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Geneva Newsletter: A Criminal Complaint will be Filed Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-25The former head of China, Jiang Zemin, could be sued in a Swiss Court for his persecution of Falun Gong under such crimes as torture, crimes against humanity and genocide. Lawyer Philip Grant: I was given the mandate by several victims of Chinese repression to prepare a criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin, which will be filed before a competent prosecuting authority here in Switzerland when -- and if -- Jiang Zemin will ever set foot on Swiss territory again.
Epoch Times: The UK Government is Concerned with Hong Kong's Enactment of Article 23
2003-03-25'Bill Rammell, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, expressed the UK governments concern over the enactment of Hong Kongs Article 23 of the Basic Law at a United Nations press conference in Geneva on 20th March 2003. He stressed that the guarantee of HKs prosperity is based on freedom of speech and the media.'
The European Union Makes a Further Request for Close Attention to be paid to Human Rights in China
2003-03-25According to a report from the BBC on March 19 2003, the European Union again expressed their concerns about human rights in China. It was also mentioned in the report that the way China treats Falun Gong practitioners has caused criticism from the International society.
Global Coalition Against Article 23 Holds a Forum at the United Nations Building
2003-03-25On the afternoon of March 19th, a Forum on the Global Protest Against the Article 23 Legislation was held inside the UN Building. This was the second forum on human rights violations in China held during the 59th UN Commission on Human Rights, and it portrayed a worldwide concern for the situation in China and called on the Chinese government to start to respect human rights.
UK MP Concerned Over Suppression of Falun Gong in HK Under Article 23 Legislation
2003-03-24Mr. Nigel Jones, a member of the UK Parliament (House of Commons) tabled a written parliamentary question to the UK Foreign minister regarding the Chinese Government's attempts, under [the] Article 23 legislation to curtail the practice of Falun Gong in Hong Kong without consultation with the people of Hong Kong and asked whether this is in contravention of safeguards given to the people of Hong Kong when the territory was returned to China.
Swedish and Danish MEPs Send Letter to Hong Kong Government Expressing Concerns Over Article 23
2003-03-23"The proposed legislation concerning article 23 of the Basic Law has shocked the international community. This legislation appears to far exceed the requirements of protecting nation security at the expense of individual freedoms. ... More worrying are recent comments from the vice premier Qian Qi Chen on National television when he stated the Hong Kong must pass the article 23 legislation so that Falun Gong can be banned in the territory."
Epoch Times: UN Meets With Falun Gong Investigative Organization and Receives List of Persecutors In China
2003-03-23'Today's submission is another step in the recent actions of Falun Gong practitioners, lawyers and international organizations to prosecute Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for the persecution of Falun Gong.'
Mission to Investigate the Criminal Conduct of Organisations and Individuals Involved in the Persecution of Falun Gong, Begins Outside the United Nations in Geneva
2003-03-21For the third time this week, Falun Gong practitioners appealed at the Palais des Nations against the persecution of Falun Gong in China...Representatives from different organisations voiced their support and condemned the extremely serious human rights violations happening in China at present.
European Friends of Falun Gong Speech at Press Conference Outside the UN
2003-03-20"We appeal in the strongest possible terms for all nations of the UN to help bring to an end the persecution. We appeal to everyone with a human heart to unite in the face of extreme adversity, and to show the Chinese government that it will not succeed in its unjust struggle against good."
More Details of MEP Marco Pannella`s Question to the European Commission on the Persecution against Falun Gong in China
2003-03-17"Considering that since 1999: - according to public and well-known information provided by the Falun Dafa Information Centre, Amnesty International and other major international and national NGOs, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the leader of China, has begun the persecution of the more than 100 million people Falun Gong practitioners..."
Germany: Letter from the Chairman of Duisburg City Committee to the Mayor of Wuhan City, Calling for the Release of Lin Wenrong
2003-03-16After talking with the practitioners, the Chairman of the City Committee wrote a letter to the Mayor of Wuhan City, telling him about Lins arrest. He voiced his sympathy and concern for Lin who might easily be suffering from torture and ill-treatment. In his letter, he also mentioned how worried Lins friends are about her detention, and that he would try every possible means to help her return to Dusseldorf as soon as possible.
MEP Tables Question to European Commission on the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2003-03-15Pannella denounces the fact that the crusade launched by Jang Zemin in 1999 now affects 100 million followers of Falun Gong, and has already led to hundreds of deaths, thousands of barbaric episodes of torture and the imprisonment of tens of thousands of people, as denounced by Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch and the Falun Dafa Center of New York.
Simon Murphy MEP Shows Concern for the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China and the Issue of Article 23 in Hong Kong
2003-03-11"I share your concerns over the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I would like to inform you that the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office together with the global European Commission Delegations and the Diplomatic Missions of the European Union follow closely human rights issues around the world."
Letter to Irish MP from Minister of Foreign Affairs
2003-03-10"Ireland will seek to ensure that the human rights situation in China, including that of followers of Falun Gong, is adequately addressed in any statement made by the EU at the forthcoming 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, to be held in Geneva in March/ April 2003."
Epoch Times: Repatriation Has Been Suspended; Lili Lin Will Soon Be Released
2003-03-10'It was verified that Mrs Lins lawyer has appealed on human rights grounds against the decision of the Home Office to repatriate her. Hence, the legal procedures of the case have now started and the repatriation procedure was terminated on the same day. It is expected that Mrs Lin will be released early this week.'