Art and Culture
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Bookmark Design: Young Girl Meditates
2003-12-19 -
Bookmark: Truthfulness-Compassion-Endurance with Heavenly Beauty
2003-12-18 -
Poem: Ages Upon Ages
2003-12-18Awaiting aeons for this moment, Having journeyed along so many roads.Lifetimes until now, The day where darkness meets resolve, Where every facet of ourselves refined to become flawless.
Painting: Righteous Gods Assist in the Fa-rectification
2003-12-17 -
Drawing: Torture by Confinement
2003-12-16 -
Graphic Design: Washington Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-12-15 -
Cracks in Earth’s Magnetic Field Open for Hours
2003-12-15"We've discovered that our magnetic shield is drafty, like a house with a window stuck open during a storm," says Harald Frey of the University of California, Berkeley, lead author of a paper on this research published Dec. 4 in Nature. "The house deflects most of the storm, but the couch is ruined. Similarly, our magnetic shield takes the brunt of space storms, but some energy slips through its cracks, sometimes enough to cause problems with satellites, radio communication, and power systems."
Bookmark Design: Law Wheel, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Heavenly Beauty
2003-12-14 -
Poem: Song of Spring
2003-12-14Behold, our winters lifting, Let the light of the grandest suns emerge!When the last vestige of resistance subsides, Futile before many a wakeful heart.
Painting: Lonely River
2003-12-13 -
Study Shows Earthlike Planets Might Be Common
2003-12-13Although astrobiologists disagree whether advanced life is common or rare in our universe, a new study suggests there may be many Earthlike candidate planets. The University of Washington study involved 44 computer simulations of planet formation near a sun. Astronomers found each simulation produced one to four Earthlike planets.
Drawings: Lotus, Heavenly Beauty, Blossom Tree
2003-12-12 -
Graphic Design: Two Postcards
2003-12-11 -
Music Composed by a UK Dafa Practitioner: "The Great Tang Dynasty's Brilliance"
2003-12-10Download an MP3 version
Drawing: Falun Gong Practitioner Forced to Sign the "Three Statements"