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Painting: The 'Death Bed'
2004-12-22 -
Stories from Ancient China: A Stubborn Water Bottle
2004-12-22Once upon a time, there was a water vase like ornament in paradise that was used by Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (or Guan Yin) to contain the elixir and a willow twig. The vase had accompanied Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in paradise for thousands of years and always thought that it was very important to Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. However, one day Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara suddenly picked up the water vase and said, “Vase, you have become filthy and may no longer stay in this realm. You must now leave for a different realm appropriate to your level.”
Vocal Duet: A Song for Xiong Wei
2004-12-21Realplayer On-lineRealplayer Download (2.5Kb)MP3 Download (3.4Kb)
Vocal Solo: A New Song for the World
2004-12-20Realplayer On-lineRealplayer Download (3.2Kb)MP3 Download(4.4Kb)
Musical Accompaniment for “Petals of Peace”
2004-12-19Realplayer On-line (3.32)Realplayer Download (1.8Kb)MP3 Download (4.2Kb)
Christmas Card - "Falun Dafa is Good" (Chinese text)
2004-12-18 -
Common Areas in Eastern and Western Culture: The Truth Will Emerge
2004-12-18William Shakespeare, the 16th century literary giant, spoke these words in his play The Merchant of Venice, “Truth will come to light. Murder cannot be hid for long,” It means that the truth of every event will eventually emerge. "Murder will out," a phrase first used in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales but noticed as far back as the ancient Greeks, means that the crime always shows itself.
Christmas Card (Chinese text)
2004-12-17 -
Christmas Card
2004-12-16 -
Vocal Duet: A Song for Xiong Wei
2004-12-15Realplayer On-line (4:50)Realplayer Download (2.5Mb)MP3 Download (3.4Mb)
Scientists Say Our Milky Way is Getting Lonelier
2004-12-14In February of 2004, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) issued an announcement that dark energy indeed exists. According to observation, nearly all galaxies in the universe are receding from our galaxy at an ever-increasing pace. Astronomers think, based on the present understanding, our galaxy will become lonelier.
Painting: Coastline
2004-12-13 -
Interviews with Artists Featured in the “Uncompromising Courage” Exhibit: “The People’s Tribunal” by Kathleen Gillis
2004-12-12I wanted to give the viewers a chance to relate to it and not to think of it as something happening in another country, but rather something happening right here. I remember one time a woman came up to me and she said, “Why don’t you take your problems back to where you came from?” I am Caucasian. She has such a strong impression that this was somebody else’s problem that she didn't even register my ethnic origin. People just want to dismiss it: it is on the other side of the earth and it does not affect them. But it does affect them.
Bookmark: Law Wheel With "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"
2004-12-12 -
Wood Carving: Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Beaten For Appealing for a Stop to the Persecution