that Falun Gong is being cruelly persecuted in China. This indicates the seriousness of the persecution there."
France: Officials and Parliamentarians Send New Year Greetings to the French Falun Dafa Association
2003-02-18 -
Letters of Reply from UK MPs concerning Hong Kong's Article 23
2003-02-16"In addition, the Union has on several occasions undertaken formal demarches to express concern about report of torture and ill treatment of followers of the Falun Gong movement who have been arrested, and has urged China to review harsh sentences imposed on them...Concern about the violations of the human rights of the followers of Falun Gong was also expressed in the conclusions of the General Affairs Council on Human Rights in China in March 2002."
Spanish Senator declares his Support for the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-14"After hearing about and understanding the details of the plight of Falun Gong practitioners in China, I will insist on my stance and continue to respect their belief and guard their rights of expression."