Art and Culture
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Archaeological Findings: Prehistoric Man of 160,000 Years Ago Resembles People of Today
2004-01-05The archaeological team, under the direction of Dr. Tim White from the University of California, found that the fossilised partial skulls were dated to be 160,000 years old. They were found in what is today central Ethiopia, and include the skulls of two adults and one 6 or 7 year old child. The fossilised partial skulls look very similar to those of modern human beings. The facial character of the skulls looks almost the same as modern humans, especially the skull of a child, which has no visible difference from that of a modern child. It was determined the skulls date back to 154,000 to 160,000 years ago.
Badge Design: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance
2004-01-04 -
Poster: Falun Dafa is Good
2004-01-03 -
Painting: A Self-Portrait - “The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos, the Evil Is Completely Eliminated”
2004-01-02 -
Beijing Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Greetings To Master with a Poem
2004-01-02The new cosmos lasts forever. Thank Master's infinite grace, Dafa disciples are retuning to heaven. Exquisite is the magnificent scene
Poem: Extolling Teacher's Grace (A New Year's Greeting to Master Li)
2004-01-01 -
Bookmark Design: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance on a Purple Background
2003-12-31 -
Poem: Fathoms of Silence
2003-12-31Somewhere between waves,Rising toward endless shores, Inside the measure of horizons Touching the blue of our known firmament.
Drawing: Police Officers Beat a Female Falun Gong Practitioner
2003-12-30 -
Poem: Regeneration
2003-12-30Horizons come light, clouds departing, A new dawn awakens where darkness reigns no more. Worlds turning, embracing virtue, While others now wither and fall.
Art: Two A4 Calendar Covers
2003-12-29 -
Graphic Design: A New Year's Card Designed by a Danish Falun Gong Practitioner to all Friends Who Support Falun Gong
2003-12-28 -
The Discovery of the World’s Earliest Sculpture
2003-12-28The location of the carvings indicate that at that time humans mostly inhabited the area the Danube River and that the artistry at that period is very different from ours today. This discovery completely overthrows the traditional idea that art developed gradually from that of the primitive and rough style to the fine, contemporary craftsmanship today. "It seems that the first modern humans in Europe were astonishingly precocious in their skills," says Sinclair.
Graphic Design: Introduction Card for Falun Gong
2003-12-27 -
Poem: Deep in the Depths of the Emerald Forest
2003-12-27Deep in the heart of the Emerald Forest lies the quiet pulse of 1000 jade dragons.Ruby snowflakes cap the tips of sapphire mountains,While Diamond Waterfalls cascade down like the sands of time.Many ancient mysteries and wonders call this forest home.Suspended high above lays a golden palace governed by a king and queen.