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Origin of the Chinese Idiom, “Even if I Wanted to Stop, I Couldn't Do It Now”
2004-03-05Yan Hui was born into the warring state of Lu. He and his father Yi Lu went to study under Confucius. After studying under Confucius for a while, Yan Hui said with a deep sigh, “The more I looked up at IT-the Master’s word, the higher IT soared. The deeper I bore down into IT, the harder IT becomes. I saw IT in front; but suddenly IT is behind. Step by step the Master skillfully lures one on. He had broadened my thinking with ancient and modern classics, restrained my actions with ritual. Even if I wanted to stop, I could not do it now. And when at times I have exhausted all of my powers, still something seems to stand majestically before me; yet though I long to pursue IT, I can find no way of getting to IT at all.”
Ancient Stories from China: The Forewarning of Zhang Cheng’s Talking Bull
2004-03-03Unusual and strange phenomena are often taken as the gods’ forewarning of calamities. A newspaper in China published a news report how a local family had recently bought a gardenia that could make sound like a cricket. I looked up Chinese historic records and found a similar story. But the ancient story isn’t about a talking flower but rather about a talking bull. I hope that this story will inspire everyone to reflect upon the current situation in China.
Poem: Before the Lord Buddha
2004-03-03The gaze of infinite dignity draws my unworthy eye,Compassion washes away the shame of sins gone by.In boundless grace, good thoughts blossom and grow bright,As selfishness dissolves in true awakening’s light...
Stories from Ancient China: Jiang Jiao
2004-03-02When he was younger, before he attained power, Jiang Jiao enjoyed hunting. One day while hunting, he came across a monk. The monk said, “Please spare me some food.” Jiang Jiao had his servants bring the monk some meat. After the monk finished eating the meat and left, surprisingly, the meat was still there and looking completely untouched. Jiang Jiao ordered his men to catch up to the monk and bring him back.
Megastar-Birth Cluster is Biggest, Brightest and Hottest Ever Seen
2004-03-02The so-called Lynx arc is one million times brighter than the well-known Orion Nebula, a nearby prototypical star-birth region visible with small telescopes. The newly identified supercluster contains a million blue-white stars that are twice as hot as similar stars found in our Milky Way galaxy. It is a rarely seen example of the early days of the universe where furious firestorms of star birth blazed across the skies. The spectacular cluster's opulence is dimmed when seen from Earth only because it is twelve billion light-years away.
Music: Mountains and Rivers
2004-02-29 -
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The Taoist Huangpu Tan
2004-02-29Emperor Gao Zong summoned Huangpu Tan to the imperial court and asked what methods he uses to cure diseases. Huangpu Tan then answered, “A heart with no pursuit makes the body peaceful and healthy. An emperor with no pursuit makes all under the sky well maintained and ordered.” Satisfied with the doctor’s answer, Huangpu Tan was led to the Palace of Benevolent Tranquillity, where the Emperor’s mother resided, to treat her eye disease. The disease was immediately cured. The emperor was very pleased and offered him many gifts. But the doctor accepted none.
Poem: A Dedication to Dafa
2004-02-28The splendour of a morning at first light, Sweet sounds of bird song greeting the new dawn…Standing on a mountain summit looking out upon farthest horizons, Sun glistening across the expanse of a turquoise ocean…
The Nasca Lines
2004-02-28On a lonely stretch of the Pan-American Highway, 275 miles south of Lima, Peru, lies a town called Nasca. The town sits in the Pampa region, a desolate plain on the northern tip of the Atacama Desert. What makes this area unique is the Nasca Lines -- a spider’s-web of lines and shapes crisscrossing 250 square miles of bone-dry desert. Their origin and purpose has baffled scientists and laymen alike since their “discovery” in the 1920s.
Germany: Audience are Touched by Dance Performance Entitled "Release Xiong Wei"
2004-02-27On February the 6th 2004, as part of her university course, a German practitioner had to perform an original 3-minute dance. The song this practitioner picked was “Free Xiong Wei.” A Professor mentioned that because the performance had touched the examiners’ hearts, they hoped that Xiong Wei will be rescued from China and have a bright future.The examination panel awarded this dance first place for excellence and artistic merit.
Poem: Lantern
2004-02-27Master bearing the lantern,Guiding our way home. A most resplendent lightThrough countless winters,Eternal seasons entwined.
Music: A Magnificent Era
2004-02-27 -
Music: A Magnificent Era
2004-02-26 -
Stories from Ancient China: Chu Shi’s Recovery
2004-02-26What are dreams? Modern medical science claims that dreams occur as our cerebral cortex experiences changes. Yet many dreamers assert that they have indeed seen the future, or hints of the future, whilst dreaming. Some claim that they saw certain scenes or people in their dreams, and later on these occurrences did indeed become a reality. Modern science has failed to explain such phenomena. In this series, “Dreams and Reality,” we will describe some of the bizarre dreams that have been recorded in history but science has failed to explain.
Poem: In the Light of Days End
2004-02-25From turquoise skies,Oceans that mirror times forgotten… Worlds rising, shifting sands towards other shores, Closer, yet distant as further horizons subside… Where sentient beings calling and hearts descend, Awakening now in the night of days end.