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Poem: No More Lies
2006-12-26No more liesand precious lives takenno more ‘party’* brutalityand countless hearts forsaken.No more crimesand vicious campaignsno more ‘party’ tricksand its endless reign.
Poem: Homecoming
2006-12-25Of billowed sailhorizons brightfrom tempest to calmest seas.Of purest heartwith shores in sightone voyage and homecoming to be.
Stories from Ancient China: Marquis Wen of the Wei State, a Man of His Word
2006-12-24Marquis Wen (44 -396 B.C.) was the first leader of the state of Wei in the Warring States Period in China. Because he treated others with honesty and conviction, he was esteemed by people from all walks of life. The state of Wei prospered quickly under his administration. [Note: He was one of the first leaders to implement professional training for his soldiers with the use of bells, drums, and gongs to control their maneuvers.]
Stories from Ancient China: Maintaining One's Integrity and Keeping One's Wife
2006-12-23Yan Zi immediately stood up and replied respectfully, "My wife is old and ugly now, but she was young and beautiful once and we have been together for a long time. When she was young and beautiful, she trusted me that we would be together until we died. She trusted me with her life, and I accepted her trust. Now you want to give me your daughter, but how can I violate her trust?" Yan Zi bowed to the king again and again to decline.
Poem: No More Lies
2006-12-22No more liesand precious lives takenno more ‘party’ brutalityand countless hearts forsaken.No more crimesand vicious campaignsno more ‘party’ tricksand its endless reign.
Painting: Abuse
2006-12-20The scene in this painting is based on a true story about an American Falun Gong practitioner who traveled to China to appeal to the Chinese government to stop its persecution of Falun Gong. She was arrested, physically abused by police, and then was expelled from China.
Poem: Buddha's Whisper
2006-12-19Be quiet the stillBe knowing the heartCome closer to meYou will not part
Stories from Ancient China: Controlling Oneself and Suppressing Anger
2006-12-18Xia Yuanji was the Secretary of the Internal Ministry in the Ming Dynasty. He was a person with a tolerant mind. Once someone asked him: "Can one learn your tolerance?" He said: "When I was young, I was always very angry when someone upset me. Later I first tried to control myself and appeared calm on the outside, while I slowly calmed myself down within. Gradually I found that I was able to control myself well on all occasions."
Poem: This is the 'Party'
2006-12-17Behind China’s doorsthe shadows reignflags raised to feartoo many hands bloodstained.This is the ‘party’ and its endless liesthis is China under a ruthless disguise.
Stories from Ancient China: Making Honesty and Keeping Promises a Priority
2006-12-15Xu Shaoyu was from Qiantang. In early August of the third year of Guang Xu, he borrowed one hundred silver coins from Yi Zhai. They did not write a receipt. Instead, they orally agreed that the money would be returned one year later. In August of the next year, Xu Shaoyu was critically ill. In his last moment, he had been talking to himself while lying in bed, "It is almost time for me to return the money. What should I do if I die?"
Painting: Why
2006-12-14This painting is based on a true story. A mother and son were arrested in China simply because they practice Falun Gong. Being beaten, the boy held back his tears asking: Why? Why did the policemen beat my mum and me?
Poem: Cultivating in the Maze
2006-12-13Amidst a tribulation, lost and tornFor weeks, my xinxing hesitates to climbMy heart feels blocked but prays a silent rhyme:Dear zhu yuanshen - awaken and conformTo what the Fa requires, not the norm.Each move I make will echo far in timeIn this great epoch, comfort is a crime - Still, knowing this, my heart remains forlorn.
Stories from Ancient China: Keeping One's Word Is Fundamental to Being a Person of Integrity
2006-12-12If a person makes a promise, he should live by the principle of "Truthfulness" and fulfil his promise no matter what. It is a foundation of behaving virtuously. When I read stories about ancient people keeping their word, even at the cost of their lives, I felt great admiration for them from.
Painting: Great Falun Dafa
2006-12-11 -
Painting: Uncompromising Courage
2006-12-10This painting was based on a true story of Mr. Liu Chengjun. Mr. Liu Chengjun was a Falun Gong practitioner from northern China. In March 2002, he was sentenced to 19 years in prison for his involvement in broadcasting programs that exposed the brutality of the persecution against Falun Gong on Chinese television. After 21 months in prison, he was tortured to death.